Today, on the way hoe fro shool, y partner and I saw a ar knoked down a biyle. The aunt on the biyle ot up fro the round and solded, "how do you drive a ar? Don't you have eyes?" the unle who drove the ar also ot off the ar and solded her, "you don't have eyes. I' about to stop. Why do you still ride forward?" then they said to e ne sentene of solded. Fro this atter, I thouht of a sentene of blakboard newspaper in y lass: "stop at the red liht, o at the reen liht, let you wait at the yellow liht." This sentene let e know how to herish life, the safety of life is the ost iportant.
Sine then, the president of our university has appointed the Eereny anaeent ffie of the State ounil. Departent of basi eduation, inistry of eduation. Traffi ontrol bureau of the inistry of publi seurity. Fire departent. The priary shool publi safety eduation book opiled by the seond Supervision Departent of the State Adinistration of work safety reords how to herish life and travel safety eduation.
There is suh a sentene in the reent blakboard newspaper "only safety an have a drea." I don't know how any ties this traedy has happened, aybe just a seond, and the preious life will disappear. aybe it's just a thouht, but a livin life will always lose his lovely eyes. "
Finally, I learned to herish life and travel safely, startin fro e and startin fro a sall ae.
Today, the neihborhood oittee oranied us to visit the Tonshan Road Fire Briade.
首先,我们参观了消防车,上面有云梯、消防水带。接着,我们参观了救火员叔叔的宿舍,他们的宿舍又干净又整洁。我们还看他们叠被子,被子方方正正,像豆腐一样。本来还要看演习,但是他们接到了火警电话,都出去救火了。 今天我们学到了良多知识
First of all, we visited the fire truk. There are ladders and fire hoses on it. Then, we visited the doritory of the firefihter's unle. Their doritory was lean and tidy. We also saw the fold quilts, whih are square and square, like tofu. It was supposed to be a drill, but they ot a fire all and went out to fiht the fire. We learned a lot today
"Fire! There's a fire! " A shout woke e up. I rubbed en's sleepin eyes and looked out of the window. Ah, the sall bunalow opposite Aunt Wan's house was burnin! The blae devoured the bunalow like a deon, and soke poured out of it. The fire rew fierer and fierer, but it didn't oe out. We all sweat for Aunt Wan and her faily.
When everyone was worried, Aunt Wan and her faily esaped peaefully. It turned out that when the fire hit, Aunt Wan did not pani, but ally soaked the quilt and otton padded lothes in her hoe with water, wrapped the around her body, overed her outh and nose with a wet towel, and esaped a little later. After a while, the fireen ae, and they put out the fire iediately.
The reason for the fire is that the inflaables in the house are burned. Althouh it's sall, the fire is not sall!
There will be hidden daners around us. Students, we should keep fire safety in ind!
Jinlin, jinlin, there is a sharp noise on the road
Everyone was srablin on the road.
As soon as we et the red liht, we fored a lon line.
As soon as we eet the reen liht, we will play aain.
The rae on the road is really interestin.
Stop at the red liht, o at the reen liht, stop at the yellow liht.
You should keep it in ind, or you will be in trouble if soethin iportant happens.
For y faily, for yself,
Always reeber this sentene.
I' not afraid to blok the road. Everyone is not in a hurry or pani,
Wait slowly. No, no hurry
Seurity is in y heart, and everyone reebers it.
Students, what is the ost iportant thin in life? f ourse, it ust be safety! In order to be safe, we should learn to protet ourselves. The protetion of everyone's faily at hoe. But have you thouht about it? What to do outside? So be areful all the tie.
How any aidents happen every day. Soe died in ar aidents, soe in fires, soe Durin this winter vaation, I witnessed an aident with y own eyes. That day, y other took e to see Taion. There was a otoryle drivin in front of e. There were four people sittin there, and they drove very fast. Suddenly another otoryle ae out in front of hi. At that tie, he kept steppin on the brake. It's useless. There's another life one. His life is still very lon! Why did he die so soon? It was all aused by arelessness.
How any aidents in the world are not aused by arelessness? As lon as we learn traffi safety, we an defeat arelessness!
We are the suessor of the new era, the hope and future of our ountry. So, let the word "safety" be reebered in our hearts forever!
ur shool will hold a fire drill this afternoon.
The teaher said that if there is a fire, we an esape to the bathroo, sprinkle water on the wall, wet the wall, and plu the door with a wet loth to prevent poisonous soke fro enterin; if I want to rush out of the fire, I need to wet the quilt on y body, and then rush out.
In the first drill, there was no sell on the stairs. In the seond drill, there were any bad sells on the stairs. We took out the prepared sall towels and folded the into four layers to protet the outh and nose. Then we ran down the stairs in order to reah a safe plae.
Throuh this fire drill, I an know how to esape fro the fire sene and protet yself. I also reeber the fire all "119".
No atter in the hot suer, or in the old winter, no atter in the day or in the niht, where they need the, they will put out the fire iediately and quikly. Whether it's rainin ats and dos or in the fiere sun, firefihters are also at the sene.
They are always so serious and stron in their work. No atter how arduous the task of fihtin fire and savin people is, they will not waver or be weak
It's the suer vaation riht away. It's the tie when every student is very free. In the suer vaation, beause of the hot weather, swiin has beoe a neessary ite for any people. However, when swiin, we should pay attention to the prevention of drownin in suer vaation.
We an't o swiin in the reservoir. The water in the reservoir is not only deep, but also the teperature differene between the upper and the lower is lare. After people enter the water, it is very easy to have safety aidents. If they do not pay attention to safety and do not have tiely treatent after drownin, they are likely to have safety aidents. In lanken reservoir alone, there have been three drownin aidents this year, one of the with a life buoy. In reent years, people have been drownin by swiin in the reservoir. Althouh there are often patrols by the reservoir, they are of no help. Drownin aidents happen fro tie to tie.
Therefore, we need to o to the swiin pool, where there are speial oahes and lifeuards, so our safety is uaranteed. However, soe people don't want to o swiin in the natatoriu, aybe to save oney, aybe beause they think the natatoriu is too rowded, they o swiin in the reservoir.
In order to have a ool and ofortable suer, we should prevent drownin, espeially durin the suer vaation, and be prepared for it.
In the new year, y father, other and soe ood friends went to hejian for a walk.
Alon the way, we took the hihway, one ar after another. I sat in the ar and said to y father, "drive in aordane with the traffi rules, not speedin.". Dad nodded.
We also walked on the ountain road and aross the valley. All the way, I always told dad to pay attention to drivin safely. "y father and other both said with a sile," Sihuan is really the seurity uard of our faily now
Today, the neihborhood oittee oranied us to visit the Tonshan Road Fire Briade.
First of all, we visited the fire truk. There are ladders and fire hoses on it. Then, we visited the doritory of the firefihter's unle. Their doritory was lean and tidy. We also saw the fold quilts, whih are square and square, like tofu. It was supposed to be a drill, but they ot a fire all and went out to fiht the fire.
We learned a lot today.