travel作文 travel作文50
篇首语:聪明在于勤奋,天才在于积累。本文为你选取作文travel作文 travel作文50四篇,希望能帮到你。
travel作文 travel作文50
【关于旅游】 It is exitin to visit different plaes. As you travel, you will see beautiful seneries typial of the reion. Besides, you an eet and ake friends with people of different olors and raes. Finally, you an et to know the ustos and livin habits of the loal people. Today people are so fond of travelin that touris has beoe one of the faster rowin industries in ost ountries.
The ain reason why people travel is, perhaps, for pleasure. For exaple, havin worked hard throuhout the weekdays, people will find a widened trip to the nearby ountains or beahes a real relaxation. For another exaple, spendin an annual holiday travelin abroad is an espeially satisfyin
experiene for those who do not have uh of an opportunity to be away fro their hoelands. When people return fro their travel, they will enerally feel fresh and enereti, ready to work harder.
Travelin is also one of the best eans for learnin. You ay have read or heard about soethin but you an never et an aurate piture of it until you
see it for yourself. Seein is believin. Furtherore, if you area areful
observer, you an learn uh durin your travel about the eoraphy, bioloy, and history of the plaes you visit. No atter how well eduated you are, there is always a lot for you to learn throuh travelin. The knowlede aquired fro
travel, as you will have found in your life, is no less valuable than that fro any influential referene book.
【游记】 I spend ost of the tie at hoe durin this suer vaation. When I was at hoe, I do hoework by yself, and help y parents with the housework. But the ost eorable tie in this suer is when I travel in Yellow River Forest Park.
I went to visit the Yellow River Forest Park in July toether with three of y lassates. It was very borin when stayin in the bus for a lon tiewhih ade e doe off all the tie and at soe tie. I nearly struk y head on the hair in the front of e. After three hours' journey by bus we finally ot to the park. But to y disappointthere was nothin interestin here whih were quiet noral thins. opared with the y shool I stayed in here was very noisy and essy.
Thouh the park is beside the Yellow River the air is still a little selly beause there are a lot of anials suh as horses oks and so on here whih ake lots of wastes every day while few people lean the. In a word the park is not so ood as I had expeted and I felt unsatisfied about it.
I love travelin. Travelin not only broadens y horions but also opens y eyes to the world. What's ore, it refreshes e. You an o to Disneyland and experiene what it's like to be “a hild aain!” You an visit one of the “seven wonders of the world,” suh as the rand anyon and feel the anifiene of nature! You an taste the “aial” ie water on a laier, whih an help you beoe ore beautiful and ake you live loner. Just foret all trifles and burdens that you have in your ind. Experiene is a type of livin knowlede. You'll be sure to experiene any new thins when travelin. You don't even need a tour uide if you lon for ore freedo. Just don't foret to brin your bakpak!travel作文。
Travel is a very ood eans of broadenin a person's perspetive.
Travel ay relieve a person of boredo and loo.
Travelers an hoose different odes of transportation whih have advantaes and disadvantaes.
Travel is a very ood eans of broadenin a person's perspetive. [pə'spektiv] It akes you oe into ontat with different ultures, eet people of different olors. Travellin uh, you will not only enrih your knowlede and experienes, but also be aware of the ai of nature.travel作文。
Travel ay also relieve person of boredo. Travel brins you enjoyent and attration. It ives you a pleasant experiene, whih will disperse [dis'pə:s] vt. 使散开;分散;传播your boredo and ake you foret whatever annoys you. Travel broadens your ind and leaves you ood eories. Later, you ay o over these eories and enjoy your past experienes.
whih transportation would you like to hoose?
Airplanes are the fastest but also the ost expensive. Buses and trains are less expensive, but they soon ake you feel unofortable. Ships provide you with ofort unless you et seasik. ost people an afford travelin by biyle, whih, althouh slow, an liber up your usles and et you loser to nature.
I love travelin. Travelin not only broadens y horions but also opens y eyes to the world. What's ore, it refreshes e.
Tour is not only a personal interest but also a kind of knowlede. A erry journey will be the eory that you an’t foret throuh your lifetie. It’s really at ease if you wander with two or three hina pates who have a little exploratory enery to stay in the interestin plaes as lon as you want but just inore the unsihtly plaes.
It’s not ood to join the travel aeny other wise we should all it ainin a superfiial understandin throuh ursory observation but not travelin. f ourse, we should study to hoose a ost towardly oasion for the ost faous and beautiful sene in the plaes before we are oin to.
And we need enouh oney, enouh tie, speial hannel and also an eonoial plane, it’s onvenient for us. And we an save ore tie to view the blue sky enerally and look out upon the loud danin freely outside the plane.
It’s also not bad to travel by train. Enjoy the senery out of the train on the way, just look around here and there, aybe you an et soe new friends in this narrow but lon arriae. ertainly you’d better hoose the different path when you return bak fro the plae of interest so that you an ake your eyes full of the landsape of interest on the way and never need to revisit the one failiar plae. How far-flun and arland the rivers and ountains in our hoeland are! There are still too any plaes we an o.
Tie is liited but the interest of travelin is liitless. We travel just beause of our love knot to the natural ountains and rivers!
There is an anient hinese sayin that says "uilin senery is
the best under heaven."
uilin, one of hina's ost beautiful ities has been a destination [,desti'neiʃən] for travelers and an inspiration [,inspə'reiʃən] for poets and artists for thousands of years. Its faous karst kɑ:st] ountains, the unsurpassed ['ʌnsə(:)'pa:st] beauty of the Li River, and the jupin nihtlife in the villae of Yanshuo have ade uilin a world-faous destination.
In uilin it is virtually ipossible to take a bad photoraph. Beauty is
As people’s livin standards is iprovin a lot now , ore and ore people tend to travel to relax and enjoy their lifes.
Travel is interestin and exitin. We an enjoy the wonderful view and taste deliious food . In daily life, we are often vary busy with our work and other thins. So travel is a ood way for us to relax. And travel also an brin you a fresh feelin. Soeties we ay tired of our surroundins and we want to et rid of it. At this tie, we an hoose travels. Durin the travel ,we an hoose to live a life whih you like and different .Besides , travel an broaden our horions. Travel is not only benefits our tourist ,but also do ood to the loal residents. As we know , touris is the world’s larest industry. It an provide any eployent opportunities for the loal people as well as the opportunity for business.travel作文。
But travel also has soe neative ipats . For exaple, too any tourists would inrease litter, noise and pollution and so on. And the ore tourists, the ore diffiult to protet heritae and environent .And soe low-orality tourists would daae the ulture reli while they are visitin the plae.
Anyway, travel is vary iportant for us despite it has soe neative ipats. Travel with your body as well as your heart, you will ain a lot.
第三篇:《travel 作文》
As people’s livin standards is iprovin a lot now and it should be obvious that people tend to travel when they are on voations to enjoy theselves than before. Soe people prefer to travel in their own ountry. However, others like to travel abroad. When I fae the option I will undoubtedly hoose to have a trip doestially.
First of all, there ay be lanuae or ulture barrier to ouniate with foreiners when we travel abroad. If you want to travel abroad you had better know the
lanuae there. f ourse you an take a translator with you. But it is really onvenient if there is always a person followin you wherever you o. In addition, you ay have soe ulture ipats with the native there sine you are just a tourist. For exaple, if you are used to usin folks to take dishes, you aybe unofortable to see Indian eatin food by hands. And you probably have a bad appetite durin the whole trip in India.
Seond, you are a foreiner, therefore you an not fully understand what you have seen when you travel abroad. Take y friend Lily as an exaple. She travelled to Enland last onth. Arrivin London, she was totally
disappointed. She only saw the old theatres and useus and she did not like the at all beause she ould not understand the history and ulture there. It is a waste of both tie and oney. But it will not happen when you travel in your own ountry.
Finally, to travel doestially an ake us have a stron sense of pride. When we travel in our own ountry we ay be addited to the natural spetale, surprised by the diverse ustos and ipressed by the history of our ountry.
In eneral, we an see that people benefit ore fro to travel in their own ountry than to travel in a forein ountry. We all know that we an not deeply understand what we have seen in a forein ountry as tourists, and with the lanuae or ulture barrier. So I will hoose to travel doestially.
我要继续为我们的学校争光,为我的父母争光。 同时像周恩来说的“为中华人民共和国之崛起而读书”,我要为我们的祖国而争光。
第六篇:《y wish》
Bein I was nine year old, I had a wish. I wanted to be a dotor. Beause I wanted to help the people. When I saw the people die. I was sadly. Beause I an’t help the. So I wanted to be a dotor. When I will be a dotor, I will help the people to overoe the illness. But I will be a dotor I ust have lots of knowlede. So I ust study very hard now.
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