







Dear o and dad,

It has been two weeks sine I last wrote to you. I a so sorry that I dont write you very often.

However, I have been busy with y preparation

for the final exas. As you know, I oin hoe on Jan.14th. But before that, I have to take the final exas for all six lasses I takin this seester. Reently I have been in and out of the library a lot to do soe researh on the ter paper for one of the lasses. ost professors ave out the review probles already so that the students an study for the final. I think I doin okay studyin for the final.

Besides reviewin aterials, I also plannin to host the New Year party of y departent. You know there are so any talented people in y ouniations ajor, but they piked e to host the party! reat, isnt it?

Well otta o talk to you soon.

Love you,



dear parents,

thouh today is not thanksivin day, i still want to tell you i love you and thank you for what you've done for e.

i know you are not suessful people, but you ive e lots of love. i know you love e ore than anythin else in the world. i know you spend lots of tie and oney on e. how an i return the love to you? i a deeply touhed. soeties i arue with you and ake you anry and sad, but you always sile to e. you never hane your love to e.when soethin worries e, you always ake e lauh. you play pinpon with e and tell e funny stories. thouh i a very busy with y hoework, i never feel stressed. i lead a happy life beause of your love.

believe e, i will try y best to be a suessful person and let you be proud of e in the future. i love you!

lots of love

yours dauhter


Dear o and Dad,

The tie has oe: I’ raduatin, and I thank you both for all your help durin these 1 years. I still reeber when you uys used to say, “You an be whatever you want.” I’ so lad you are y parents, espeially when I hear kids say they don’t et alon with theirs. I’ lad we do, and that you support e in y deisions. You always try to help, and that’s iportant to e.

Dad, I reeber when you first took e fishin. I loved oin even thouh I never auht anythin. I also reeber when you would et ad at e. I realie you were only tryin to show e the riht way. When I would ry, you would always be there to try to heer e up. That’s what I all a ood, lovin, arin dad. Soeties you and o don’t aree with the deisions I ake, but you are there by y side in whatever I do, and that’s why I love you both so uh.

o, we have our irls niht out every Friday and I hope that never hanes, even when I a in ollee. I love tellin you everythin; the best part about you is that you listen. Not only do you have reat style, but you love to have fun, and Dad does, too. You always ive e your opinion and I listen. And when I don’t, you are usually riht!

I thank od every day that you are y parents and that you uys brouht e up riht. I’ very fortunate havin the two of you by e side when soe kids don’t have this kind of relationship with their parents. It akes e know how luky I a that you two are still toether and et alon so well. That’s what akes you both so speial to e and I take in every oent that I et with you uys. Love always,








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