






January 13 20xx


It was the first day of our winter holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Beause we have one onths to do thins we love to do. We are free. Althouh we have soe hoework. But we an finish the in several days. And the rest tie we an ake ood use of. y od! We have been very tired after hard studyin. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleep and eat ood food in order to replenish yself. Last but not the least, I will have a ood rest.



January 17 20xx


It is a speial day today. y other sent one hundred basket of red bayberries. I like to eat red bayberries. It tastes nie. When they arrived in Shanhai, they were still fresh. But ost of the would be sent to y other's business friends. I hose the best basket of red bayberries to eat. I put the rest in y refrierator. Red bayberry is y hoetown's speial produt. It is well-known in hina. any people like to eat it.


Dear Sir or adae,

I' very lad to be invited to the Enlish suer ap.

I prefer to o in July beause I'll have to prepare yself for the new shool ter in Auust. It sees all the ativities you offer are attrative and eaninful. But I'd like to attend the Enlish letures fro whih I an et ore inforation on British and Aerian ulture. With the oin of the 20xx Beijin lypi aes ore and ore foreiners are eaer to know about hina. So I hope to teah foreiners hinese and spread hinese ulture.

It's been a drea for e to visit Beijin. ould you oranie a tour around the ity durin the ap?

Thank you very uh.


January 14 20xx


It was the seond day of our winter holiday. I felt ood. I felt I' free. I had a lot of tie to do thins I like. y parents are in Beijin. So I live alone but I don't feel lonely. But I didn't do soethin speial. I stayed at hoe and wathed TV. h! I wrote an Enlish daily oposition. It was y hoework. Today, I have slept for 14 hours. I thouht I was very tired. It was tie for dinner. I ust o! I a very hunry.



In an instant, and to the winter vaation, our winter vaation life rih and olorful, I ost love to y randother went to the winter vaation, y randa has a lare yard, everreen aphor, a olorful hrysantheu, there is a speial season quiet hibernatin turtle, up to the nuber of dust, all kinds of veetables with the above, if soe snow would be ore fun, but this holiday isn't snowin, but I' not lost, there is so uh ud, I an play with ud and sister toether, do "erai" play.

Althouh it was winter, it didn't feel old at all. We were still happy to et ready, spades, boards, and water. We auht a lot of dirt on the prepared board, with a sall aount of water and toether, we had two sall wooden ix, but that is not only ubersoe and very slow, so we ut out by hand ix up, we ot two hands red with old, also dirty, but his fae was filled with happy sile. I aidentally put ud on y fae, y sister lauhed I beae a bi at.

Then we rabbed the ud and fell to the round, put it onto the sei soft sei hard deree, as we fell awfully, y hand suddenly a pain, I looked at the hand, turned out to be a stab into the pal, drew a deep hole, I an don't hurt you all up. y sister hurried over to see what I see, a hand srathed, still bleedin, hurried to help e wash away the ud and water stains, and then find out arry off all that one has a sall perturbation, ive e the lip out of the thorn, looked distressed. I a very rateful, kept sayin thank you, sister to help e put a bandae. Lookin at y sister's wary look, the pain relieved a lot.

We went on to work aain, and finally, under our joint efforts, we ade a nie bowls. ur works were so suessful that we forot the pain.

In this winter day, althouh there is a pain, ore harvest is happiness and friendship. Enjoy the tail of y hildhood. Find the joy of our hildhood.


Tie is like a never-endin strea, quietly flowin fro our side. ne worthy of our eories hurried away in 2014, ushered in a new 201.

New Year's Day holiday for three days. New Year's Day this year how too? o and Dad with e in previous years are the roots, parks, while playin eatin deliious snaks. Think of every festival any people, espeially in publi plaes, any people on the round of trash everywhere. ur beloved sanitation workers have to work hard for several days, in order to lean up the arbae. So, I ive yself arraned a speial task: the New Year's day ake a return to the lory of "reen anels" an be onsidered to y ivilied nors in 201 opened a ood start.

Why not ation. Eat lunh, I just bi bas in one hand, one hand holdin the iron lip on foot (do not take the other's ar, so ore environentally friendly) airport to downtown.

Steady strea of vehiles to travel in the streets, pedestrians oin and oin. Streets are lined with flas flutterin in the wind, in front of shops Raise the Red Lantern, very festive atosphere. But the ontrary is the roadside, on the sidewalk, alost every plae soeone an always see a lot of rubbish! I walked to pik up, unknowinly ae Shiei Square.

"Ha Pooh," while spittin disustin sound oin fro in front of e. y other looked, turned out to be a suit, shoes polished briht unle slip to the round spittin. I bi frown, rihtly said: "Unle, now is a low-arbon environental ounity, please do not spit!" Unle looked at e, soewhat ebarrassed, and apoloied:. "I' sorry, then I ust pay attention."

Unle looked away in the bak, I feel very proud. So I pik up all the way alon the way, ae fro Shi ei Plaa Yushan. Should not soeone litterin it! Just when I triuphantly, appeared in front of a new "eney." ! A six-year-old little irl, positive relish eatin potato hips, eatin put the bas went to the floor and ried throw y "attak" of the tie: "The kids, eatin thins an not throw the ba! "" Why? Soe adults also thrown on the round! "the little irl replied plausible. I think she was a hild, not with her as, had patiene, said: "! If everyone litterin the round will be filled with arbae, stinkin, ore unsanitary," the little irl said, blushin : "h, little sister, I know that should throw the dustbin."

Sunset, I've persuaded a lot of people, "repented", but also ain a lot of "loot." I thouht: If everyone in the body as a responsibility, our hanshu will beoe ore beautiful, ore environentally friendly!

Half down, althouh I felt tired, but I think this is y flies the ost eaninful New Year!










other said that niht to eat hot pot. I' happy to jup up. So, y other and I to the arket to buy utton, balls, hinese abbae, bean urd... At hoe other is busy in the kithen. "Hot pot" other opened a transparent lass over, suppressed for a lon tie a hold of the stea out of the restaurant overflowin the spied hot pot. I an't wait to eat a bite, but other said: "even wait a will brin!" I anxiously wait for, finally boiled I piked up the hopstiks shoveled the food to a bowl eat it. "Eat slowly, is too hot to eat the intestines eltin" dad tauht e just like a bi sholars, he an eat hot pot in obble it atually. We had a faily, leavin all their iae to the outside of the loud nine, the rest is just round belly, sweet sweet sell. h, and the ost ordial and war faily atosphere

What a wonderful oent!

妈妈说晚上吃火锅。我高兴的跳了起来。于是,我和妈妈到市场买了羊肉、丸子、白菜、豆腐.....回到家妈妈就在厨房里忙碌起来。“热腾腾的火锅来了”妈妈掀开了透明的玻璃盖,憋了许久的的蒸汽一拥而出,餐厅里溢满了火锅的香味儿。我迫不及待的想吃一口,可是妈妈说:“还要等一会要等开锅呀!”我焦急的等待者,终于开锅了 我拿起筷子把菜跳到碗里大口大口的吃了起来。 “慢慢吃,太烫的东西吃下去会把肠子融化的”爸爸像个大学者似的教导我,其实他自己也在狼吞虎咽的吃火锅那。我们一家人吃的热火朝天,把形象都抛到九霄云外了,剩下的只是圆圆的肚子,香香的气味。噢,还有最亲切、最温馨的家庭气息



First, I want to tell you soethin about y best friend and e. I have a friend alled Dik. In soe ways, we are the sae. Both Dik and I are ood at sports. We always o to library toether to read beause of the sae hobby. So, we also study well all subjets. Readin books is iportant in our life .In soe ways, we are different. Dik is a little taller and a lot stroner than e. I think it is beause he does exise every day. For e, I just take exise three ties a week. Dik likes oin to onert, but I have no interest in it. In y free tie, I always wath TV. That is really fun.



Today was the vaation last day, I reoranied own went to shool with the thin in the hoe, this vaation iht be really quik, ade e extreely not to ive up, toorrow also will be the new seester 今天是假期的最后一天了,我在家里整理好自己上学用的东西,这个假期过的可真快呀,令我十分不舍得,明天又是新的一个学期了!!


It was the first day of our suer holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Beause we have one onths to do thins we love to do. We are free.Althouh we have soe hoework. But we an finish the in several days. And the rest tie we an ake ood use of. y od! We have been very tired after hard studyin. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleepand eat ood food in order to replenish yself. Last but not the least, I will have a ood rest.



I went to Hainan with y faily this vaation。I think Hainai is a beautiful ity。I have a reat tie!First,I went to the beah。I played beah volleyball 。Then I went swiin。After that,I went to shoppin and bouht soe suvior。f ourse,I ate soe sea food,it was really nie。In the end,I took a walk aroud the ity park!I took lots of photos!This a worderful vaation what I like,I want to o aain,how about you?






























