功夫熊猫观后感300字 功夫熊猫3


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1、功夫熊猫观后感300字 功夫熊猫3(1)

功夫熊猫观后感300字 功夫熊猫3













Kun Fu Panda is a lay panda, he works in a sall store, one day he went to a seletion of draon to a teple of the opetitors, in oinidene lay panda was hosen as the Draon ontender, first everybody doesn't like the panda, beause he is very lay, he didn't like learnin kun fu, but we have no way to deal with hi.A few days later, the teaher found that the pandas like one thin - eatin, panda like eatin very uh. In order to eat he an do anythin, the teaher by trainin this way it, finally beoe a first-lass aster of Kun Fu panda.

It is ainly a fat panda dreas of beoin a kun fu aster, and a oinidene that drea beoe a reality. f ourse we need experiened a series of diffiult to ahieve suess.

In the ovie what ipressed e ost was the fil in a series of hinese eleents, fro the nae we an know it is this. f ourse, not only have kun fu, and other hinese eleents. In this fil, everywhere is full of eaninful dialoues.Suh as"To ake soethin speial, you just have to believe it's speial."

See the "Kun Fu Panda > I think as lon as you work hard, everyone an sueed








At one fuy-wuy and industrial strenth, the taky-soundin “Kun Fu Panda” is hih onept with a heart. Even better, this aniated feature fro DreaWorks is so onsistently divertin and visually arrestin that it sueeds in transendin its storybook lihés. The tale has the onsisteny of baby pablu — it’s nutritious and easy on the us — but there’s enouh beauty and pitorial wit here fro openin to end redits, enouh feelin for the art and for the freedo of aniation, that you ay not are.

The panda of the title is Po, a enerously proportioned ound of roly-poly blak-and-white fun voied with ratifyin restraint by Jak Blak. You know the next turn in the road as well as any Disney-and-Pixar-weaned 7-year-old: Po is different, Po has a drea, Po has to strule and so forth. Po also has a lovin father, naturally (and no other, preditably), a loosey-neked oosey, r. Pin (Jaes Hon), who runs a noodle shop that he hopes his son will take over one day. Po’s unlikely passion for kun fu intervenes, leadin hi out of the noodle shop and into the etaphori hot pot, whereupon he kiks, runts and roans toward his destiny aid the usual lutter of olorful sidekiks and one nasty foe (Ian Shane, rrr).

For an ostensible outsider, Po onfors very uh to failiar aniated-ovie type. Like Neo and the rest of his artoon brethren, he needs to ebark on the hero’s journey, whih he does with help fro a isellany of pals voied by the usual A- and B-listers. Aon those nudin and uidin Po is aster oway (Randall Duk Ki), an anient turtle with a ellifluous voie and lon, liquid nek who, u, invented kun fu and now serves as the spiritual adviser (Yoda) to an elite squad, inludin a kun fu aster, the ustahioed red panda Shifu (Dustin Hoffan), and his students, the Furious Five: Tiress (Anelina Jolie), Viper (Luy Liu), onkey (Jakie han), rane (David ross) and antis (Seth Roen).

The sreenplay by Jonathan Aibel and lenn Berer is ho-hu without bein insultin, a rab ba of entle jokes, sae letures, helpful lessons and kiky fihts. There is none of the self-onsious knowin that harateries the Pixar fatory, whih akes the whole thin see either winninly innoent or terribly ynial, dependin on your ood and worldview. I’ll o with innoent, at least on first viewin, beause while “Kun Fu Panda” is ertainly very safe, its underlyin sweetness feels ore enuine than not. The Ayn Randesque botto line of Pixar’s “Inredibles” an be diffiult to arue with — naely, if everybody is speial, no one is — but the heroi outsider has his own durable appeal, partiularly if he’s a reat bi bounin ball of fat and fu.

That outsider is even ore irresistible when nestled aid so uh lovinly reated aniation, both oputer enerated and hand drawn. The ain story, exeuted via 3-D aniation (all done on oputers) and direted by John Stevenson and ark sborne, fluidly interates oreous, ipressionisti flourishes with the kind of hyper-real details one has oe to expet fro oputer-enerated iaery: photorealistially textured stone steps, for instane, and fur so invitinly tatile you want to run your finers throuh it. ne of the pleasures of “Kun Fu Panda” is that instead of tryin to ii the entirety of the world as it exists, it uses the touh of the real. The harater desins ay be anatoially orret, but they’re artoons fro whisker to tail.

In the end, what hars the ost about “Kun Fu Panda” is that it doesn’t feel as if it’s tryin to be a live-ation fil. It’s an aniation throuh and throuh, startin with the stunninly beautiful openin drea sequene, a raphially bold hand-drawn interlude rendered by Jaes Baxter that looks like an aniated woodblok print with slashes of blak and swaths of oxblood red. This opener is so strikin and so visually different fro ost ainstrea Aerian aniations that it takes a while to settle into the ore visually failiar look of the rest of the ovie. And while nothin that oes afterward really opares to it, a volley of arrows that falls down like red rain and a deliate swirl of pink petals oe delihtfully lose.

“Kun Fu Panda” is rated P (Parental uidane suested). But not required.


































