英语学习经历作文 我的英语学习经历作文


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1、英语学习经历作文 我的英语学习经历作文(1)

英语学习经历作文 我的英语学习经历作文








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ne possible version:

I' Li Hua fro Xinhua iddle Shool. Now I'd like to share y experiene in pratiin oral Enhsh.

Firstly, I' always

onfident and brave.onfidene is the first step to suess. I seie every prorass in y speakin ability. Throuh this hannel, not only a I kept infored of the urrent by repeated iitation.


1英语作文 学习英语的经历 y experiene of learnin Enlish( 我的英语学习经


When I was at priary shool, I was not interested in Enlish at all. At that tie, y Enlish was very poor. When I beae a iddle shool student, y other asked e to wath Enlish ovies and TV proras, listen to Enlish sons and pratise speakin Enlish with her.

I had soe probles while I was learnin Enlish. I was ood at spoken Enlish, but poor in written Enlish. I used to ake istakes in spellin. Then, I learned seven words by heart every day by oin over the five ties within a day——early in the ornin, after lunh, after shool, after dinner, before oin to bed. As a result, I don't often ake istakes now. Besides, y raar was poor, so when I had tie, I would read y raar book now and then. Althouh it was borin to e, after thinkin of the oodness it would brin, I didn't feel bored any loner.

Enlish is one of y best subjets and I started learnin Enlish when I was ten years old. But at the very beinnin, listenin seeed a little diffiult to e. So I have been doin a lot of listenin pratie, suh as listenin to tapes, wathin

Enlish TV proras. And I found it really helped a lot. In fat, there are soe ore helpful ways to learn Enlish well. For exaple, I enjoy sinin Enlish sons and I want to join an Enlish lub or find a pen pal fro Enlish-speakin ountries. I believe that nothin is ipossible if you put your heart into it.

英语是我最喜欢的科目之一,我十岁就开始学习英语了。但是,一开始听力对我来说似乎有点难,所以我做了很多听力练习,比如听录音,看英语电视节目等等。而且我发现这些方法真的很有用。事实上,还有更多学好英语的有用方法。例如,我喜欢唱英文歌,我想加入英语俱乐部或者找一个英语国家的笔友。我相信如果你用心没有什么的不可能的。 2英语作文how头relax yself120

As for rade 9 students,we et uh stress fro studin for too lon.So it is iportant for us to relax after lass.ost of irls like

shoppin to relax.And ost of boys like playin basketball and playin oputer aes to relax.In y opinion,I think shoppin and playin oputer aes are bad ways to relax.Beause shoppin an waste a lot of oney,and playin oputer aes an ake us short siht.I usually relax by playin basketball.I think it not only an build y body but also an keep fit.What's ore,it an ake e onentrate on y study better.So,I think playin basketball is a ood way to relax after lass.

2, In urrent soiety, people have known the iportane of keepin healthy and ood life habit. In the past, people ate three eals at hoe, and they ate ore veetables and less eat and fish. They were very stron and seldo went to see dotors.

Now life is better, people eat ore eat, fish, es and other food with ore fat. They often o out for ood eals with their failies and friends. But they et easy to be ill, Why?

I think ore eat and fish, less exerise are bad for health. ood rest, less eat and fish, ore veetables and enouh exerise are ood for health. So I exerise every day. y eatin habits are pretty ood. I eat a lot of veetables. I eat fruit and drink ilk every day. I drink a up of

water 1 inutes before eah eal and eat uh veetables and fruit. f ourse, I love junk food, too, and I eat it one a week. And I sleep nine hours every day.

The better we et into ood eatin habits, the happier our life beoes

, 3英语作文 body lanuae

01Body lanuae is one of the ost powerful eans of

ouniation,ofen even ore powerful than spoken lanuae.People around the world show all kinds of feelins,wishes and attitudes that they iht never speak aloud.With so any ultural differenes between people,it is reat to have soe siilarities in body lanuae.We an often be wron about eah other,so it is an aain thin that we

understand eah other as well as we do.Not all ultures reet eah other the sae way,nor are thay ofortable in the sae way with touhin or distane between people.These ations are not ood or bad,but are siply ways in whih ultures have developed.Ihave seen,however,that ultural ustos for body lanuae are very eneral--nor all ebers of a ulture behave in the sae way.In eneral,thouh,studin international ustos an ertainly help avoid diffiulties in today's world of ultural ressroads.

02 Body lanuae is used by people for sendin essaes to one another. It is very useful beause it an help you ake yourself easily understood. When you are talkin with others,you are not just usin words, but also usin expressions and estures. For exaple, wavin one„s hand is to say "ood-bye." A sile and handshake show weloe, and lappin hands eans onratulations. Noddin the head eans areeent, but shakin the head eans disareeent. The estures are aepted both by hinese and foreiners as havin the sae eanins. Different ountries have different body lanuae. For exaple, en in Russia, Frane and Arab ountries kiss eah other when they eet, but en in hina or Australia shake hands instead of kissin. People in Puerto Rio like touhin eah other, but people fro Enlish speakin ountries do not touth eah other. If you touh an Enlish person, you should say "Sorry.„ People in Arab ountries like standin lose to one another when they are talkin, but Enlish people ust keep a distane away when they are talkin. In soe Asian ountries, you ust not touh the head of another person. In Arab ountries, you

eat usin the finers of your riht land;the left hand is not used at all. In parts of Asia you ust not sit with your feet pointin at another person. When you use a forein lanuae, it is very iportant to know the eanins of estures and oveents in the forein ountry. Followin the ustos will help you ouniate with people and ake your stay there uh ore pleasant and ofortable.







4 How to ake A ood Ipression作文

It is iportant to ake a ood ipression on the other people's ind whatever oasions you are in. A ood ipression ay brin you with a lot of surprises,suh as a prootion in your job, a hane of eetin soe reat people. So akin a ood ipression is rather

ruial.Howerver,how to ake a ood ipression? There are soe ways,in y opinion, an take effet when you need to show yourself. First of all,you should dress lean and tidy. ood appearane is vital in any publi eetins.People will first ath a short lipse of your

appearane.After findin that you are a neat uy,they will then be lad to talk to you.Althouh a book an't be juded by its over,to a ertain deree,a person an be told whether he is ood or not by his


02 .akin a ood ipression has beoe ore an ore

iportant to everyone in suh a soiety full of opetition.Thus we should be aware of it.When you have a hat with your friends, you should ake an eye-ontat, listen to what they are sayin arefully,it shows

that you respet the, as a result,you an enjoy a ofortable and wonderfull talk.Silin is also very iportant.Not only an it redue stress of an astoosphere, but it also an let you ake friends easily even thouh he or she is a stranerjooone.o


Never have I forotten the experiene that I took part in a opetition all about

Enlish knowlede.I have been workin really hard in the hope of a satisfyin

result.For three whole days,I was opletely absorbed in the world of

Enlish-novels,exas,speehes,sons,all of it brinin e exiteent,surprise and

enjoyent.The feelin of thorouhly onentratin on soethin was the ost wonderful experiene.Everyone has an equal hane to ake fairy-tales oe

true,as well as to et the happiness that is already ready for you.The only thin you

need to do is take the first step,ake every effort to pursue what you heartily want

and stik to it.Atually,very little is needed to ake a happy life.It is all within

yourself,in your way of thi


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