






Today is New Year's Day,every day,every faily is very lively,a hinese New Year every faily to eat a very fatty foods,eah eal should be plaed before the whip,burn inense to the od of Wealth and hopes to ake a fortune,a hildren are up early to wear new lothes to o to the elders to pay,hopin to et older,the red envelope,hinese New Year,and full of aiety,today I a feelin very ood.



y sprin festival

The Sprin Festival is the ost iportant festival for the hinese people and is a day when hinese people et toether for sharin happiness.

The Sprin Festival falls on the 1st day of the 1st lunar onth, often one onth later than the reorian alendar.At Sprin Festival Eve, all the faily ebers eat dinner toether. After the dinner, the whole faily will sit toether, hattin and wathin TV. In the past, we often just wath the Sprin Festival party broadasted on hina entral Television Station (TV). But nowadays , less and less people wath it but play ards or ahjon.

Burnin fireworks was one the ost typial usto on the Sprin Festival. People thouht the splutterin sound ould help drive away evil spirits. However, suh an ativity was opletely or partially forbidden in bi ities one the overnent took seurity, noise and pollution fators into onsideration


February 12th,20xx sunny

Durin Sprin Festival, people in hina will op the windows to ake the briht,sweep the eil,the walls,the floor,deorate their hoe with hinese knot and Fus on the first day of the lular year.So do I.The lon period before this Sprin Festival of 20xx and prepare and have a bi feast toether.So in the afternoon,for the tradition,I ake a lot of duplins,perpare soe red envelopes ,learn to also ook soe traditional foods,for exaple, friein tofus,eattin noodles to alulate ood luk for the New Year.


This year, the iposin and viorous fiure-wai of the hinese New Year Eve, I went to the ountryside vaation, fortunate to have witnessed an exitin tu of war ae, and add ore of that kind of exiteent for the New Year fresh.

Today we returned hoe under the faily hoe, put on the bi ba, paket on the "ihty" the villae, and first entered the villae, we heard, we are in a tu of war to be held this year, I was one, there is a kind of " there are ood ovies wathed "feelin, joy on the heart. y hand restin on the pakae to o hoe after they went to see the details of the villae oittee, the oriinal is held in the villae and several other villaes in a tu of war opetition, all six en eah villae, opetitions sheduled in the afternoon 3: 00, the winner also rewards it. "It's interestin" I do not know how the front of a bulletin board I have said so.


Durin this winter vaation, that is, durin y last vaation in priary shool, the adults in order to avoid the noise of the ity and enjoy theselves in the quiet plae, they took e to the phoenix town near Dinhu ountain。 Dinhu ountain is ainly divided into two ajor seni areas: one is the ain peak to Din and Qinyun teple; two is fro the nearby town of Phoenix in the Draon Lake area of rainforest ully。

In this tour where I feel the ost is seond days to return the attle bar Valley rain forest adventure, there is sinle, double able suspension stiulation on the surfae of the water, fro the surfae of a etre or two eters hih, and eah has at least five eters lon, ten eters lon, and let the foot o on only a few wide able。 Espeially those sinle able, althouh not as lon as double able, but on two steel ables are vertially alined, so when not to lib bak up or down, sees to have felt very danerous, and the Sora is not straiht, stand up ake you frihtened。

And the hardest thin is to lib those ountains。 The ountain is atually soe shorter。 But in the preipitous rok faes and sheer liffs, on both sides of a row of ropes and hains, but also beause it is surrounded by forests, water flow down, and there are soe oss on the stone, so are often too slippery and alost fell into, and soe plaes are too hih too steep and we ust seie the rope, feet to dent and protrudin plae the walls to lib out fro the foot to the ountain for at least 1 hours to walk。 This is the ost valuable exploration an fully reflet the tea spirit of unity: behind the players an report to the players in front of the above (suh as a tree, listenin to a rok; and the pioneer) report in front to the bak of the players (suh as listenin to the slippery round, a able)。

I a very happy this trip, beause I not only inrease y knowlede, but also know how to unite and ooperate。






in reent years, then I will hurry bak to work. aybe in the near future, settin off firerakers, the irate works and white-ollars are beinnin rowded hoe-returnin. But, puttin red ouplets on ates, but the youn radually hane the ode to spend their sprin festival holiday, I will have no tie elebratin sprin festival hoetown, The sprin festival is hinese ost traditional festival every 36 days. Eah hinese pay uh attention on it. Every year about 1 days before sprin festival。

I spend only 4 or days at hoe with y parents in elebratin the sprin festival, any different attitudes between the youn and the old towards the sprin festival oe forth. The old are still pay ore attention to the sprin festival, I like the sprin festival. It is one of the ost iportant part of our hinese ulture. However busy I a, I elebrated the sprin festival with y faily about a onth in y winter vaation in traditional way, suh as travel overseas. When I a a hildhood, and wear new lothes. Now, suh as helpin leanin our houses。

and y parents have to oe to stay with us in the ity. Whether or no。

I will try y best to elebratin it with the traditional way to protet those our anestor has leave behind. , with the developent of the world。


February 12th,20xx sunny

Durin Sprin Festival, people in hina will op the windows to ake the briht,sweep the eil,the walls,the floor,deorate their hoe with hinese knot and Fus on the first day of the lular year.So do I.The lon period before this Sprin Festival of 2016 and prepare and have a bi feast toether.So in the afternoon,for the tradition,I ake a lot of duplins,perpare soe red envelopes ,learn to also ook soe traditional foods,for exaple, friein tofus,eattin noodles to alulate ood luk for the New Year.


Today is the seond day of the winter vaation。 In order to rush to do the winter vaation work and play with pain, I finished the winter vaation arden at one, and the bi stone in y ind finally fell down, and at last, it ould be relaxed。 I a pleased to sih, to o and Dad "ood news", that o and dad will be happy for e, did not expet y father was old and Stern said: "to do so quikly what is the use? Are all of the hoework assined by the teaher to you in one or two days? How an I have a ood rasp of the suer knowlede and a ood review of the knowlede of the last seester?

When I heard it, I felt that Dad had a ood sense。 Hey! If so, I will not do so, but now what ways? In a word, I will never be "dub" aain like this。




As the ost iportant festival in hina sine anient ties, the Sprin Festival is always bein exepted by we kids. Beause we don't need to do any hoework durin this tie very year.It's really a preious holiday for us. And our parents are free fro their work too. We o to our randparents' to et toether with the to enjoy the oent when the new year oes.

I will priiate if the holiday to be loner.


Today, I went to the veetable far with y randother to buy food。

When we ot to the kithen, randa bouht soe baboo shoots and potatoes, and we went to see it for a while。 I see a bullfro。 I usually have one "I" in one sentene, and the bak an be oitted。 I asked y randother to buy e one。 We went on aain and saw a fruit shop, and the randother said, "let's buy a suar ane。" When I was about to buy it, I saw that the suar ane in this shop seeed to be rotten, and y randother saw it, and said, "why is your suar ane like this?" I said soethin so bad to randa。 Let's not buy it。

Today, I went to the veetable arket with y randother。 There were so any dishes in the arket。 y randother said that life is ettin riher and riher。 They didn't eat anythin before。 There were any thins that they ould only eat when they were elebratin the new year, and now we are like New Year's Eve every day。

































