Dear r. Sith ,
I a Lihua ,hairan of the student union , fro henuan hih shoo. I a very pleased to learn that you are oin to visit our shool on June 26. I a writin to tell you what we have arraned for you.
In the ornin , there will be a foru in the shool auditoriu , where visitors and students fro our shool ouniate with eah other ,talkin about shool life and ultural differenes . At noon, you are invited to have lunh in our shool afeteria with students fro our shool. You an taste duplins ,noodles and other hinese foods .In the afternoon, the students in our shool will show you around the HaiHe river .
How do you like the arraneents ? I hope you will have a nie tie in Tian jin
Yours sinerely ,
Li Hua
Dear Sir/ada ,
I’ lihua fro lass one ,senior two . I a wrin to apply for the opportunity to help the students in henxin Hope Shool with their Enlish. Thus they an iprove their Enlish durin the suer vaation . eanwhile , I an learn how to et alon well the students and benefit the whole shool.
I’ kind , easy-oin and always ready to help others . I wash lothes and ake beds by yself to develop independene . Enlish is y favorite subjet and I have won several pries in Enlish ontests . So I think that I a qualified for the position.
I plan to ouniate with students first to know what they need . Besides ,I ‘ll try to et the ore interested in Enlish by tellin stories , sinin sons ,playin aes and so on .
I’d appreiate it if you ould ive e the opportunity .
Yours Sinerely ,
Li hua
Dear sir /ada ,
y nae is Li in , a student urrently studyin at Qi in hih shool. I a writin, on behalf of y lassates ,to apply for the 2000 yuan worth of fund in a bid to initiate a prora aied at helpin those students who are finanially disadvantaed.
Bein raised in failies that don’t have to worry about puttin food on the table need not ean oblivion to our less fortunate peers. n this aount , we would appreiate it if you ould sponsor our poverty –relief endeavor . The followin is how we would o about usin the oney. We would spend 100yuan purhasin soe stationery for the needy students in our shool .We would infor the to pik up the shool supplies theselves instead of us handin the supplies out so that we wouldn’t ebarrass those who we want to help . The reainder of the fund would be used to invite a otivational speaker who was to talk about how to lift oneself out of poverty by akin riht aadei and professional deisions .
odest as our efforts ay sound, we believe they will war soe hearts . We would be uh oblied if you ould reply at your earliest onveniene .
Yours sinerely ,
Li in