安吉丽娜·朱莉b级照片 安吉丽娜朱莉孩子照片


篇首语:千里之行,始于足下。改变将来,从现在开始。改变现在,就是改变未来。本文为你选取作文安吉丽娜·朱莉b级照片 安吉丽娜朱莉孩子照片四篇,希望能帮到你。


1、安吉丽娜·朱莉b级照片 安吉丽娜朱莉孩子照片(1)

安吉丽娜·朱莉b级照片 安吉丽娜朱莉孩子照片










现在婚期将近的朱莉,最大的敌意应该不会来自已经ove on的安妮斯顿,换成了希拉里。传联合国难民署特使安吉丽娜·朱莉有意参加2016美国总统大选,这对选民来说,可比影星里根和施瓦辛格从政刺激多了,艳光美女加盟总统竞选大秀得多养眼啊,可以想象大热门希拉里无论胜算多少,风头因此缺斤少两是肯定的。加上希拉里本人经历设定立场痛恨小三上位,现在更加视之为眼中钉。无论如何,如果朱莉加盟,2016年美国总统大选这场秀就嗨了啊。安吉丽娜·朱莉b级照片.





安吉丽娜·朱莉(Anelina Jolie,197年6月4日-),美国好莱坞著名演员,社会活动家。毕业于美国纽约大学电影学系。安吉丽娜·朱莉200年当选世界著名男性杂志《男人帮》一年一度的百大性感女星排行榜第1位。 其所参演的电影

功夫熊猫2 (Kun Fu Panda2)(2011)

游客 (The Tourist)(2010)又名《致命伴旅》

特工绍特 (Salt)(2010)

通缉令 (Wanted) 又名 杀神特工 、刺客联盟 (200)

换子疑云 (hanelin) (200)又名《调包婴儿》

功夫熊猫 (Kun Fu Panda) (200) 配音

贝奥武夫 (Beowulf) (2007)

坚强的心 (A ihty Heart) (2007)

特务风云 (The ood Shepherd) (2006)安吉丽娜·朱莉b级照片.

史密斯夫妇 (r. and rs. Sith) (200)

亚历山大大帝 (Alexander) (2004)

空军上校和未来世界 (Sky aptain and the World of Toorrow) (2004)

鲨鱼故事 (Shark Tale) (2004)

机动杀人 (Takin Lives) (2004)

超越边界 (Beyond Borders) (2003)

古墓丽影2 (Lara roft Tob Raider: The radle of Life) (2003)

天算不如人算 (Life or Soethin Like It) (2002)

原罪 (riinal Sin) (2001)

古墓丽影 (Lara roft: Tob Raider) (2001)

证据拼图 (Without Evidene) (atherin Evidene) (2000)

极速60秒(致命60秒)(one in Sixty Seonds) (2000)安吉丽娜·朱莉b级照片.

女生向前走(移魂女郎) (irl Interrupted) (1999)

神秘拼图(人骨拼图/拾骨者)(The Bone olletor) (1999)

空中塞车 (Pushin Tin) (1999)

地狱兄弟 (Hells Kithen) (199)

霓裳情挑(吉娅)(ia) (199)

随心所欲 (Playin by Heart) (199)

洛城疑云 (Playin od) (1997)

风云传奇 (eore Wallae) (1997)

真正的女人 (True Woen) (1997)

摩哈维的月亮 (ojave oon) (1996)

爱总如此 (Love Is All There Is) (1996)

恶女帮 ( Foxfire) (1996)

无证可寻 (Without Evidene)(199)

黑客 (Hakers) (199)

电子人2 (ybor)(1993)

安吉拉/爱丽丝&Viril (Anela / Alie , Viril) (1993 )

朴克误我卅年 ( Lookinto et ut) (192)

篇三:《深读 · 人物丨我是安吉丽娜·朱莉,今年41岁》

深读 · 人物丨我是安吉丽娜·朱莉,今年41岁 每个人都有两张面孔,一个天使,一个魔鬼,习惯于用天使这张面孔示人的那些人,我们统称为好人,而经常带着魔鬼面具的人就是我们口中的坏人。即使在社会文明发展到今天这个高阶时段,我们还是会根据一个人平时的综合表现笼统地给他人贴上“好人”或者“坏人”的标签。可是有一个人,我们却一直给她下不了定语,她时而乖张暴戾如魔鬼,时而又温和大爱如天使,她就是——安吉丽娜·朱莉。

恶 魔 篇







公开表示“尝过所有的毒品后,发现最爱的是海洛因”; 她被邀请去饰演邦女郎时,高呼自己想演邦德;


Anelina Jolie 安吉丽娜·朱莉

"Jolie" redirets here. For other uses, see Jolie (disabiuation). Anelina Jolie

Born Anelina Jolie Voiht

June 4, 197

Los Aneles, alifornia, U.S.


Years ative

Spouse Atress, diretor, huanitarian 192; 1993–present Jonny Lee iller(1996–1999)

Billy Bob Thornton(2000–2003)


Parents Brad Pitt(200–present; 6 hildren) Jon Voiht

arheline Bertrand(deeased)

Relatives Jaes Haven(brother)

hip Taylor(unle)

Anelina Jolie (born Anelina Jolie Voiht on June 4, 197) is an Aerian atress. She has reeived an Aadey Award, two Sreen Ators uild Awards, and three olden lobe Awards. Jolie prootes huanitarian auses, and is noted for her work with refuees as a oodwill Abassador for the United Nations Hih oissioner for Refuees (UNHR). She has been ited as one of the world's ost attrative people, as well as the world's "sexiest" and "ost beautiful"

woan, titles for whih she has reeived substantial edia attention. Althouh she ade her sreen debut as a hild with her father Jon Voiht in the 192 fil Lookin' to et ut, Jolie's atin areer bean in earnest a deade later with the low-budet prodution ybor 2 (1993). Her first leadin role in a ajor fil was in the yber-thriller Hakers (199). She starred in the ritially alaied bioraphial television fils eore Wallae (1997) and ia (199), and won an Aadey Award for Best Supportin Atress for her perforane in the draa irl, Interrupted (1999). Jolie ahieved wider fae after her portrayal of video ae heroine Lara roft in Lara roft: Tob Raider (2001), and sine then has established herself as one of the best-known and hihest-paid atresses in Hollywood. She reeived further ritial alai for her perforanes in the draas A ihty Heart (2007) and hanelin (200), whih earned her a noination for an Aadey Award for Best Atress, and reinfored her reputation as a leadin ation star with the oi book adaptation Wanted (200) and the ation-thriller Salt (2010). Jolie has had her biest oerial suesses with the ation-oedy r. & rs. Sith (200) and the aniated fil Kun Fu Panda (200). Divored fro ators Jonny Lee iller and Billy Bob Thornton, Jolie urrently lives with ator Brad Pitt, in a relationship that has attrated worldwide edia attention. Jolie and Pitt have three adopted hildren, addox, Pax, and ahara, and three bioloial hildren, Shiloh, Knox, and


Early life and faily

Born in Los Aneles, alifornia, Jolie is the dauhter of ators Jon Voiht and arheline Bertrand. She is the sister of ator Jaes Haven, niee of siner-sonwriter hip Taylor, and oddauhter of ators Jaqueline Bisset and axiilian Shell. n her father's side, Jolie is of eran and Slovak desent, and on her other's side, she is of Frenh anadian and Iroquois anestry. However, Voiht has laied Bertrand was "not seriously Iroquois", and they erely said it to enhane her exoti bakround.

After her parents' separation in 1976, Jolie and her brother were raised by their other, who abandoned her atin abitions and oved with the to Palisades, New York. As a hild, Jolie reularly saw ovies with her other and later explained that this had inspired her interest in atin; she had not been influened by her father. When she was eleven years old, the faily oved bak to Los Aneles. Jolie then deided she wanted to at and enrolled at the Lee Strasber Theatre Institute, where she trained for two years and appeared in several stae produtions. At the ae of 14, she dropped out of her atin lasses and aspired to beoe a funeral diretor. Durin this period, she wore blak lothin,

experiented with knife play, and went out oshin with her live-in boyfriend. Two years later, after the relationship had ended, she rented an apartent above a arae a few bloks fro her other's hoe. She returned to theatre studies and raduated fro hih shool a year early, thouh in reent ties she has referred to this period with the observation, "I a still at heart—and always will be—just a punk kid with tattoos".

She later realled her tie as a student at Beverly Hills Hih Shool as one of feelin isolated aon the hildren of soe of the area's affluent failies; Jolie's other survived on a ore odest inoe, and Jolie often wore seond-hand lothes. She was teased by other students, who tareted her for her distintive features, for bein extreely thin, and for wearin lasses and braes. Her self-estee was further diinished when her initial attepts at odelin proved unsuessful. She started to ut herself; later oentin, "I olleted knives and always had ertain thins around. For soe reason, the ritual of havin ut yself and feelin the pain, aybe feelin alive, feelin soe kind of release, it was soehow therapeuti to e."

Jolie was estraned fro her father for any years. The two tried to reonile and he appeared with her in Lara roft: Tob Raider (2001). In July 2002, Jolie filed a request to leally hane her nae to "Anelina Jolie", droppin Voiht as her surnae; the nae hane was ade

offiial on Septeber 12, 2002. In Auust of the sae year, Voiht laied that his dauhter had "serious ental probles" on Aess Hollywood. Jolie later indiated that she no loner wished to pursue a relationship with her father, sayin, "y father and I don't speak. I don't hold any aner toward hi. I don't believe that soebody's faily beoes their blood. Beause y son's adopted, and failies are earned." She stated that she did not want to publiie her reasons for her estraneent fro her father, but beause she had adopted her son addox, she did not think it was healthy for her to assoiate with Voiht. In February 2010, Jolie publily reunited with her father when he visited her on the set of The Tourist in Venie.


Early work: 1993–1997

Jolie bean workin as a fashion odel when she was 14 years old, odelin ainly in Los Aneles, New York and London. Durin that tie she appeared in several usi videos, naely Lenny Kravit' "Stand by y Woan" (1991), Antonello Venditti's "Alta area" (1991), The Leonheads' "It's About Tie" (1993), and eat Loaf's "Rok & Roll Dreas oe Throuh" (1993). At the ae of 16, Jolie returned to theatre and played her first role as a eran doinatrix. She bean to learn fro her father, as she notied his ethod of observin people to






























