my,,,,,,,,teacher my teacher英语作文


篇首语:须知少年凌云志,曾许人间第一流。本文为你选取作文my,,,,,,,,teacher my teacher英语作文四篇,希望能帮到你。


1、my,,,,,,,,teacher my teacher英语作文(1)

my,,,,,,,,teacher my teacher英语作文

第一篇:《作文y teaher》

y teaher

ur art teather is not too youn and not too old .He has blak hair two bi and blak eyes ,a sall nose and a bi outh .Look, he is wearin a blue and white jaket ,a blue hat ,brown pants and a pair of old shoes.He is very funny.He is a ood art teather .We all like hi .

第二篇:《y favourtie teaher》

y favourtie teaher

Everyone has his favorite teaher ,so do I. y favourite teaher is iss Wei, our Enlish teaher. iss Wei had a ood idea to solve the proble. ne day, iss Wei ae into the lassroo with soe fruits, suh as

apples,bananas,and oranes. She said: “Today we are oin to learn the naes of the fruits. You an eat the fruits if you an tell e their naes in Enlish . ”All the students listened arefully and studied hard . Soeone even stood up to answer questions. Fro then on ,I a ore and ore interested in Enlish

“ Thank you, iss Wei!”

y favourite subjet is Enlish

Enlish akes e happy in nearly everyway.y,,,,,,,,teaher。

a lot of people think that enlish is hard and borin,but i think it's easy and fun.we ould learn enlish by just listenin to enlish tapes,answerin ore questions in enlish,read ore enlish books,even speakin ore in enlish i said,enlish is fun.we an listen to enlish sons and do lots of interestin thins with enlish.

i like enlish a lot, i hope you'll like it too.

y favourite subjet is Enlish. I like wathin Holywood's ovies and listenin to those beautiful, old Enlish sons. I an understand the better if I learn Enlish well. And I like Enlish beause It's a world lanuae. I an ouniate with people fro all over the world with this useful tool, no atter I' in hina or abroad. In the year 200, there will be ore and ore foreiners on the streets.They ay need help.I an help the in Enlish.So I like this subjet. I will do y best to learn it.

Today is id-autun festival, it is one of the ost iportant festivals in hina. y o was busy in the ornin beause we had a bi dinner with yy,,,,,,,,teaher。

relatives toniht. We went to the superarkets to buy a lot of food and fruits, and so do oon akes.

Durin the dinner, we ate, talked and lauhed. We enjoyed the food and oonakes.

After the dinner, y ousins and I went to the park to play. The oon was full round. We lit up the lanterns and played around in the park. It was fun!!!!!!

1.y shool lifey,,,,,,,,teaher。

I was very exited and urious about y shool life, When I ot to y shool for the first tie, the sene on apus ives e a surprise and leaves e a deep ipression. The better environent and atosphere, the bier play round, the ore knowledeable teahers and the spaious and well-lihted readin roo, whih are attrative for e. so I feel very happy and satisfied

2.I like y shool life beause i an have a bunh of joy suh as learnin knowledes, playin with friends, doin exerises, and ore. y shool life has a lot of hallenes in front of e every day, so I will do ore and ore work to overoe the. ne thin that I don't like y shool life is there are a lot of hoework or exas, so I have to work harder and harder to avoid the teahers' srea. But still, I like y shool life!

3.y shool life

I a a iddle shool student.Now I a soon raduatin.y iddle shool 's life is very wonderful.I like y iddle shool's life.I a a doritory an.I have y rooate.They are very ood to e.We are ood brothers.We are usually toether.They always help e to do any thins.But now we are soon

raduatin.I ould not bear the.I think that they also ould not bear e.But we have to separate.Beause we are bi an.Beause the road is lon.I an iss y iddle shool’s life.I an iss y rooate.

4.y shool life

y nae is XX,I a X years old now.I study at XX shool,and I a in lass X,rade X.

I have X lassates.I like to study with the,we are all friends.

I o to shool fro onday to Friday, and I have seven lasses one day ,four lasses in the ornin,three lasses in the afternoon.We have lasses like hinese, ath, Enlish and siene.I like ath very uh,and I an answer y teaher's questions.After lasses, I often play with y lassates. This is y shool life.

.y shool lifey,,,,,,,,teaher。

y nae is ××.I' a junior hih shool student.I study at××shool.

I usually et up at 6 o'lok a..I have breakfast at half past 6.I usually o to shool at 7 o'lok.I have four lasses in the ornin.I usually have lunh at 12 o'lok in y hoe.I have three lasses in the afternoon.After shool,I usually do y hoework.

This is y shool life.y shool life is very interestin.

第三篇:《y Enlish Teaher》

I bean to like Enlish beause of y enlish teaher in senior shool ,who has stiulated y reat interest in learnin Enlish.

She was patient but strit. She did not ind the students' slowness in learnin ,but to ake what we had learned stron, she often asked us to reall the knowlede in lass. This was also a ethod to exaine the hoework she had assined.

She is suh an exellent teaher that we ot so uh fro her, I’ll appreiate her forever.

y View on Luk

Nowadays, it is enerally believed aon soe people that suess oes fro luk. They believe it in love, in exainations, and even in prootion.

However, others believe in theselves. They are workin hard and tryin their best to ahieve what they want. Althouh they ay fail soeties, they don’t ive up, for they believe that one’s fate lies in his own hand.

As to e, I a in favour of the latter opinion. Luk doesn't oe alone. It oes hand in hand with hard work and knowlede. As lon as they work hard, they will sueed in the end. In their inds, diliene is the other of ood luk.

y favorite teaher

In y life , I have et any ood teahers , aon whih , I like y senior enlish teaher ost .

She showed reat love to us whih is deeply appealin to our heart.She has never been ipolite to us. ppositely, she treated us equally. She ade efforts to attrat us to understand the beauty of the lanuae and enjoy the ultures of the forein ountries.

She is suh an exellent teaher that we ot so uh fro her, not only the knowlede but also kindness, diliene. All these will be useful to all y life.


Fellow students

Attention please ,we will have a visit to siene useu toorrow. Should pay attention to three.Fristly ,we will eet in the shool ate at eiht in the ornin, then o to there on foot toether .Seondly,when visitin ,we shall listen arefully, look losely, and reord the interestin thins ,beause we are asked to write a oposition about the useu. The last but ost iportant one ,it’s not allowed to talk loudly in the useu not photoraphin.

Dear John:

I have just reeived your letter ,and exited by the news that you will oe to hina soon. You know I iss you so uh.

In your letter, you entioned your travel plan. y advise is you an o to Beijin and Hanhou. There are any royal buildins in Beijin like Palae useu, Suer Palae. Hanhou is lare ity and very pretty. Senery aid the isty rain looks very beautiful.I hope you enjoy your stay in hina. I a lookin forward to your oin. Yours ever David.

第四篇:《y teaher》

She is very lovely, and always has a nie sile on her fae. She is a voue irl, so she looks popular. She likes sinin and her sinin is very ovin.

She is like our friend siilar. We would like to tell her everythin, happiness and sadness.

She teahes us so well that I enjoy learnin Enlish. n her lesson, she teahes very hard. Soeties she tells us soe funny affair. It akes our lesson vivid and interestin, so we not only learn well, but also very relaxed. I yearn for her lesson every day. After the lesson, she always patiene of tell us how to do the diffiult thins. I like her and y lassates all like her. I a so happy and luky to have suh a ood teaher. I will try y best to learn it.

At last I want to say: I LVE Y ENLISH TEAHER.

第五篇:《y favourite teaher》

y favourite teaher

Hello! y nae is Ay. I have a P.E. teaher.He's r huan. He's tall and stron, he's very funny. He favourite food is fish.They're salty and healthy.He favourite fruit is bananas, they're sweet and tasty. He likes playin foodballvery uh. This is y favourite teaher.I like hi very uh.Do you like hi?

第六篇:《y Enlish teaher》





在我印象中代老师永远都是一个好老师,是一个负责的老师,尽管是有时做的或说的不是很对,oe on。


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