怎样做一个好学生 How to Be a Good Student?英语作文


篇首语:一万年来谁著史,三千里外欲封侯。本文为你选取作文怎样做一个好学生 How to Be a Good Student?英语作文四篇,希望能帮到你。


1、怎样做一个好学生 How to Be a Good Student?英语作文(1)

怎样做一个好学生 How to Be a Good Student?英语作文

When it oes to what akes up a ood student, any people ay have the stereotypes that a ood student is one who an always et hih arks in exainations. In shool, the student who ets hih arks or full arks is onsidered to be the odel student. It does not atter whether he has a ood health or not, as lon as he et the hih arks. After shool, when the students oe bak hoe, their parents would ask the to do ore hoework to et hiher arks.

However, in y huble opinion, I think bein a ood student is not only about ettin hih arks in the exas, but also know how to live and et alone with others, whih is ore iportant than readin and writin. The pity thin is ost of the students spend so uh tie on doin their hoework that ost of the do not enjoy ood health. They should be enouraed to o outside to do sports, listen to usi and draw soe pitures. The teahers should not only teah the knowlede in the textbooks to the students, but also help the students to know about the soiety. After they raduate fro ollees, they will be ore adaptable to this world.

To su up, to be a ood student does not only ean he an et hih arks in the exas, but also have a healthy body and ind. enerally speakin, the student who is ood at study and willin to help others are onsidered to be ood.




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