

篇首语:从困难中战胜出来的人 才是真正的赢家。本文为你选取作文寒假高中英语日记四篇,希望能帮到你。





"Ha ha ha..." We have a lauh fro tie to tie in our winter holiday interest lass. You know what we are doin. Ha ha, we are playin paper aes - a fun ae.

We eah have a sall piee of paper, the first roup of students in the note of "tie" and the weather onditions; the seond roups of students to write "haraters" in the note; third roups of students to write "plaes", suh as the lassroo, in the Arti, in hu elian's bedroo and so on; the fourth roups of students to write "what", for exaple paintin, dane and dane et.. The ore novel and strane, the ore weird the better. Finally, please take out a piee of paper fro four bas to ake up a sentene and read it loudly to everyone. Then the best reative Award and the ost huorous funny Prie are awarded to these sentenes.

The teaher ave us a sall piee of paper, the lassates all sorts of ossip and areful onfidential disussion opened, after a period of tie after the disussion, I lauh write put the note to A students.

A shoes took the note, ould not help lauhin, we ure hi for a lon tie, he was hesitant to say: "in seond...... World War... Durin the war, T students... n the stae... He quietly sneaked...... Dane! " Then, he uproarious up. The whole lass, exept for e, all lauhed, soe tears fell down, soe had a belly lauh, and soe had to fall on the stool... (by the way, I' the T student), and now you understand why I don't lauh.

The seond tie I read it, I read the note and ouldn't help lauhin. "When the universe exploded, the deer spotted the fae ask in the blak hole." "Do you do it!" In a blak hole! ask paintin! And sneaky! When the universe exploded, there were blak holes!!! B said in surprise to his lassates. "Yeah, yeah! It's funny! " The student lauhed and didn't stop at all. It alost fell down. Fortunately, soeone pulled hi bak to avoid the "traffi aident".

The ost interestin thin is, the last "ood sentene". "Qin Shihuan on the rooftops of psyhiatri hospitals ean bein." "What!!!! Qin Shihuan went to the ental hospital! It also an not find work, be for food?!!" I didn't hear! Look at the B lassates lauhed all stoah pain, tears are alost rabbed, I still don't see B lassates.

Haha, see here, you have heart ith, then oe to our lass. Weloe to join us.


Today, the winter vaation, I deided to take a ood rest, but, y nephew Yi in is entanled in e, I want to play with hi, alas, there is no way, have to oproise.

I suddenly think of it in the "story and joke" in this book see to write what we teah a sall rabbit Budaowen, in order to ake Yi in no loner bother e, I think: it is better to ive hi a sall rabbit tubler. So I said: "Yi in, aunt to help you do a tubler." He said, "ood, ood!"

Just do it. I have prepared aterials aordin to the book: balloon, lue, pient, ardboard, white paper, water halk, arker pen, paper utter, sissors, spone paper. Beause of the balloon and the lue, I went to the superarket to buy a balloon and lue bak.

Well, the aterials are all ready and we an start to do it, and I do it aordin to the steps in the book:

Blow up the balloon and ut it well.

ut out four rabbit ears with a ardboard paper, and paste the double side lue on two of the.

Paste two piees of paper toether, ake ears, and fold the lower end of the ear.

Stik the double fae lue at the botto of the ear, tear off the overed paper and paste the rabbit ear on the top of the balloon.

ut the white paper into a sall piee of paper, put the lue on the paper, and stik it on the balloon in a wron way. It needs to paste about three layers of paper.

Put the stiky balloon flat, and then ut it out with a sissors after it is opletely dried.

ut a sall outh on the paper with a paper utter, and be areful not to ut the hand when uttin it.

Put the sissors into the ut, and ut the paper shells into two.

ut out a strip with a ardboard paper and attah a double side lue to it.

Paste the paper on the inside of the botto of the paper shell.

In the paper the shell into a ud, then put the finer pressin, paper shell upper over, tubler basially ade.

To the botto of the tubler with deep pink to a top painted white.

The spony paper is ut and the side is flat on one side, and the side is wavy.

Stik a double fae lue on the lae, tear off the tape overed by the tape, and stik the lae to the ut of the paper shell.

ark the eyes, nose and outh of a little rabbit with a ark.

ut out a retanular spone paper and a lon strip of spone paper, roll the lon spone paper into the iddle of the retanular spone paper, and tape it to ake a bow.

Finally, the bow stuk on the rabbit's head, tubler is ready. ,

I et ready to Budaowen Yi in, he siled happily.

I took the opportunity to slip away.


A holiday like WuWeiPin, the taste is salty sour, sweet, bitter, hot. Let e tell you the joy of y winter vaation.

After finished the final exa, a day is y birthday, would have invited a few friends to o out for y birthday, but I just have a fever that day, oodpain! In a few days I wanted, with a roup of Xu hiyu and hen Xiaoin, and hu ishan in our lass and hen Yijun up toether to help e birthday.

After we opleted the olletion, the first to look at the Xinhua Bookstore stationery, then we went to Xinhua bookstore next to KF bouht a buket buket, but hen Yijun hasn't arrived yet, we had to stay in the playround where Tinlin Park waitin for hi. For a lon tie, hen Yijun ae, the ost hateful is to pay for the tikets Tinlin Park, hen Yijun atually took last year ard away! How bad it is! With our irls, there's a "war of outh". "outh water war" is not easy to stop, well, start to eat the faily barrel! We robbed one, I robbed one, and then a whole faily barrel was dried up by us. Then hen Xiaoin and Xu hiyu have a flyin seat, and hen Xiaoin knows the people in the auseent park, and don't buy tikets, alas! Xu hiyu is also blessed with hen Xiaoin! Then I went with hen Xiaoin to play his head hair, alas ~ ~ I alost kiked to buy tikets for the unle, sared e!

Then we ride to the north of the ity, ae to the Yiwu Sall oodity ity, the oods inside the array, let us beyond ount. We looked for a lon tie, we hose for our oods, hu ishan //www.riji.net/pi/b, exquisite I told Xu hiyu and hen Xiaoin bouht Lahua, I is yellow, Xu hiyu and hen Xiaoin buy olor is blue, but the pattern is not the sae, but they are so beautiful!

Then we all split up, and at niht I put fireworks with hen Xiaoin at the botto of the buildin. y father helped e a lot of fireworks. It was beautiful! I' daled. We finished the fireworks, hen Xiaoin also took her to buy their own wand, at first I was not hair, slowly, I dare, I also wrote the nae of hen Xiaoin with a wand! Ha-ha!

I like the winter vaation, has the happiness, the winter vaation I always iersed in the happiness!


other often told e: "the oney in the hoe is hard-won, spend tie to save a point." I don't think so. "Isn't the oney you ake to spend? I thouht to yself. This winter holiday work trip let e wake up, oney really hard to earn!


20xx年03月0日 星期一 天气:晴

When I bean to learn Enlish in rade in priary shool, I had a reat interest in Enlish. And y Enlish always ranked first in the exas. However, when I was in rade 7, y Enlish was not so ood as before. Beause I felt tired of Enlish. I alost wanted to ive it up. But later one person haned y attitude totally.

ne day, I happened to eet y first Enlish teaher, iss Liu, who had always thouht hihly of e. She asked e how I ot alon with y Enlish. All at one I didn’t know how to answer her. I was afraid that I would let her down if I told her the truth. At that oent, what I ould do was to han y head. I felt so ebarrassed. But iss Liu seeed to have known everythin. She said to e patiently, “Don’t wait for what you want to oe to you. o after it. Everyone has ever failed before. A suessful person an sueed beause of his persistene.” She ontinued, “You should pluk up your ourae and have another try. Don’t be afraid of diffiulties. Instead, you ouht to hallene the. nly in this way an you sueed. You will never fail. I believe in you.” Hearin these, I ouldn’t help ryin. I proised iss Liu that I would try y best and never ive up whatever diffiulties I iht eet with.

Now, I have ade it. In y Senior ne, y Enlish is still keepin the first. And I won’t have y Enlish be left behind one aain.

It was iss Liu who enouraed e to rebuild y onfidene. She has tauht e a lesson, whih I will keep in y ind forever.


ne day when the up was full, r. Nanin ae to a uest in his house and asked for his knowlede. r. Nan reeived hi in the air. After the uest was seated, the uest did not listen to hi, but he talked on and on. Fro his own life, work, and faily, he talked about his areer and researh, and talked for a lon tie. r. Nan had not sueeded in tryin to interjet several ties.

r. Nan listened quietly. After a while, he ot up, went into the kithen, and brouht the tea. He poured the tea into the uest's up, thouh it was full but ontinued to pour, as if he had not seen it at all.

At first it seeed strane to the rih uest, and when he saw that r. Nan had not stopped, the water was beinnin to spill over, and he finally held his hand.

"Don't you see the lass is full?" 'he said.' no ore! '

"That's true," said nan, who finally stopped. "like this up, you're full of your own ideas. If you don't ive e an epty up, how an I tell you? !


I like to surf the internet, fix oputers, use sart phones and take photoes. And I found y hobbies were popular with people around e. If y o-workers have trouble with oputer or sart phone, they will ask e to help. When I o out for a trip, I will take any photoes for others. Today I helped y friend's nephew install QQ essener on his iphone4 and aess to the internet throuh Wi-fi.

I like to study, not to play ajian.


Every oin has two sides , whih is the sae as surfin the Internet. n one hand , we benefit a lot fro oputers. For instane , any people are austoed to oin shoppin on the Internet, whih is a way to save tie and oney. What’s ore, Internet akes it onvenient for friends and relatives to ouniate with eah other. So people are ore losed. Besides, we an o throuh the news all over the world throuh the Internet, whih an broaden our eyes and assist us to learn ore about the world.

n the other hand, with the popularity of oputer aes, ore and ore teenaers are addited to virtual world , leadin to a terrible rade and health. oreover, plenty of unhealthy inforation eeres on the Internet, akin a bad influene on teenaers.

nly we obine the real life and oputers an we use it reasonably.

As we all know, the 21st entury of the Internet. With the developent of the Internet, ore and ore people bein to use it to enjoy theselves or do soethin speial. However, every oin has two sides , the Internet also has its own advantaes and disadvantaes.

ur life has a reat hane sine we use the Internet. We benefit a lot fro the Internet. As for e, I a austoed to oin shoppin on the Internet, whih is a ood way to save y tie and oney. any people do the sae as e. What’s ore, the Internet akes it onvenient for us to ake friends and et people losed . We an also o throuh the news all over the world. The Internet not only broaden our view but also assist us to know ore about the world . n the other hand , ore and ore teenaers are addited to virtual world and they all play oputer aes everyday they want, leadin to a terrible result.

In onlusion, we should have seletive usin the Internet and keep away fro the virtual world. Don’t always use the Internet to hew the fat and do soethin eaninful.


ulture, aordin to the definition iven by Hofstede, is the olletive ental prorain of the people in an environent, onditioned by the sae eduation and life experiene. Therefore, there are differenes between various nations or reions, beause people are affeted by eduation, soiety and work experiene. Take the ultural differene between the East and the West as the exaple, hina is a ountry that endures hih power distane while Aeria endures lower power distane. Therefore, status sybol is very iportant for hinese and a superior havin the privilee is a atter of ourse. But people in Aeria think that they are all equal. Besides, the westerns are individualisti while the easterners are ore olletivisti. In individualisti soieties, people fous on their own values and needs, relyin on individual efforts to serve their interests. In the olletivisti nations, people obine theselves into one or several ounities, findin their own plae in the roup and they entally rely on the ounity, so harony sees iportant in those nations. There are three ain differenes between the East and the West, naely unertainty avoidane index, asuline versus feininity and lon vs. short ter orientation.


This ornin, I skipped to the "hot sprin 1" resort in tanshan to report that I had to work to earn oney. an you be unhappy? I thouht I ould be on duty that day, but I didn't expet to have three etiquette trainin.

The trainin bean. It is ood to just stand in step, hands overlapped in the navel, fae with a sile, see the uests say: hello, weloe to your arrival. Isn't that easy? It's a piee of ake! However, it is too abnoral to take our forean! Let's lauh for half an hour, and let people live? y faial usles are probably stiff! I didn't expet the trainin to be so bitter, I kind of want to bak out.






























