






《 notre dae athedral》 is one known far and wide roanti fation strenth whih vitor huo writes . i take advantae of this suer vaation free tie, read this reat work.

notre dae athedral's story, atually was one at that tie soial epi poe, sine bried with really. friendly. beautiful, also the flow selfish desire and is false. reardless of is ood beautiful aselada ,or has the uly seblane, aiodo with one pure ind, they represent the reat aount the lower level populae whih suppresses; perhaps is sinister oloud, he is appears by the theoray fae, all load bearin one kind of author's ponder.the author in this work, for with the lown, was beautifully friendly and wikedly does the best annotation, or take above three people as the exaple, the rebel aselada has the beautiful seblane and the haste ood ind, as well as pitiful destiny, but aiodo, he withstood destiny deeive niely, the innerost feelins is his isery is raver, but oloud aintained the benihted soial rihts and interests, he had brutally. void ind and evil passion. ood person physique hateful, but the evil person atually says the appearane shore however, briht set off, soial unfair anifest.

but the artile result also is when the opposition soiety until ritiis: all beautiful is ood all swallows by the iht and the evil, the lower level people's weak strenth in under the kin power rule, in the benihted soiety, only an be redued to ashes. was palatial notre dae athedral, how any world traedy testiony one, in huo the novel, he as if had the life breath, he sheltered aselada ,exposed oloud the rie, reret the populae attak the anifient feat whih dark atually heroially devoted……

another the question whih is worth ponderin is: who is the hero? aselada or aiodo? i think all is not, but is in the artile by the louis 11 rank sell of blood suppression rather for sarefied the populae ate, aselada with aiodo is not in the the representative, aselada is loves with the beautiful sybol, aiodo not any represents is unfortunate and the pain. but they, all suffer a trai iddle aes inorant evil fores devastate, one eah one painful soul is bleedin, flows the tear. erely is notre dae athedral's above enraves " the destiny "? they are in iddle aes frane, despotis sarifiial viti.

the entire story rih trai olor, the plot intense is ovin, exitin. author huo throuh " notre dae athedral " this story, but also dislosed at that tie the dark soiety's essene to the people. this fasinatin story likes that iodo loks sound equally shoks several eneration of readers' inds.


" les iserables " (162) is representative works of vitor huo,as one of the ost faous novels in the frenh literature.

the novel basi plot is ran a ran pitiful life history. he oriinally is one poor faily bakround worker, beause the inoe insuffiient faily eber ets by, by one tie stole the bread is arrested is put in prison. passed 19 years fir prison and the bitter servie life. the punishent opletely after also has the lareny behavior, but benevolent bishop in the rie the sorrowful influene, the transforation is one shed oneself anner person. he uses an alias is adland, works as the entrepreneur, and is pushed for ayor. but soon and further beause exposed the status is arrested is put in prison, after esapes resues the deeased feale worker fantin's dauhter osette ath fro one bastard hand speial, went to paris. afterwards aain uneasinly enountered polie's pursuit. the ran a ran entire life fills is iprisoned the pain whih the bitter servie and drifts about destitute, this is the novel ain lue.

" les iserables " is the work whih one realis and the roantiis unifies, the very any hapters litter the realis lory, suh as , in 132 paris's street barriade war all wrote is quite real. but the roantiis tehnique quite was also obvious in the plot arraneent, writes the any extraordinary events. if ran a ran lets lie down is lifted in the offin the onastery, he resues fro the street barriade arilius, all is strane, olds, environent desription, syboli and ontrast tehnique aspet and so on utiliation in the harater iae, also anifests the roantiis the harateristi.


one of the ost interestin questions about ullivers travels is whether the houyhnhns represent an ideal of rationality or whether on the other hand they are the butt of swift's satire. in other words, in book iv, is swift pokin fun at the talkin horses or does he intend for us to take the seriously as the proper way to at? if we look losely at the way that the houyhnhns at, we an see that in fat swift does not take the seriously: he uses the to show the daners of pride.

first we have to see that swift does not even take ullver seriously. for instane, his nae sounds uh like ullible, whih suests that he will believe anythin. also, when he first sees the yahoos and they throw exreent on hi, he responds by doin the sae in return until they run away. he says, "i ust needs disover soe ore rational bein," even thouh as a huan he is already the ost rational bein there is. this is why swift refers to erasus darwins disovery of the oriin of the speies and the voyae of the beale-to show how ulliver knows that people are at the top of the food hain. but if leule ulliver is satiried, so are the houyhnhns, whose voies sound like the all of astrati. they walk on two les instead of four, and see to be uh like people. as ulliver says, "it was with the utost astonishent that i witnessed these reatures playin the flute and danin a vienese walt. to y ind, they seeed like the reatest huans ever seen in ourt, even ore dextrous than the lord edund burke" . as this quote deonstrates, ulliver is terribly ipressed, but his adiration for the houyhnhns is short-lived beause they are so prideful. for instane, the leader of the houyhnhns lais that he has read all the works of harles dikens, and that he an sinlehandedly reite the naes of all the kins and queens of enland up to eore ii. swift subtly shows that this houyhnhns pride is isplaed when, in the iddle of the intelletual opetition, he forets the nae of queen eliabeths husband.

swifts satire of the houyhnhns oes out in other ways as well. one of the ost eorable senes is when the dapple rey are attepts to woo the horse that uenivre has brouht with hi to the island. first she ats flirtatiously, paradin around the bewildered horse. but when this does not have the desired effet, she ets another idea: "as i wathed in aaeent fro y perh in the top of a tree, the sorrel na dashed off and returned with a yahoo on her bak who was yet ore onstrous than r. pope bein fitted by a lothier. she dropped this reature before y na as if offerin up a sarifie. y horse sniffed the reature and turned away." it iht see that we should take this sene seriously as a failed attept at ourtship, and that onsequently we should see the rey are as an unrequited lover. but it akes ore sense if we see that swift is bein satiri here: it is the feale houyhnhn who akes the ove, whih would not have happened in eihteenth-entury enland. the houyhnh is bein prideful, and it is that pride that akes hi unable to ipress ullivers horse. ulliver iaines the horse sayin, sblood, the notion of reatin the bare baked beast with an anial who had held r. pope on her bak akes e queey .

a final indiation that the houyhnns are not eant to be taken seriously ours when the leader of the houynhs visits lilliput, where he visits the frenh royal soiety. he oes into a roo in whih a sientist is tryin to turn wine into water (itself a prideful at that refers to the arriae at allilee). the sientist has been workin hard at the experient for any years without suess, when the houyhnn arrives and iediately knows that to do: "the reature no sooner stepped throuh the doorway than he struk upon a plan. slurpin up all the wine in siht, he quikly ade water in a buket that sat near the door" .


In this suer holidays, I read a book alled < reat Expetations>, it was written by the harles Dikens, one of the ost faous Enlish writers. He wrote lots of wonderful novels. This book is one of his opositions.

People always like to opare with their friends. It is a bi foible of all the people. If other people have a lot of oney, we also want to be rih. If all the people around us are poor , we never ind that we are very poor, too. we will not ashaed beause of our folly. This is a soial proble.

If we never possess anythin, we will not ind we lost soe thin. Sine we don’t want to be very rih ,we will not feel despond beause poor.

The protaonist of this novel is Pip (Handel). His parents died when he was a baby. His sister had brouht hi up ‘by hand’. His sister arried to Joe arery, the villae blaksith. They didn’t have uh oney, and Pip never went to shool to study. But he was often very happy .Beause all of his friends are like hi. It isn’t very unfortunate to the, this is their lives. But by a hane, Pip helped a onvit; he ave uh food to hi. Then he et iss Havisha, a very strane old woan and she was very rih.

Four years later, iss Havisha wants Pip to be reoved fro his hoe and eduated as a entlean who expets inherit a fortune when he row up.

After hearin that . Pip started to despise his poor friends. He even feel ashaed beause he live with the poor an . Pip’s ‘reat expetations’ destroyed his life.

This novel told us that we annot opare with others .Don’t feel envy at the others oney. And if one day you be very rih , please don’t despise your poor friends.


Readin and writin are the proess of drawin and inputtin, while the other is the proess of releasin and outputtin. Read a book, after the author and a soulful dialoue, throuh the way of writin to reord their own readin, ouniate and exhane with the author and ore people to sort out their own thinkin, is a atter of reat sinifiane.

To write a ood book, you ust first read a Book arefully. If you do not read arefully and do not read throuh the whole work, it is very diffiult to rasp the author's writin intention and the subtleties of the work as a whole.

r. hao Lihon is a faous writer, has any works in hinese textbooks, in the field of eduation and the ounity have hih visibility. For the sake of the sae party, I had the honor of eetin hi and reeivin the books he ave to e fro tie to tie. I an't live up to his kindness, esanhaiwu will read his book, write a book after readin notes. Think of yourself as a physis teaher, both literary oneption and teaher hao still have a bi ap, so write after readin notes put it in y blo, did not have the nerve to tell hi. By hane, r. hao Lihon fro the network searh to y writin, very surprised, for y siene teaher has iven any awards, and entioned on several oasions, so we are onerned about what I write.

iss hao is love I write these, a very iportant reason is that I read his works, enerally read what he wants, and the text will I understand that out, arried out a series of ood ouniation and dialoue with hi. We often say, "without investiation, there is no riht to speak", this sentene is used in readin is also interlinked, and did not seriously read a book, it is ipossible to write ore appropriate readin notes.

Readin notes there are three ain fors: readin notes and book reviews, respetively.

A book review is often a judent of the value of a book. To say this book erits or defets, whih is a sort of author of values, but also readers will interat with their own value judent and the author's point of view, to find the eetin point of the proess. Relatively speakin, book readers need to have their own ertain readin horions, read soe of the sae type of books, the author and his writin intention have a ertain understandin, an stand on a hiher level to look at this book.

The book has three basi funtions: one is to introdue the ontent of this book to other potential readers, arouse their interest in readin; two is the type of this book defines, let everyone understand that this is a kind of work; three is the introdution. Introdue soe of the deepest feelins in your book and uide others to pay attention to the relevant ontent while readin.

In ters of the types of book reviews, it an be eneralied into the followin three types: one is the introdution of nature books. This kind of book reviews are usually relatively short, and ake a brief introdution to the basi situation of the book so that people an understand the basi inforation and ore ontent of the book. Two, the book reviews of the evaluation ateory. For exaple, a novel, the first to introdue the story of the work, and then its harateristis, hihlihts, the ain style, suh as a suary, whih will also involve soe of the defets in the works of evaluation. The three is aadei book reviews. n the basis of the above two kinds of book reviews, the author akes a further study fro the theoretial point of view, and judes the value of the works fro the perspetives of aadei thouht and aadei status. This requires the author of the book review to have a solid aadei foundation.

In oparison, the writin is free. If the taret audiene is people's intention of writin is to reoend a book to others, attratin everyone up and read the words on the taret audiene is itself, is in the proess of readin a book in soe aspets, espeially feelins, then there is a sense of hair. It was not neessary to jude the value of the whole book, as lon as there is a feelin in soe ways, you an feel, write their own experienes to.

If the basi funtion is the review ontent introdution, definition and types of works of readin, readin is the basi funtion of reordin experiene, elaborated understandin, seekin eanin. The proess of readin, there is always soe plae to touh their own, while readin their own feelins and experienes reorded, the first step is to write the book. We often have experienes like this: a ood idea in the readin proess, beause it is not reorded in tie, and will not be returned after a few days. It is iportant to keep trak of new feelins in a tiely anner. After readin the whole work and o bak to reord these feelins, will find soe an be obined toether to illustrate a point fro different anles, help yourself to further understand the work; if we an find a few points, will further hihliht the sinifiane of the work.

It is not neessary. A book, if there is a setion of speial interest to you, you an oe out fro this setion, expound their own opinions and ideas; you an also take the book with his own interest and oupation related ontent is extrated, the ontent about their feelins, but not with to other areas. f ourse, you an also oent on the whole book and express your views and opinions. It is ore ephasis on theory and pratie, so that works with their life losely,

Notes are also a oon type of readin notes. In readin, to a ertain words ore interested in, and will reord it, and aopanied by one or two words of their own feelins and experiene, these ontents auulated, is the notes.

opared with book reviews, book notes, ore suitable for people just started to write readin notes for lianbi. any people like to read books, but they just don't know how to write their readin notes. In the proess of readin, enountered soe better stateents, it will be reorded diretly. There ust be a reason why you feel ood about it, and these reasons do not have to be well written. Two or three words ean "yes". In this way, while reordin, while writin their own intravenous drip, not tired at all, after readin the book, the written text will oe out. I have seen a teaher in y readin "readin notes" is one of the best teahers pratie books on the Internet, opious and fluent reordin ore than 10 feet, nearly the lenth of words. Althouh their own feelins are not any, in order to extrat the words fro the book as the ain, but for this teaher, after readin the harvest will be uh larer than others.


"The happiness of an waits until the end, before he is born and before the funeral, no one has the riht to say that he is happy" -- the self-orderin of yu hua's short story, "to live". I love this book, beause every tie when readin this book, I will feel all of the diffiulties faed by atually doesn't onsider as what, people are always so, if he did not feel the real pain, he would be naive to think he is fain reat diffiulties, so he was upset and frustrated. Readin this book ives e reat ourae to pursue the happiness I want.

"What is happiness? This is what a person is pursuin fro life to death, whih is also the value of a person's life, but there are still any people who an't find the happiness they want. And I read "livin" after the feelin of the book to talk about y "happiness" soe ideas!

What is life for? r just live to live? Alive, is the ost basi nature ives us the potential, the two siple words is full of desire for the life and the pursuit of happiness, but the reality is often ives us too uh sufferin, borin and ediority. And we have to bear it little by little, to take on the responsibilities that life has iven us, and to find the flower of happiness that belons to us after we have done it aain and aain. Beause it is hard to oe by, it is ore eaer and herishin. Party nae

n the ede of poverty, happiness an still be found, and behind the laour, happiness ay still be the sae. Happiness lies not in the environent you are in, but in the state of ind you reate, not in what you have, but in what you feel inside. To do thins aordin to our own heart, happiness an be very siple, happiness is the heart of the ahieveent of our happy life.

There is nothin wron with the pursuit of happiness, but we foret our blessins when we are in a hurry. We all see to be in suh a state at the oent: we are always busy, we are always on our way, we think we will be happy at soe end. So in the pursuit of this annot stop, we are deeply tired, but have never pursued the happiness we hoped for. This life is a proess, if we are in a hurry, "the pursuit of happiness, but foret the little drops of life, so we are happy or not, all already did not have the feelin. So when you're runnin, slow down and enjoy the sihts and people, you'll probably et soethin different.

There is no lak of beauty in life, only a lak of eyes to find beauty; There is no lak of happiness in life, just a lak of awareness of happiness. Let us fly the heart and feel the happiness!


Reently,I have just finished readin a faous novel written by araret ithell—“one with the Wind”,whih is one of the ost popular works aon Aerian novels.It took the auther about 10 years to finish this reat novel,the only novel in her life. The story happened durin the ivil War eve.Sarlett 'Hara,a 16-year-old irl,who was livin in Tala anor in eoria,was lovin her neihbor Ashley Wilkes.However,after the war have broken out, Ashley Wilkes arried his yoner ousin elanie. Sarlett was so anry that she deided to arry a an she didn?t really love---- harles Hailton.Not lon after that, harles Hailton joined the Ary and died of illness in the war.So Sarlett had to at as a widow.Afterwards,at a donatin dane party,Sarlett is aquainted with a aptain naed Rhett Butler. Then the flaes of war approahed Atlanta.Everyone was busy leavin away fro the war.Sarlett anaed to esape fro Atlanta with the help of aptain Rhett.Havin oe bak to Tala anor,Sarlett ade up her ind to rally her hoeland at any ost when she saw that the forer anor had been ruined.Later,her seond husband died in the fiht,she was a widow aain.Durlin that tie, Rhett had been lovin Sarlett sinerely and warly.Seein that Rhett ould help her rally the anor,Sarlett arried

hi.Althouh Rhett had siilar harateristi attratin her,Sarlett still loved Ashley.Later,their only dauhter died aidently,Rhett left Sarlett sorrowly.And then Sarlett realied that Rhett was the only one who ould fall in love with her.

The novel takes the US ivil War as the bakround.It takes Sarlett?s individual ativity as the thread.The book show us a trai love story .A ouple who ould have a perfet future,but finnally o in opposite diretion.As a atter of fat,their haratristis have deided their trai result inevitably.We feel sorry about the end beause we are lookin forward to a perfet end,just like Sarlett and Rhett.In fat,ferfet is always a exessive daand.

I affir Rhett.He brins exiteent to Sarlett?s life and enouraes her ipulse to hane and sueed.Like Sarlett,he oes after what he wants and refuses to take ?no? for an answer.He is huorous,intellient and ynial with a hint of treason.He is really a respetable an.I think he finnally left beause of love .therwise,he ouldn?t have one without hesitation.

Ashley Wilkes is the foil to Rhett?s dark, realisti opportunis.If there was no ivil War,he is surely a nobility of rae and har.But history annot be haned.He boae a viti of the war.His era was one with the defeat of the war.At the sae tie,we annot deny the

fat that he had a hear understandin about reality,whih just ontribute to his traedy.

In this book,what I appreiate ost is not elanie?skindness or Rheet?s dediation and patiene,but Sarlett?s ourae to throw her lon-standin orality and tradition whe faed with diffiiulties.At the beinnin of the war,she didn?t are about this.In her world are endless dinner parties and dane parties.In her body are her father?s brave Irish blood and her other?s noble Frenh pure blood.She had a vast far as her hoe.She had hundreds of slaves.This is Sarlett.,a eber of noblity,proud and different.However,the war haned everythin.Her other died of illness.Her father beoe silent and the far was nearly deserted.Even food beae a bi proble.All the pressure was put on Sarlett?s shoulder.She ust feed a faily of 9 people in it.What a bi differene of level.If all this happened to soeone else,he or she ay hoose to esape.n the ontrary,Sarlett hoose to fae the hane of life bravely.How an we not adire her ourae of to hane herself.Life is like a ountain.The road an?t be opletely sooth.When we fall down fro the peak,we ay et hert ,we ay et disappointed,we ay feel despair.But if you want to survive,you ust stand up to fae it.

It is obvious that <> is really a ood book,even if a lon tie has passed away,it is still suitable for today?s

soiety.It is of reat iportane to hane ourselves,hane our value even our thouhts when our life haes.

n the other hand,I think there is no real perfet in the world.Everybody has his shortoins.It is neessary for us to learn to forive others? faults.If we keep ood-tepered,Ibelieve there will be ore oedy and less traedy.


I reently read the lon-adired "hildhood in y ollee," a novel by Soviet writer orky's ost faous autobioraphial triloy.

This book ainly desribes the diffiult life experiene of orky hiself in hildhood, youth and youth. He was born at the ae of four and lost his father at the ae of four. His hildhood was spent in his randfather's house, and his randfather often beat hi. He is often ridiuled by others, but he does not let o, he does not oplain, he is not sad, but he is willin to fore ahead with an enterprisin heart. He had to sell his beloved book and leave the shool lass to buy ediine for his kindly randother. At the ae of eleven, his other died, and he beae an orphan. In order to ake a livin, alisha was fored to enter the world. He had been a shoe-store boy, had been a baby-sitter, had been a dishwasher on a ship, had worked as a handyan in the holy works. He had done what the boss had done to hi, and he had seen so any uly thins around hi. But I' lad that none of this has intiidated alisher, akin hi a stroner, braver, ore upriht person. Under the very iserable onditions of his life, he still loved literature and often went hunry and kept readin. He didn't et oriinally want to o to ollee, but I learned a lot in university of "soial" faous university less than knowlede, broadened horions, raise the onsiousness, finally row up to be a revolutionary intelletuals.

I adire the indoitable spirit of alyosha and adire the spirit of literature. hildren also feel ashaed at the sae tie, we now have the are of their parents and teahers to teah, but due to lak of "wind and rain baptis," any of our lassates a little diffiulty in learnin life at ordinary ties an be diffiult to deal with. At the sae tie, any of us have ood learnin onditions, but we don't want to study hard. At the oent, I know what we should herish this oent is perfet life, herish this oent a ood study tie, followin the exaple of oli, stron and optiisti, strive forward, after be brouht up.


Jane Eyre, it’s one of y favorite Enlish novels. Another one is Pride and prejudie. The two ladies, Jane and Eliabeth, are soe kind of siilar. Both of the are independent, lon for true love, and defend aainst the old rules. They don’t have beautiful fae, but they have beautiful inds.

When story bean, Jane was a little irl livin with her aunts and ousins. They didn’t like her, solded her, treated her just like a nurseaid, and even loked her in the Red House. Later, she was sent to the Lowood Shool, where she et Helen, her friend. As tie went by, the little poor irl rew up. Then she beae a overness for a ten-year-old irl at Thornfield, where she et r. Rohester, her aster. As a overness at Thornfield, she tasted the pleasures and pains of love. She fell in love with Rohester but had to leave hi for soe reasons. She found shelter at oor House, where she foused on teahin and rejeted r. River’s arriae. At the end, Jane returned to Thronfield after r. Rohester was blind. They have a quiet weddin:

“I know what it is to be love and be loved. No woan has ever been loser to her husband than I a to Edward. I a y husband’s life, and he is ine. We are always toether, and have never had enouh of eah other’s opany.”

Jane had a bad hildhood, but it didn’t affet her uh. She read books behind the thik urtain; she ot eduation for eiht years in poor ondition; she was intellient, sensible and wise. At the relationship with Edward Rohester, she was quite al. The overness with her beautiful, pure and

frank soul, ove Edward. Rohester was rih, lever but a little weird. Jane thouht she didn’t really know hi and never sure whether he was serious or jokin. So she kept a distane with hi. Fortunately, she ae aross the distane and expressed her love to r. Rohester:

“Do you think I an wath another woan beoe your bride? Do you think I’ a ahine, without feelins? Do you think, beause I’ sall and poor and plain, that I have no soul and no heart? Well, you’re wron! I have as uh soul and heart as you. It’s y spirit that speaks to your spirit! We are equal in the siht of od!”

I think when you heard of these words, you would stand at Jane’s side definitely. And that’s love I lon for. In our real life, there are any exaples that ladies lose theselves and beoe dependent after arriae. They ive up their areers and the husband and kids beoe their enter. For another instane, soe ladies et arried to the an they don’t love but possess a lot. They reard their husbands as ATs. For the forer, they lose theselves in arriae; for the latter, they do exhane with arriae. Besides, soe raduates fall in love with others due to loneliness. You an see suh lovers break up upon several onths. They do not take love seriously; they do not prepare to love soebody; even, they do not know what love is and how to love. They just pretend to know.

I’ve heard the words: who is a real an? A real an is the one you stay with but you an be yourself. When I was in hih shool, a hinese poe

naed To the ak, ipressed e a lot. I have to say, that’s the love I appreiate.


this paper is a review about web usae inin. it introdued web usae inin in detail . althouh it is a little old for it was published in XX its ontents are very useful today . it is oranied aordin to the sequene of web usae inin and the six ain parts are introdution whih tells e what is web usae inin the soures and abstration of web data the three steps of web usae inin taxonoy and projet survey websift overview privay issues .






























