Dear Sir ,
I’ LiHua , a hinese student takin suer ourse in your university . I’ writin to ask for help . I ae here last onth and found y ourses interestin .But I have soe diffiulty with note-takin and I have no idea of how to use the library . I was told the learnin enter provides help for students and I’ anxious to et help fro you. I have no lass on Tuesdays ornins and Friday afternoons . Please let e know whih day is ok with you. You ay eail or phone e . Here are y eail address and phone nuber :lihua@1236.o ; 123467.
Look forward to your reply .
Yours ,
Li Hua
Hi, Tiero ,
What pules you is atually a pule for any parents in hina . y idea is that it is quite riht for you to do so .
Althouh hih rades are an iportant fator in evaluatin students and for their future university adission , developent in wisdo eotion ,health and life attitude should never be inored . There are any exaples around us . Soe all—A students in shool have turned out not to be as suessful in soiety as they were expeted. The reason is often that the pressure fro their parents allows the alost no tie for other ativities . Furtherore , punishent is by no eans a wise hoie to help the row up entally and physially .
So I suest that you take your friends’ advie . ore iportantly, let her live like a lovely irl ; let her have ore friends and soial ativities ; and let her ake istakes of her own as we teenaers often do .
Dear huanhua ,
It’s three onths sine I heard fro you last tie . Now I want to tell you an ipressive story happenin on y first lesson .
n hearin the bell students ran into the lassroo as quikly as they ould. But a boy ,LIin , whose father died a onth ao , was late for the lass. He stood outside the lassroo silently . I siled to hi and let hi oe in. After a while ,he ried on his desk . Then I walked to hi and asked what had happened . He told e that his other was ill and he had to take soe ediine for her . At the sae tie ,he apoloied to e for his lateness . oved by his words , I praised hi for his deeds and deided to sin a son naed “other” for the students . How tie flies ! lass was over before I realied it .
Fro the story I felt we should respet our parents and do our best to help the . Do you think so ? I’ lookin forward to your reply .
Yours truly ,
Li Hon