The president:
Hello, everybody! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, everybody. All riht, everybody o ahead and have a seat. How is everybody doin today? (applause.) How about ti spier? (applause.) I a here with students at wakefield hih shool in arlinton, virinia. And we've ot students tunin in fro all aross aeria, fro kinderarten throuh 12th rade. And i a just so lad that all ould join us today. And i want to thank wakefield for bein suh an outstandin host. ive yourselves a bi round of applause. (applause.)
I know that for any of you, today is the first day of shool. And for those of you in kinderarten, or startin iddle or hih shool, it's your first day in a new shool, so it's understandable if you're a little nervous. I iaine there are soe seniors out there who are feelin pretty ood riht now -- (applause) -- with just one ore year to o. And no atter what rade you're in, soe of you are probably wishin it were still suer and you ould've stayed in bed just a little bit loner this ornin.
I know that feelin. When i was youn, y faily lived overseas. I lived in indonesia for a few years. And y other, she didn't have the oney to send e where all the aerian kids went to shool, but she thouht it was iportant for e to keep up with an aerian eduation. So she deided to teah e extra lessons herself, onday throuh friday. But beause she had to o to work, the only tie she ould do it was at 4:30 in the ornin.
Now, as you iht iaine, i wasn't too happy about ettin up that early. And a lot of ties, i'd fall asleep riht there at the kithen table. But whenever i'd oplain, y other would just ive e one of those looks and she'd say, "this is no pini for e either, buster." (lauhter.)
So i know that soe of you are still adjustin to bein bak at shool. But i' here today beause i have soethin iportant to disuss with you. I' here beause i want to talk with you about your eduation and what's expeted of all of you in this new shool year.
Now, i've iven a lot of speehes about eduation. And i've talked about responsibility a lot.
I've talked about teahers' responsibility for inspirin students and pushin you to learn.
I've talked about your parents' responsibility for akin sure you stay on trak, and you et your hoework done, and don't spend every wakin hour in front of the tv or with the xbox.
I've talked a lot about your overnent's responsibility for settin hih standards, and supportin teahers and prinipals, and turnin around shools that aren't workin, where students aren't ettin the opportunities that they deserve.
But at the end of the day, we an have the ost dediated teahers, the ost supportive parents, the best shools in the world -- and none of it will ake a differene, none of it will atter unless all of you fulfill your responsibilities, unless you show up to those shools, unless you pay attention to those teahers, unless you listen to your parents and randparents and other adults and put in the hard work it takes to sueed. That's what i want to fous on today: the responsibility eah of you has for your eduation.
I want to start with the responsibility you have to yourself. Every sinle one of you has soethin that you're ood at. Every sinle one of you has soethin to offer. And you have a responsibility to yourself to disover what that is. That's the opportunity an eduation an provide.
aybe you ould be a reat writer -- aybe even ood enouh to write a book or artiles in a newspaper -- but you iht not know it until you write that enlish paper -- that enlish lass paper that's assined to you. aybe you ould be an innovator or an inventor -- aybe even ood enouh to oe up with the next iphone or the new ediine or vaine -- but you iht not know it until you do your projet for your siene lass. aybe you ould be a ayor or a senator or a supree ourt justie -- but you iht not know that until you join student overnent or the debate tea.
And no atter what you want to do with your life, i uarantee that you'll need an eduation to do it. You want to be a dotor, or a teaher, or a polie offier? you want to be a nurse or an arhitet, a lawyer or a eber of our ilitary? you're oin to need a ood eduation for every sinle one of those areers. You annot drop out of shool and just drop into a ood job. You've ot to train for it and work for it and learn for it.
And this isn't just iportant for your own life and your own future. What you ake of your eduation will deide nothin less than the future of this ountry. The future of aeria depends on you. What you're learnin in shool today will deterine whether we as a nation an eet our reatest hallenes in the future.
You'll need the knowlede and proble-solvin skills you learn in siene and ath to ure diseases like aner and aids, and to develop new enery tehnoloies and protet our environent. You'll need the insihts and ritial-thinkin skills you ain in history and soial studies to fiht poverty and hoelessness, rie and disriination, and ake our nation ore fair and ore free. You'll need the reativity and inenuity you develop in all your lasses to build new opanies that will reate new jobs and boost our eonoy.
We need every sinle one of you to develop your talents and your skills and your intellet so you an help us old folks solve our ost diffiult probles. If you don't do that -- if you quit on shool -- you're not just quittin on yourself, you're quittin on your ountry.
Now, i know it's not always easy to do well in shool. I know a lot of you have hallenes in your lives riht now that an ake it hard to fous on your shoolwork.
I et it. I know what it's like. y father left y faily when i was two years old, and i was raised by a sinle o who had to work and who struled at ties to pay the bills and wasn't always able to ive us the thins that other kids had. There were ties when i issed havin a father in y life. There were ties when i was lonely and i felt like i didn't fit in.
So i wasn't always as foused as i should have been on shool, and i did soe thins i' not proud of, and i ot in ore trouble than i should have. And y life ould have easily taken a turn for the worse.
But i was -- i was luky. I ot a lot of seond hanes, and i had the opportunity to o to ollee and law shool and follow y dreas. y wife, our first lady ihelle obaa, she has a siilar story. Neither of her parents had one to ollee, and they didn't have a lot of oney. But they worked hard, and she worked hard, so that she ould o to the best shools in this ountry.
Soe of you iht not have those advantaes. aybe you don't have adults in your life who ive you the support that you need. aybe soeone in your faily has lost their job and there's not enouh oney to o around. aybe you live in a neihborhood where you don't feel safe, or have friends who are pressurin you to do thins you know aren't riht.
But at the end of the day, the irustanes of your life -- what you look like, where you oe fro, how uh oney you have, what you've ot oin on at hoe -- none of that is an exuse for neletin your hoework or havin a bad attitude in shool. That's no exuse for talkin bak to your teaher, or uttin lass, or droppin out of shool. There is no exuse for not tryin.
Where you are riht now doesn't have to deterine where you'll end up. No one's written your destiny for you, beause here in aeria, you write your own destiny. You ake your own future.
That's what youn people like you are doin every day, all aross aeria.
Youn people like jain pere, fro roa, texas. Jain didn't speak enlish when she first started shool. Neither of her parents had one to ollee. But she worked hard, earned ood rades, and ot a sholarship to brown university -- is now in raduate shool, studyin publi health, on her way to beoin dr. Jain pere.
I' thinkin about andoni shult, fro los altos, alifornia, who's fouht brain aner sine he was three. He's had to endure all sorts of treatents and sureries, one of whih affeted his eory, so it took hi uh loner -- hundreds of extra hours -- to do his shoolwork. But he never fell behind. He's headed to ollee this fall.
And then there's shantell steve, fro y hoetown of hiao, illinois. Even when bounin fro foster hoe to foster hoe in the touhest neihborhoods in the ity, she anaed to et a job at a loal health are enter, start a prora to keep youn people out of ans, and she's on trak to raduate hih shool with honors and o on to ollee.
And jain, andoni, and shantell aren't any different fro any of you. They fae hallenes in their lives just like you do. In soe ases they've ot it a lot worse off than any of you. But they refused to ive up. They hose to take responsibility for their lives, for their eduation, and set oals for theselves. And i expet all of you to do the sae.
That's why today i' allin on eah of you to set your own oals for your eduation -- and do everythin you an to eet the. Your oal an be soethin as siple as doin all your hoework, payin attention in lass, or spendin soe tie eah day readin a book. aybe you'll deide to et involved in an extraurriular ativity, or volunteer in your ounity. aybe you'll deide to stand up for kids who are bein teased or bullied beause of who they are or how they look, beause you believe, like i do, that all youn people deserve a safe environent to study and learn. aybe you'll deide to take better are of yourself so you an be ore ready to learn. And alon those lines, by the way, i hope all of you are washin your hands a lot, and that you stay hoe fro shool when you don't feel well, so we an keep people fro ettin the flu this fall and winter.
But whatever you resolve to do, i want you to oit to it. I want you to really work at it.
I know that soeties you et that sense fro tv that you an be rih and suessful without any hard work -- that your tiket to suess is throuh rappin or basketball or bein a reality tv star. hanes are you're not oin to be any of those thins.
The truth is, bein suessful is hard. You won't love every subjet that you study. You won't lik with every teaher that you have. Not every hoework assinent will see opletely relevant to your life riht at this inute. And you won't neessarily sueed at everythin the first tie you try.
That's okay. Soe of the ost suessful people in the world are the ones who've had the ost failures. J.k. rowlin's -- who wrote harry potter -- her first harry potter book was rejeted 12 ties before it was finally published. ihael jordan was ut fro his hih shool basketball tea. He lost hundreds of aes and issed thousands of shots durin his areer. But he one said, "i have failed over and over and over aain in y life. And that's why i sueed."
These people sueeded beause they understood that you an't let your failures define you -- you have to let your failures teah you. You have to let the show you what to do differently the next tie. So if you et into trouble, that doesn't ean you're a troubleaker, it eans you need to try harder to at riht. If you et a bad rade, that doesn't ean you're stupid, it just eans you need to spend ore tie studyin.
No one's born bein ood at all thins. You beoe ood at thins throuh hard work. You're not a varsity athlete the first tie you play a new sport. You don't hit every note the first tie you sin a son. You've ot to pratie. The sae priniple applies to your shoolwork. You iht have to do a ath proble a few ties before you et it riht. You iht have to read soethin a few ties before you understand it. You definitely have to do a few drafts of a paper before it's ood enouh to hand in.
Don't be afraid to ask questions. Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. I do that every day. Askin for help isn't a sin of weakness, it's a sin of strenth beause it shows you have the ourae to adit when you don't know soethin, and that then allows you to learn soethin new. So find an adult that you trust -- a parent, a randparent or teaher, a oah or a ounselor -- and ask the to help you stay on trak to eet your oals.
And even when you're strulin, even when you're disouraed, and you feel like other people have iven up on you, don't ever ive up on yourself, beause when you ive up on yourself, you ive up on your ountry.
The story of aeria isn't about people who quit when thins ot touh. It's about people who kept oin, who tried harder, who loved their ountry too uh to do anythin less than their best.
It's the story of students who sat where you sit 20 years ao, and went on to wae a revolution and they founded this nation. Youn people. Students who sat where you sit 7 years ao who overae a depression and won a world war; who fouht for ivil rihts and put a an on the oon. Students who sat where you sit 20 years ao who founded oole and twitter and faebook and haned the way we ouniate with eah other.
So today, i want to ask all of you, what's your ontribution oin to be? what probles are you oin to solve? what disoveries will you ake? what will a president who oes here in 20 or 0 or 100 years say about what all of you did for this ountry?
Now, your failies, your teahers, and i are doin everythin we an to ake sure you have the eduation you need to answer these questions. I' workin hard to fix up your lassroos and et you the books and the equipent and the oputers you need to learn. But you've ot to do your part, too. So i expet all of you to et serious this year. I expet you to put your best effort into everythin you do. I expet reat thins fro eah of you. So don't let us down. Don't let your faily down or your ountry down. ost of all, don't let yourself down. ake us all proud.
Thank you very uh, everybody. od bless you. od bless aeria. Thank you. (applause.)
Distinuished leaders of the shool, teahers, dear students:
ood ornin, everyone!
tober is approahin, in this olden days in the harvest season, we wake up the shool staff and students have a joyous atherin, I was very exited, very happy, very rateful to have this opportunity to speak, thank you for listenin!
All students to study in the wake of the shool, then you should learn seriously, dialetially, stron self, self hane, self iproveent, stron life, at the sae tie, I also hope that students should be abitious and full of onfidene and ourae to believe that their pay will be harvested, the joy of suess ay be a the oent, but the proess of ainin suess but should we live, there are any suessful people, I believe you are very lear, no one an asually sueed, are diffiult to obtain the suess, thorouhly tepered, brilliant, people praise and reonition, so they outlive liufanqianu, we also you an, in today's soiety, as lon as there is always a true skill and enuine knowlede, world of their own, wide sea divin, sky!
In any irustanes, we should enter the life with a positive role, every day is ood, we learn here, days and onths ultiplyin their talents and wisdo, onstantly inreasin, lay a solid foundation for the future suess of his drawin a beautiful blueprint for toorrow!
I ae to shool alost awake for ore than two onths, feel the are of leaders, olleaues about his students, I would like to thank everyone, I just raduated fro University, at work, lak of experiene, just bean to work, there are a lot of diffiulties, also enountered any setbaks, thouh so, I will o on I will unreittinly, fae the life and work of the urved and straiht, onfident, stron willed, open-inded, even one thousand ties of failure, I also believe that the next one is suessful, there is a blow, frustration, adversity psyholoial preparation, all diffiulties as the opportunity to exerise their own.
I ae to the ity to work, althouh I do not have uh experiene, but I will try to open to leaders and teahers learnin, learnin their teahin ethods and eduational thouhts, learn their Weirenhushi truth, this is for e, prieless, and a lifetie benefit. At the sae tie, the students also the objet of y study, for eah of you in person, have a luinous in the sinular, are worthy of y learnin, I will onstantly iprove their teahin ability, self-learnin ability and anaeent ability of student, ative in the fae of life and work seriously in the teahin ativities, to be responsible for every student, and I should further their study and life, learnin and livin onditions, for students who need help, I will ive the infinite are and love, and I hope to establish a deep pure friendship and the ajority of teahers and students, we are hand in hand. Side by side, hand in hand, toether, o with head hih and hest out, reate brilliant!
Finally: wish to wake up, the shool is hanin with eah passin day, ettin better and better!
I wish you all the leaders and teahers work soothly!
I wish you all the best in your studies and happy life!
ood ornin, students, and weloe to the university. i'd like to bein with soe inforation about raduate student housin, and then ]'il turn this session over to dr. paulin, who will explain soe of the finafieial support servies we offer to raduate students.
first of all, i hope you have a sith tie ettin settled here. i know that findin housin is often diffiult. so let e ive you soe inforation that iht help you. i know that several of you have already oved into our new raduate student unit. it's loated on the west side of the apus. in this build!ne, four students share dinin and livin roos, kithen, two bathroos, and four sinle bedroos, we do have a few ore epty roos, so if you're interested in ovin in, let e know riht away.
if you haven't visited the faily-student housin oplex, be sure to o take a look at it. this sall ounity has two-bedroo unfurnished apartents.
they're on the south side of apus, near the downtown bus stop. unfortunately, ail apartents are full now, and we have a waitin list for next year. oe e e ff you want to add your nae to th list. you should apply as soon as possible for next year.
if you want to live off apus and are still takin for a house, be sure to hek out the off-apus housin offie. you'll find a lot of rentals listed there.
now let e turn this over to dr. paulson. he will explain soe thins about the finanial aid prora.
win at the startin line
ood afternoon, everyone. very happy to see so any new faes here. i a wan penyuan, a senior student fro lass 1101. today, it ives e a reat honor to ive a weloe speeh here, to share with you soe of y experienes as well as ive you soe suestions in the beinnin of your ollee life.
atually, i a very uh urious about your definitions of a ood ollee life at this speial point. soeone one oplained to e that the ollee life is totally a waste of tie and oney. do you think so? the answer is definitely no. here i want to tell you that if you try to anae your ollee life well, you will find that it will be really a valuable part of your life.
and now i’ oin to share with you y personal experienes of y ollee life. i reeber when i was a freshan, a junior student was ivin a speeh on this stae i was so ipressed by her, and ade y ind to study hard. so what i did in y pervious three years was just about akin full use of ollee resoures to develop y own potentials.
in y first year, i studied hard as i did in y hih shool, attendin every lass, listenin to teahers arefully, reviewin after lass and doin hoework by yself. ollee at that tie was a brand new stae for e, i was tryin to find y way of adaptin to it quikly. i partiipated in various kinds of ativities to iprove y abilities, suh as joinin in the students union, oin to the old people’s hoe, sellin newspapers outside apus, takin part in horus opetition and reitation ontest. i think y ability is soehow iproved throuh the year of efforts.
the seond year was a very iportant turnin point for e. i tried to learn ore by yself and then apply the knowlede into pratie. the very iportant event for e is the 1th hina daily 21st entury up national enlish speakin opetition in whih i ot the first prie in our shool. but what i want to ention is only the benefits i ained fro this opetition, for exaple, y enlish speakin ability has been iproved, and no loner afraid of sayin a word in publi and also i ade friends with any students fro other universities with who i an share experiene. and soe other opetitions like hubei provinial translation and interpretin opetition, and so any ore.
another part is the soial ativities. in july XX, i went to sinapore to be a volunteer in the seond international traditional artial arts opetition. that was also an aain experiene in y life. as you an see that i witnessed with y own eyes a different ulture thus broadenin y horions. so here i want to appeal to you all that seie every opportunity to develop yourself, for the ollee is an interated platfor in the journey of your life throuh whih you are bound to row up.
the third years sees like a reat leap for e. equipped with the solid foundation i laid in the previous two years, i further partiipated in soe iportant ajor-related ontests, suh as the outlook talent show held by tv, the fifth ross-strait interpretin opetition and national enlish ability opetition. throuh all these ontests, i found yself uh ore onfident in the road ahead.
next i’ oin to ive you soe suestions to help you anae your ollee life better.
suestion1: learn as uh as possible.
for ost of us ollee an be an unforettable period for us to learn soethin. soe one one said that university is like a dye vat, whih eans that you ay be easily influened by others. if you want to learn soethin you will be ebraed by knowlede and wisdo; and if you don’t have the desire to learn you will find you et nothin after 4 years’ ollee life.
suestion2: ultivate your potentials and interests.
as we know, university is an interated platfor opared with hih shool. you do not need to bury your head in the books all day lon. you need to ondut your self-ultivation and find where your interests lie in. for exaple, if you have the talent for danin, you an join in the dane assoiation. just show it. life will be olorful if there is joy.
suestion3: always be optiisti and hopeful.
everybody knows that ollee life is ostly deterined by ourselves. soeties you ay find that teahers an’t instrut you in every aspets. so you ay easily oe aross diffiulties with whih you will et bored. but please reeber that life has its ups and downs, adversity is just part of our lives. be optiisti, you will always find your way out.
in a word, obine all the suestions i’ve entioned above with your own harateristis and stik to it, you will find suess lies in soewhere alon the road.
ok, sine tie is liited, i will stop here. if you have further question, oe to e, i will always be willin to help. that’s y part for today. thank you.
其实我十分好奇你们在这样一个时间点对于一场精彩大学生活的定义。有人曾经抱怨说大学四年完全是浪费时间和金钱, 对此,你们是这样认为的吗?答案是否定的。我想告诉大家的是,只要你们好好经营自己的大学生活,它将成为你们人生中的宝贵财富。
eahers, students!
The sprin breee, Sprin is in the air., a new seester bean. Here, first of all, on behalf of all the teahers of the shool, I would like to express y heartfelt wishes to all the students in the shool. I wish you all ood health and aadei proress in the oin year!
Lookin bak on the past, we are exited, proud and eorable.
I would like to ake the followin four requireents, whih are sued up in four sentenes:
The first sentene is, "everythin starts fro srath.".
Whether you are ood or bad in the past, what we are ost about is what you are doin now. an you seie every day?. A philosopher said, the past belons to others, the future belons to you, your past lory or fail, has beoe yesterday, for you should be only the lesson and experiene; the new seester has started, you need to do is to ive the teahers and students leave a ood first ipression. Althouh the first ipression does not represent all of one person, it is a weloe step to do so. ur lassates should also dare to bid farewell to the past shortoins, bid farewell to their shortoins, ontinue to hallene theselves, perfet theselves, and reshape a new self.
The seond sentene is that adults an beoe useful.
As the sayin oes, "first adult, later talent.". In a opetitive odern soiety, only a little ahieveent, a little talent is not enouh, only with a ood oral harater, noble sentients, an have a briht future. Therefore, we should take the "ode for priary shool students" and "daily behavior nors for priary shool students" as our ode of ondut, and we ust always be strit with ourselves. Self respet, self are, attention to instruentation, harony and refineent. Sinere and friendly, ourteous to others. Industrious and frual, filial piety to parents. Students, as lon as you ontinue to self reulate their own anatoy, Yanyilvji, various aspets of behavior, we an et the ratifyin proress in the new year.
The third sentene is hard work and sart.
In learnin, we advoate two words, real and skillful. That is to et down to learn, solidly pratie, rasp the basi knowlede. Start with eah subjet, every little exerise, think independently, ask questions, ask ore questions, and et to know the. The trik is to learn skillfully. This is not opportunisti, but ust aster the ethod, in order to obtain the best study benefit. Eah disipline has its own harateristis, and everyone has individual differenes. We should find a suitable ethod of learnin under the uidane of the teaher.
The fourth sentene is, love spell will win.
The lassates, plu flower, the flower of suess is watered by sweat. We do not advoate it, but whenever we need hard onsious spirit, indoitable ourae that need,
Students! You are the future of the otherland, the hope of the nation, "you are the sun at eiht or nine in the ornin," today, you are proud of the shool, the future shool will be proud of you, a ood beinnin is half of suess, let us start fro now on, with onfidene, to ahieve the ideal of unity thank you!
ood ornin ladies and entleen,I’ Jian Lin fro Shandon Provine.It's y pleasure to be here in front of you to introdue yself.I’ now studyin in rade 3 in No.1 iddle shool of y hoetown and I'll finish y study here this suer.
About y harater, I an’t desribe it well, but enerally speakin,I a a hard_workin student espeially when I do the thins I a interested in. And I a optiisti and onfident. Soeties I prefer to stay alone, readin, listenin to usi, but I a not lonely, In y spare tie,I often o shoppin with y friends,surf on the Internet and do soe sports,suh as runnin,table tennis and roller_skatin. I even ot the 4th plae in the 100-eter rae in y shool sports eetin,whih was a very lorious eory.But now sine I’ faed with National ollee Entrane Exaination,I an’t spend too uh tie doin sports.But this busy life has also tauht e how to balane between study and entertainent.Also I love Enlish very uh.I often write opositions to iprove y witten ability, but I know y enlish is not ood enouh,I still need to ake an effort.
This is a brief introdution of yself.At last I really look forward to bein aditted and beoin part of the NUS tea. Thank you very uh.
Win at the startin line
ood afternoon, everyone. Very happy to see so any new faes here. I a Wan Penyuan, a senior student fro lass 1101. Today, it ives e a reat honor to ive a weloe speeh here, to share with you soe of y experienes as well as ive you soe suestions in the beinnin of your ollee life.
Atually, I a very uh urious about your definitions of a ood ollee life at this speial point. Soeone one oplained to e that the ollee life is totally a waste of tie and oney. Do you think so? The answer is definitely no. Here I want to tell you that if you try to anae your ollee life well, you will find that it will be really a valuable part of your life.
And now I’ oin to share with you y personal experienes of y ollee life. I reeber when I was a freshan, a junior student was ivin a speeh on this stae I was so ipressed by her, and ade y ind to study hard. So what I did in y pervious three years was just about akin full use of ollee resoures to develop y own potentials. In y first year, I studied hard as I did in y hih shool, attendin every lass, listenin to teahers arefully, reviewin after lass and doin hoework by yself. ollee at that tie was a brand new stae for e, I was tryin to find y way of adaptin to it quikly. I partiipated in various kinds of ativities to iprove y abilities, suh as joinin in the students union, oin to the old people’s hoe, sellin newspapers outside apus, takin part in horus opetition and reitation ontest. I think y ability is soehow iproved throuh the year of efforts.
The seond year was a very iportant turnin point for e. I tried to learn ore by yself and then apply the knowlede into pratie. The very iportant event for e is the 1th hina Daily 21st entury up national Enlish speakin opetition in whih I ot the first prie in our shool. But what I want to ention is only the benefits I ained fro this opetition, for exaple, y Enlish speakin ability has been iproved, and no loner afraid of sayin a word in publi and also I ade friends with any students fro other universities with who I an share experiene. And soe o