






y winner vaation is oin soon .I a so happy I deide to ake a winter vaation plan .First, I will do y hoework arefully Seond ,I a oin to help y other with housework.Then,I want to play with y best friend.I will also visit y ranparents with y parents .We will spend Sprin Festival with the.I think every day durin y winter vaation will be happy.

I a sure I will have a wonderful vaation. I an not wait.


How tie flies(时间过得真快),unonsiously(不知不觉地) the next winter vaation (寒假)will soon oe.In order to iprove(进步) yself as well as enjoy a happy holiday,I ade the winter vaation plan.


Firstly i want to ontinue with y study,i think study is a life proess,so no atter what the situation I a in,i will look for hanes to ontinue it.I have bouht several new books ,inludin those books on y ajor(专业)and soe novels ,I will try to finish readin the in the holiday and write notes. jooone.o


Seondly,sine it is the holiday,I will share it with y faily and friends .You know the sprin festival will soon oe, I believe I would hattin and play aes with y friends and faily .I think I will enjoy the vaation.



y parents and I are oin to Hon Kon for winter vaation。 I think Hon Kon is beautiful。 And it has lots of tasty food。 I’ oin to Hon Kon next onday。 I’ oin there by plane。 I’ stayin there for two weeks。 I’ oin shoppin and buyin soe lothes there。 And I’ oin sihtseein。 I’ visitin y aunt in Hon Kon。 I’ stayin in y aunt’s hoe for two days。What an exitin vaation! I an’t wait!


Dear r.Brown:

As I have not heard of you for lon, I feel anxious.How are you doin in this winter voation.Soe of y lassates intend to travel,beause they think it an relax theself.There has soe students plans to read ore books at hoe,in order to ake a preparation for the learnin of future.ther shoolates prepare to take part in physial exerise,just for keep their health.By the way, y plan of winter voation is doin ore houseworks for y other,beause she is very hard to do that.I want to relieve her burden.

Let e hear if you reeive the letter safely.



The winter holiday is oin. I expet it very uh, beause the Sprin Festival is the ost iportant event in the holiday. First, I will relax yself.

This ter I work very hard, so durin the holiday, I want to have fun. y failies will o bak to the hoetown. We will et toether to elebrate the Sprin Festival.

I like failies ettin toether and oraniin various ativities. It’s funny and war. f ourse, study an’t be inored. After the festival, I will spend soe tieon y study.

There will be exerises for the holiday. And I will do soe reviews for next ter. ath is y weakness, so I ust work hard to iprove it.

This is y plan for winter holiday.






n the first day of winter vaation, I will ive yself ade a riorous study plan, hope you an spend a substantial winter vaation.

y study plan put y winter holiday is full of. I plan to put all the hoework before the holiday are swept away, after the hinese New Year in the top volue with three days to review your knowlede of our sae onfuius said, "onsider"! The rest of the will to prepare book1&book 2 new knowlede, or else how an have a foothold in the superior opetitive shool? I write y these learnin plan on a piee of paper, posted on y study desk, ake it a little paper play a bier role, it an play the role of a reinder to ure.

Sayin and doin are two different thins, in y winter vaation plan is really reflet inisively and vividly! Every day I wait for the sun to be basked in elder sister to the quilt to et up in the ornin, all day in the hands of the pen to write, the teptation of television and oputer, always to prohibit on learnin table winter holiday shedule beoe worthless. y hoework to the annual onth to oplete, the review plans to use five days, your plan is to oplete the uly, atheatis preview only the teaher ust ake the preview of the first two units, other disiplines in alost flat. y poor self-ontrol and effiieny!

y winter holiday finish so unsatisfatory study plan, why? She thouht I was a little lay, didn't want to learn that, poor self-ontrol, learnin effiieny is too low. I ust onsientiously orreted, let oneself after all plan to beoe a reality, not soke, hopes to have a full winter vaation next year to be happy!






How tie flies,unonsiously the next winter vaation will soon oe.In order to iprove(进步) yself as well as enjoy a happy holiday,I ade the winter vaation plan.

Firstly i want to ontinue with y study,i think study is a life proess,so no atter what the situation I a in,i will look for hanes to ontinue it.I have bouht several new books ,inludin those books on y ajor and soe novels ,I will try to finish readin the in the holiday and write notes. jooone.o

Seondly,sine it is the holiday,I will share it with y faily and friends .You know the sprin festival will soon oe, I believe I would hattin and play aes with y friends and faily .I think I will enjoy the vaation.





I’ lookin forward to the oin of y winter holiday. In order to have a ood tie in the vaation, I have ade a plan for it.

At first, y other ust ask e to do hoework. If I don’t follow her words, I wouldn’t have peae in the followin days until I finish y hoework.

So the first thin I will do in the winter holiday is to finish y hoework. And then I will take full use of y tie to o out play with y friends, beause I will have to help y other to prepare for the Sprin Festival when it’s in the orner.

Three days before Sprin Festival, I will o to y randother’s hoe for a visitwith y parents.

After the Sprin Festival I a oin to travel with y faily. As for where to o, I don’t have any plan now. aybe we will o to Harbin to the snow.

Bein the southern loal person, I have never seen snow and eaer to see it one. After the trip, I think I have to o bak to shool. This is y plan for the oin winter vaation. What’s yours?







Winter vaation is short holiday in learnin life, in order to expand knowlede, iprove aoplishent, I an fit about ood friends o to the bookstore readin a book. And I think wathin TV is a ood opportunity to learn. I want to know the reent state affairs, see news. Aross hina, take a look at our ountry around the ethial aorous feelins; See the world, look around the world, learnin artisti talent.

I also hope and students an safety for winter vaation, aordin to the safety hek list one by one hek, be areful when you set off firerakers and fireworks. And, of ourse, also should share the housework for the faily in the hoe, help y other lean the floor, wipe the table, wash the dishes, leanin... Easily for winter vaation, I will o to visit the useu of ultural relis, with y faily o to the auseent park to play, to explore siene and tehnoloy useu in the future, to the planetariu in the exploration of the universe... Study toether with extraurriular knowlede of literature.

The world expo is oin, every one of us should learn knowlede, do ontribution for the world expo. I will et soe students into the soiety, oon habit, do a ivilied, oral ood students. iviliation is as a little host should have the quality of the Shanhai expo, whether in any plae, I will also reind others, do yourself. In the winter holiday, I will be better to eet the expo, with ood anners in the fae of doesti and forein tourists, let they saw fro Shanhai side.

I hope you an like e, also do a winter vaation plan, ake the winter vaation life rih and olorful, ake this year a bullish, have a ood and pleasant winter holiday life.






The annual hinese New Year ae in 20xx, the Sprin Festival has oe exeptionally busy, it is aopanied by the festive sound of firerakers, sky in full bloo, and olorful fireworks ae. The anients as "firerakers of the year" to oeorate hinese New Year. The return of fireworks and firerakers, so that the anient ity of Beijin is full of a thik sell of years, sound of firerakers brins us endless joy, filled with a wonderful interestin traditional festivals.

As a irl, I do not like to put those little on the "raklin" sound of ei Wan and loud firerakers. I like those olorful liht eitted after, four run around fireworks. There is a alled hannelin sallpox, a arefully ed in the round bean to release, and later on the seure enouh to put in the hand rip, lit "squeak" is heard, a roup with a sall ball of fire flew up into the sky, sreain, "pit" Suddenly the sky on a flower in full bloo out, quite exitin. y favorite is alled Setaria fireworks in one hand and a lit ontinuously eitted after the briht, onstantly hanin olors of the fireworks. y hands turned, ars on the eerene of two very nie Rin of Fire; y ars open, 4 runnin, I beae a "Firebird." I have a another one to lyin, I ried, ran, happy with ... ...

hinese New Year fireworks is a traditional usto. Leend of the so-alled "year" is an evil beast, people set fire to baboo, the sound of baboo burstin sared off "year", "years" away is the hinese New Year in. I like fireworks, it ade e able to live a traditional feature of the year. I think as lon as we pay attention to safety, stressin iviliation, this tradition will be able to have a wonderful New Year.




寒假计划 四年级英语作文


我的寒假计划 五年级英语作文
























