






How tired a I! I went bak fro honqin three hours ao. In the ity I nearly lost the way. Thanks for the hot heart an woan. They help us to find the way. h, don’t think so badly, I’ fine. Beause of y hard, y hoepae is ore beautiful than before, I’ very happy to see it. I love ake hoepae, if you love it, please let e know, we an take hours talkin about hoepae. Thank you.

The day before yesterday I ae to the enter of honqin with y other. We ae to a plae naed “toward the air door”. I think any people know it. The niht view is so beautiful that we all don’t want to bak to hoe. I have a photo here. In the nine, we had to o bak hoe. I didn’t wash y fae before I went to bed, I’ too tired.


How happy I a. the day before yesterday I finished all the work very quik, so I have a lot of tie to do yself. Soeties finish work early is a ood thin, we an have ore interests to do the next work. Beause of this, I write Enlish dairy eiht in the ornin. But I wrote it in the evenin in the pass day. Everyone, if you an finish the work quikly, not lay, try your best.


This week I didn’t do any wonderful thins.I went to learn developin fil with y lassates on July 1st.It was easy and we all ot ood arks.

n July 4th, I went to shool to learn, beause I will be a junior three student soon.We would have to learn soe lessons in advane.The weather was very hot.But I didn’t feel that learnin lessons was borin.Soe teahers are new.They are ood I think, althouh they are all looked strit.And the lessons were not too bad.

This week was the beinnin of this suer holiday,but it was really ty//www.riji.net/pi/puter word I fall in the weekend exa. any ties I want to take today off, y other said to e:“o on, you ust belive that you an do it.” So I have to try. Now y Enlish is better than 2onths ao. I ust thanks y other, she is ood for e. Praties akes perfet.


In the winter vaation when the headaster asked us to enrih hiself in the vaation, ore readin, so there is a tie I would like to look around, but it is in their own inadvertently found a lot of valuable thins, you see this story:

ne day when the up was full, r. Nanin ae to a uest in his house and asked for his knowlede. r. Nan reeived hi in the air. After the uest was seated, the uest did not listen to hi, but he talked on and on. Fro his own life, work, and faily, he talked about his areer and researh, and talked for a lon tie. r. Nan had not sueeded in tryin to interjet several ties.

r. Nan listened quietly. After a while, he ot up, went into the kithen, and brouht the tea. He poured the tea into the uest's up, thouh it was full but ontinued to pour, as if he had not seen it at all.

At first it seeed strane to the rih uest, and when he saw that r. Nan had not stopped, the water was beinnin to spill over, and he finally held his hand.

"Don't you see the lass is full?" 'he said.' no ore! '

"That's true," said nan, who finally stopped. "like this up, you're full of your own ideas. If you don't ive e an epty up, how an I tell you?

Fro this story, I know that to ake your ind voit, you ust epty your ind in tie, just as you ust epty a lass filled with water to hold ore. This reinds e of y work, and in y work, I need to lear y ind in tie to prepare yself for the hallene.


In winter vaation, I soeties o to randother's house, this winter holiday, I also like the past year, o to randother's hoe for the Sprin Festival.

Eve niht, after dinner, is our happy tie for hildren, is still the sae this year, I had to o to sall roo beside the fireworks, the first thin I //www.riji.net/pi/es the flowers in the arden.

Brother saw e playin the butterflies, and ould not help but to randparents also want a root, as a result, don't also ood, any people with one to frihten a half dead, his brother lit fireworks after the bar, hand a loose, fireworks bar "fly" away fro his hand, and you et a shok, patterin about wathed the fireworks in the yard, everyone rushed hoe, losed the door, the results aidentally loked y unle out of the house, after a eetin, suh as the door opened, and everyone saw unle beause ouldn't et in, so wath the fireworks in the stralin senes. Fortunately, our hildren play with fireworks, the fire is not bi or it will suffer. After the fireworks went out, everyone lauhed aain, and then went on eatin, hattin, and I was happy to let off y fireworks.


This year, we return to shantou villae in shantou villae for the Sprin Festival.

The villae is an anient ity with a ity ate and a oat, but it is a pity that the oat is buried and built. In the villae, there are henhuan teple and au pavilion, as well as a faily anestral hall. Anestor worship is held in wen's anestral hall.

The anestral hall is very lare, and there are two stone lions in front of the red ate. Next to the stone lions are the drus and ons, and any of the hildren will play the ons while they worship their anestors. Wen wanda, our anestor, was a soldier of the in dynasty. At the beinnin of the New Year, the anestors of the anestral hall were plaed on the table with pis and sheep. The patriarh first suaried the previous year and then briefly desribed the ontent of the anestor worship. After that, the host will host the ereony. In the whole proess of anestor worship, everyone ust kneel, the villae elders are at the front, and we are behind. Then read the essae and onratulate the anestors. The people who read the essae should satisfy the followin three points: first, the surnae wen, the seond is the advaned deree, the third is the hiher position. y father had read the essae, and he said it was tirin to read the essae beause the essae was too lon. When readin the essae, people were very quiet, as if tie had stopped. But that's not the end of it. The fireraker is very lon and needs to be pulled up to a heiht of ten eters. The sound is very loud after it is lit. We all need to over our ears. Then there is the lion dane. The lion danes fro low to hih plu posts, shakin his head fro tie to tie, perforin a soersault. There are people in the lion dane tea playin boxin. Lookin ood!

hildren usually buy sand annon to play. Just throw the sand annon on the round and the annon iediately explodes. There are puppet shows on the ede, whih are interestin, thouh they are not intelliible.

The Sprin Festival in the ountry is really interestin!


Today is the first day of all in the whole holiday, and it is the first tie I have otten up sine the holiday. I et up at seven o 'lok in the ornin! Early? Severe?

Today, I arrived at shool around o 'lok, and I saw a lon, lon tie ao, a table, a stool, a pain in y heart. Beause they are the last thin I like to see. Fortunately, y hoework was opleted and there was no ritiis. Also, in this eetin, the head teaher of our lass did not oe to the shool, whih ay be the reason why the train was too slow. To oranie the disipline of our lass is a teaher who has never et, she has a sentene that I reeber very learly, it is very unforettable, alost ade y head wind disease aain oitted. She said: "the Sprin Festival is over, the winter holiday is alost finished, and soon after shool starts, want to take bak the ind." h, y head is so sik that I an't help it. Now, tie flies, and the shool starts, it's a stone's throw for e. If you were a student, I thouht, you would have the sae headahe as e.

It was a pity to think of the first eihteen days of the holiday, but it would never oe bak. Today is the 19th day of the holiday, and there are forty-six days. In other words, the holiday has passed alost 42 perent, and it's alost half the tie! Ah! This is terrible! y whole body was shakin, I was thinkin of the teaher's roar, tie still have? Is it enouh? It's always slippin away in y hand. Ah, the day! Did y vaation slip away so quietly? ood, tie wants to pour out water, broken lass, will never look bak. So after today's all, I went bak hoe very quikly and started y hoework aain. The unknown toorrow is how, and see toorrow's diary deoposition.


Today is the seond day of winter vaation release, in order to quikly ake winter vaation work, expliitly playin, I just finished the "winter vaation orner", the bi stone in y heart also fell down, and finally an easily another!

I sihed with joy and went to tell y o and dad that I was happy, but I didn't expet y father to be old and stern and said, "what's the use of doin so fast? Did the teaher assin all of these assinents to you in a day or two? How an you aster the knowlede of suer vaation well and review the knowlede of the last seester? After hearin this, I thouht y father had a point. Ah! If I had known that, I wouldn't have done it, but what ould I do now? In a word, I will never be like this aain.


Today, I still went to y other’s offie. y other was very busy, so was y father.

They always live in Beijin. They ust et up early. Beause they will anae the fatory. So I know they are very laborious. So I should save y oney. Also I should help the.

Althouh I an’t do soethin useful, but I think I should share the work with the. I a one of y faily eber. In the future, I will take a job and work. It’ tie for e to bein to learn how to work.






























