






y lassate Wei Hua ot a hih fever last week. He had to be in hospital.

Yesterday was Saturday. y lassates and I went to see hi toether. We et at the shool ate at 9 :00 in the ornin. Then we went to the hospital by bus. I thouht we should et hi soe flowers, beause fresh and beautiful flowers ould ake hi feel ood and happy. What’s ore, Wei Hua wasworried about his study. So I brouht hi y notebooks and tried y best to answer his questions. I hope Wei Hua an be better soon.

If you liht a lap for soebody, it will also brihten your path. So, take ation to help others, beause it will not only ake you happy but also brin you others’help.


In the oney-oriented soiety, soe people are beoin ore and ore ipersonal. They are relutant to ive a helpin hand to those in need. Fro y perspetive, helpin others eans helpin yourself. y story an well illustrate y point.

any a tie have I turned to y desk-ate for help when I fae

probles in y study. She was always very patient with e and never ade any oplaint, althouh they were very tie-onsuin. She said it was not a waste of tie helpin others, and instead, she ould have deeper oprehension of the related knowlede. So helpin others will benefit you yourself as well.

Be ready to provide

assistane to others, and then others will oe to your aid when you are in trouble. What is ore iportant is that doin others a favor leaves onsiderable satisfation and happiness with us. We feel we are needed and respeted. As the sayin oes, ‘Roses iven, frarane in hand.’


ne ornin, a friend of ine set the breakfast table beside a hue window, whih overlooked the Tred Avon River. Suddenly she leaned forward and ried out, “ There is a oose out there!”

We saw the fiure of a lare anada oose, very still, its wins folded tiht to its sides and its feet froen to the ie.

Then in the sky, she saw a line of swans. They flew fro the top of the sky downward and at last landed on the ie. y friend was on her feet, with one unbelievin hand aainst her outh. As the swans surrounded the froen oose, she feared that the poor oose iht be peked out by those reat swan bills.

Unexpetedly, those bills bean to work on the ie. The lon neks were lifted and urved down (弯下) aain and aain. They went on for a lon tie. At last, the oose was free and standin on the ie. And the swans stood nearby wathin. Then, as if the oose was ryin, “I annot fly”, four of the swans ae down around it. Their powerful bills hipped off the ie stuk in its feathers. Slowly, the oose spread its wins as far as they would o. Seein the oose ould freely ove its wins, the swans flew slowly into the sky.

This is a true story. Every tie I think of it, I an’t help askin, “If so for birds, why not for an?”



In these iven exaples, any people pass by soeone who need help, while didn’t ive the a hand. And these exaples are not sinle, but happened alost everywhere. The proble ay not beause people do not have sypathy, but worry about et into trouble. Before they ive the straners help the ay fist think” if the straners will do har to eThere are always any heaters” but not “the people need help, I should ive hi a hand”. They always think about theselves first.

Now any of us have reonied the proble and iven their own advanes. ost of the advanes are about leislatin a law to punish those who don’t ive others help. But I think this is not the best way. n the one hand, it's too sorrowful to see that we should depend on leislation to solve the proble about orality. This is the deeneration of huanity. n the other hand, a law an’t solve the proble totally beause it an’t hane people’s ind. We shouldn’t try to punish soeone but to rebuild a environent to help eah other. For exaple, the parents should teah their hildren to help people who need help, but not to teah the et away fro troubles.

As to yself, I think I an also do soe useful thins. Suh as help others atively, and tell other people to ive help, so as not to feel helpless when we need others help.

And what about y faily ebers think about the deline of oralityThey all aree with y opinion that we should learn fro these exaples and ive others help. y other said she would help that injured irl sine she is a dotor, and she is also a other, she know how worried her other will be. y father said that ore parents should let their hildren know the iportant to help others. Everyone should ontribute to rebuild a war soiety.

While, there will be a lon way for us to o.


Several years ao, a youn an helped an old lady whose fell down by herself up but the old lady branded the youn an knoked her down, and unfortunately the jude sentened it was the youn an’s fault. However, it was later proven the jude was wron. Fro then on, the nuber of pedestrians helpin the old in need has sinifiantly dereased. The itiens are pleasure to help the old people ,but they are ore afraid to be in trouble. That is so weird in an anient ivilied ountry whih has five thousand years of history and the tradition of respetin the old and herishin the youn.

So, should we help the old in need if it iht inur troubleYes, of ause we should help the, on y opinion, but firstly we ust protet ourselves fro the isunderstandin of the passerby. As one netien said that he would onsider helpin the old people if soeone reord the entire proess with a aera. Besides, respetin the old is the tradition of our ountry and the need of haronious soiety. n the one hand, we should ive the old an a hand to help hi up when he fall down. n the other hand, it is essential that the overnent uides and should ake laws to protet those ood-hearted persons.

In hina, as well as the Europe and Japan, the proportion of old people is on the inrease. nly when we realie the iportane of helpin ain people an we be devoted to buildin a haronious soiety.


last sunday, i went to haien to o shoppin. i saw a lot of people standin in front of the superarket when i was walkin down the street.

i wondered what was happenin there. i hurried to o there to take a look. i ran quikly. to y surprise, there was a irl sittin in the street. the irl with a shool ba was about 17 years old. there was also a piee of paper in front of her. it said, “…y faily don’t have enouh oney for e to o to shool…”

i was very sad to see that. i ouldn’t help ivin soe oney to the irl. the irl was very rateful to e. she said, “thank you!” i was lad to do it. then i went away with a sile.that day i had a drea in the evenin; i dreat that i had a lot of oney. i did a lot of wonderful thins. i helped the poor and the old.

after the drea, i know that we should be kind to others. if they are in trouble, we will try to help the out of trouble. then we will feel very happy and we will think everythin is beautiful. then we will have a nie life. dear friends, try to be a kind person, the world will be nier and nier.


We live on the sae earth and all of us are ebers of the lare faily. We

should help eah other in order to ake our lives ore olorful. So I think it’s our duty to help the people in trouble.

First, helpin others is to help ourselves. We all will oe aross lots of diffiulties in our lives. We also need others to help us when we are in trouble or daner. Now we ive our love and are to others, then we are sure to reeive love and are fro others soe day. Seond, helpin others is a ood way to show our politeness. It’s ood anners to help others. If we do so, we’ll iprove ourselves and beoe the pride of our parents.

So we should try to help others in our everyday lives. There is a faous sayin “ All for one and one for all.”! Let’s learn it by heart for ever!


Last Sunday,I went to Haien to o shoppin.I saw a lot of people standin in front of the superarket when I was walkin down the street.

I wondered what was happenin there.I hurried to o there to take a look.I ran quikly.To y surprise,there was a irl sittin in the street.The irl with a shool ba was about 17 years old.There was also a piee of paper in front of her.It said,“…y faily don’t have enouh oney for e to o to shool…”

I was very sad to see that.I ouldn’t help ivin soe oney to the irl.The irl was very rateful to e.She said,“Thank you!” I was lad to do it.Then I went away with a sile.

That day I had a drea in the evenin; I dreat that I had a lot of oney.I did a lot of wonderful thins.I helped the poor and the old.

After the drea,I know that we should be kind to others.If they are in trouble,we will try to help the out of trouble.Then we will feel very happy and we will think everythin is beautiful.Then we will have a nie life.Dear friends,try to be a kind person,the world will be nier and nier.


Write a short ase study with no less than 10 words. In the 1st pararaph you need to ive soe advie, then in the last pararaph you should explain why you think it is ood advie.

fferin a helpin hand

When we are in trouble in our lives, we ay hope that we an et soe helps fro others.

y friend Allen was upset a few days ao, the ET 4 is oin, he was hard-workin for studyin Enlish, but he d

idn’t passed the daily tests, he thouht it was no use and he wanted to ive it up, I thouht he should ontinue it beause he have prepared for a lon tie. I told hi that and he should review knowlede like voabulary, listenin, readin, and he should to learn to ontrol the tie. In the last test, he passed it and he reained onfidene.

I think that offerin a helpin hand is a kind of quality to show that you have a war heart. First of all, it is noral to fae troubles, we will et it over if we et soe helps, nobody an defeat a person if he was deterined to stand up to every failure. Also, it is our duty to offer a helpin hand when people have diffiult doin soethin. Next, it is very easy for us to help others, aybe it is just a sall thin like pikin the books, and they ay appreiate your help. Your friends iht learn the sinifiane ofonfidene and optiis beause of your helpin hand.


















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