The prinipal of a shool is one of our first enounters with a fiure of authority. onsequently, he or she ust be a ood exaple of a leader. The prinipal ust be fir, fair and foresihted whih are iportant qualities of a prinipal.
When a prinipal announes a rule, you ust understand that he or she eans it. If a rule requires all students to be in their seats when the bell rins, the rule ust be enfored. If students are out of their seats, they should be punished. If a rule requires that students not wear bats in shool, the rule ust be enfored. If students wear bats, the bats ust be taken away fro the. A prinipal ust be fir.
When a prinipal enfores a rule, you ust understand that he or she will treat everyone equally. If I et auht eatin at y desk, I ust reeive the sae punishent that y lassate ot when she ot auht eatin at her desk. If a sophoore is late for shool, he or she ust reeive the sae punishent that a senior would. A prinipal ust be fair.
When a prinipal establishes a rule, you ust understand that he or she has a ood reason for it. If a rule requires that students ust partiipate in extraurriular sports, you should understand that the prinipal knows that a stron body as well as a stron ind will help us in the future. If a rule requires that students ust do two hours of volunteer work in the ounity eah week, you should understand that the prinipal knows that lose involveent in the ounity builds stron harater. A prinipal ust be foresihted.
A prinipal’s job is not as easy one. I only hope that in the future, I an odel y own leadership abilities on the ones I observed in shool. I hope I an be as fir, fair, and foresihted as y prinipal.