






Suer vaation, so dad took e hoe to have a ood tie.

Bak to their hoetown, faily are very friendly and hospitable, I three elder sister and I said exitedly: "toorrow, will harvest the rie in the field, you and we o to harvest" I thouht to yself, if I have leehes? It an suk blood! I hesitated for a oent and said, "will there be leehes?" "It doesn't atter if there are water shoes. The leehes don't absorb the blood," she said brihtly. y heart finally settled in y heart.

The next day, I ot up early and waited for the harvest. And ared to the teeth and three elder sister has a one year youner than y sister ae to the land, walkin in the uddy, narrow road, don't feel is easy to slip into the field, will be bitten by leehes, an say it will oe, I walked arefully into a very uddy plaes, one foot stepped on the round, swish fell into the fields, I thouht to yself, ah! y row's outh, , I an't et up! When the third sister saw that, she hurriedly put e up, the third sister was afraid and said, "be areful to be bitten by the leeh!" After a pani, at last, the two irls were reapin the harvest.

ousin saw soe little tadpoles in the water hurriedly ath up, I built a nest with ud, put the sall tadpoles in the water into the soil, but all of a sudden water into the ud, and his ousin hurry to hold water and pour into ud, poor little tadpoles in the ud desperately. y ousin and I just throw out sall tadpoles of ud to the fields of others, went to the water to ath tadpoles in ud nest, drain water, lost a little tadpoles... It was repeated for hours.

I had a ood tie and fear this suer!







Is one of the thins, I in the hoe "jobs. Beause in this way, oved y lothin to hand, foot iron tradin, and seondly, dispense with the iron that I et a onthly allowane of waes, three: break the iron rie bowl sole housework. Althouh is workin, but only with sliht housework, liht to see, I will do it, so without further ado, I areed about the work.

The next day, y little boy bean to et busy. I a hesitatin to do the dishes, or do I have to do the dishes first? Would you like to lean the floor or wipe the table first? I patted the forehead and looked at the silin other, whose eyes seeed to say to e: don't you et used to every day? Why not? y other walked beside e and ave e uidane.

Under y other's uidane, I first oved the dishes to the upboard, then leaned the table, and finally swept up the floor, all of whih was so tense. For the first tie, I was too busy to finish the housework. I took a deep breath. h, I don't know how y other did it every day. It ade e feel so hard for the first tie, and I earned a dollar for the first tie.


Beinnin of suer vaation, I o to wash arle, rubbin his eyes suddenly found the door with a note: apply for a feale, wash bowl 3 yuan, sweep the floor 2 yuan, op the floor 1 yuan oney, wipe the table 1 yuan oney, please o to hen other that interview. When I had finished, I was a onk. What's the new thin aa's onna do? No atter, I just took a little piee of paper and went to hen's interview. Throuh the interview, I sueeded in not ettin the honorary bade of "the holiday irl".

n the first day of work, I arefully brushed the bowl for fear that it would break and break a bowl by breakin a bowl for 2 yuan. The business of losin oney is too bad. I won't do it! I wiped the bowl with y hand, and soon, every bowl refreshed! And I anaed to et y salary and y other's praise.

With y first day of experiene, I worked harder! See e with a broo on the round have not hit the sweep, only to be found the other, her fae a hane, shouted: "lay but want to dedut waes, it sees that you really want to bukle ah!" I was surprised, and iediately waved y broo and swept away the dust. y other saw it, siled happily and ave e a bi salary. I was so happy! Then I rabbed the table, soaked the loth and sprayed it with deterent, and then bean to work etiulously with the brush. I was able to et y salary in order to et rid of all the putty on the table.





I finally ot the raduation test. As soon as I ot hoe, I threw the ba and started wathin TV with the reote ontrol on the sofa. other threw old water on the side of the roo and said what would happen if you wathed TV after shool. "I an't afford to be able to stand up to y other's urse," I have just finished the exa and let e relax." I' talkin about this one. o doesn't want e to take a break. That's not what she is. I didn't expet y other to say anythin. K, you an wath TV. Lon live!

Before lon, dad ae bak. When I ae bak fro the exa, I was lad to ask, "what, dauhter? How was your test?" (every tie you ask e this.) I love to inore the answer: "how oe every tie is to ask this, don't you only are for the sore and don't are about y dauhter?" When dad saw I was anry, he hurriedly said, "of ourse not, I ust be arin for y only dauhter!" That's pretty uh the sae. But the beain dad's sile onveres. Serious ask e: "baby, suer vaation you should o to work? To earn soe poket oney for you?" I asked, "where is the job?" "Brik fatories." What? Let e ove the brik fatory without the niht? I don't do. Dad seeed to see y ind, and said to e, "it's not that you're tryin to ove the brik all day lon. You're only oin to ove the brik in the ornin and you won't have to o in the afternoon." I said to y dad that I should think about it. "And he walked into the roo.

I thouht: the ornin sun is not stron enouh to et e tanned. And you an earn soe poket oney. If you don't, you an et dad to push y job. That's it. That's it. I walked out of the roo and said to the father: "dad, I've ade up y ind, I went to, but you have to proise e, when I don't want to work I will have the riht to push it away. You proise e first I will proise you. Let's a deal." "K" I auht dad's thub with y little thub, and we ade a deal. Well, it's all done. We areed to start the day after toorrow.





When I was doin y hoework this afternoon, y other alled e and said, "you are rown up now and should do soe housework at hoe." Seein y other's fae very serious, I had to say yes.

After dinner, y other said, "well, xianxian, I' oin to start a part-tie job." I don't know. Suddenly, I suddenly realied, hastily paked up the dishes to the kithen. A reasy bowl, I don't want to wash it. But in order to et his poket oney, he had to work hard. I piked up a bowl, turned on the fauet, and went throuh the fauet, "ok," washin "ood" a bowl. The bowl after another, after a short while, wash "finished". "It sees that there is nothin diffiult about workin." While I was huin a little son, I undid y apron. Then other ae over and looked at y washin bowl and said to e, "you see, are you doin the dishes? There's so uh oil in the bowl. Listen to other's words, I learn just now, I to the bowl to the deterent, wash with dishloth oins and oins in the last five or six ties, use water aain, in this way, one after another and I think this tie y other will be satisfied.


I started workin. When I arrived at y aunt's house, y four aunt left e and rose. I was thinkin about this "job" not hard: what is it, is it not just takin are of risin? Very siple. And then, not lon after, bad luk ae. At ten o 'lok that ornin, I was beaten for the first tie. Writin this, you will be surprised. That's all riht. The an who hit e was y brother. If you don't satisfy hi, he's oin to hit people. In order to take are of y youner brother, I took hi to the y or the arden in a few days, so that I and y brother spent the rest of July in peae.

But in Auust, the trouble ae aain and aain. At noon that day, I was sleepin, risin up and playin in y bed. After a while, I felt soethin was wron, sittin up and lookin, it turned out that he had left the shit in bed, and I had a lot of it on y hands. I ouldn't help but sit up and wipe his ass lean, and the bed was lean, espeially the bed, whih took e half a day to know what was alled hard work. Unexpetedly, the next day, he pulled the shit to the round. There's no way I an lean it aain. But on the third day he pulled to the round aain, and I was anry, starin at hi, and loudly ritiiin hi. But he was not afraid of e, and piked up his little sword and stabbed at e
























关于暑假的英语作文:My Summer Vacation






