






suess eans different thins for different people. soe ay equate it with fae, soe with wealth and still soe with aoplishents. for e, it eans fulfillin one's dreas. whatever your dreas are, you have a oal there and then fous all your attention on it. dreas brin you hope and happiness. in the proess of strulin for it, you ry, sweat, oplain or even urse, but the joy of harvestin akes you foret all the pains and troubles you have one throuh. so an old proverb says that the sweetest fruit is one that has underone the bitterest ordeal.

there are several keys to suess. first, your oal ust be pratial and pratiable. if you set your oal too hih, hanes are that you will never attain it. next, you have to ake a plan of doin it. you an take soe steps to realie it. sine the proess is quite touh, you need to be dilient, patient and perseverin. even if you eet with soe diffiulties or frustrations, just take the in your stride. you an always tell yourself that there is nothin insurountable. with this will and deterination, suess is sure to wait for you at the end of the tunnel!


it was sunday afternoon. li in and i were walkin to the park. suddenly we saw a boy fall off his bike. we both hurried to hi. sine one of his les was hurt badly, the boy ouldn't stand up. he bean to ry and we tried to ofort hi. we put hi on the bike and took hi to hospital. the boy ot treated at one. i telephoned his parents and told the about the whole story. they thanked us aain and aain. it was dark then and we said oodbye to the. we felt happy thouh we ouldn't et to the park


in y opinion, the shoolwork now bein assined to hih shool students is too heavy. while it is true that students need to study, they need other thins as well if they are to row into healthy and well-rounded adults. hih should be allowed ore tie for play. plyin is not wastin tie, as soe think. it ives the physial exerise, and also exerise their iaination. whih tends to be stifled by too uh study. finally, the pressure put on hih shool students by exessive shoolwork an ause serious stress, whih is unhealthy physially and entally. i do not advoate the eliination of shoolwork. i do think, however, that a redution of the urrent heavy load would be benefiial to students and to the soiety as a whole.


suess eans different thins for different people. soe ay equate it with fae, soe with wealth and still soe with aoplishents. for e, it eans fulfillin one's dreas. whatever your dreas are, you have a oal there and then fous all your attention on it. dreas brin you hope and happiness. in the proess of strulin for it, you ry, sweat, oplain or even urse, but the joy of harvestin akes you foret all the pains and troubles you have one throuh. so an old proverb says that the sweetest fruit is one that has underone the bitterest ordeal.

there are several keys to suess. first, your oal ust be pratial and pratiable. if you set your oal too hih, hanes are that you will never attain it. next, you have to ake a plan of doin it. you an take soe steps to realie it. sine the proess is quite touh, you need to be dilient, patient and perseverin. even if you eet with soe diffiulties or frustrations, just take the in your stride. you an always tell yourself that there is nothin insurountable. with this will and deterination, suess is sure to wait for you at the end of the tunnel!英语毕业作文1

suess eans different thins for different people. soe ay equate it with fae, soe with wealth and still soe with aoplishents. for e, it eans fulfillin one's dreas. whatever your dreas are, you have a oal there and then fous all your attention on it. dreas brin you hope and happiness. in the proess of strulin for it, you ry, sweat, oplain or even urse, but the joy of harvestin akes you foret all the pains and troubles you have one throuh. so an old proverb says that the sweetest fruit is one that has underone the bitterest ordeal.

there are several keys to suess. first, your oal ust be pratial and pratiable. if you set your oal too hih, hanes are that you will never attain it. next, you have to ake a plan of doin it. you an take soe steps to realie it. sine the proess is quite touh, you need to be dilient, patient and perseverin. even if you eet with soe diffiulties or frustrations, just take the in your stride. you an always tell yourself that there is nothin insurountable. with this will and deterination, suess is sure to wait for you at the end of the tunnel!


it was sunday afternoon. li in and i were walkin to the park. suddenly we saw a boy fall off his bike. we both hurried to hi. sine one of his les was hurt badly, the boy ouldn't stand up. he bean to ry and we tried to ofort hi. we put hi on the bike and took hi to hospital. the boy ot treated at one. i telephoned his parents and told the about the whole story. they thanked us aain and aain. it was dark then and we said oodbye to the. we felt happy thouh we ouldn't et to the park


in y opinion, the shoolwork now bein assined to hih shool students is too heavy. while it is true that students need to study, they need other thins as well if they are to row into healthy and well-rounded adults. hih should be allowed ore tie for play. plyin is not wastin tie, as soe think. it ives the physial exerise, and also exerise their iaination. whih tends to be stifled by too uh study. finally, the pressure put on hih shool students by exessive shoolwork an ause serious stress, whih is unhealthy physially and entally. i do not advoate the eliination of shoolwork. i do think, however, that a redution of the urrent heavy load would be benefiial to students and to the soiety as a whole.


suess eans different thins for different people. soe ay equate it with fae, soe with wealth and still soe with aoplishents. for e, it eans fulfillin one's dreas. whatever your dreas are, you have a oal there and then fous all your attention on it. dreas brin you hope and happiness. in the proess of strulin for it, you ry, sweat, oplain or even urse, but the joy of harvestin akes you foret all the pains and troubles you have one throuh. so an old proverb says that the sweetest fruit is one that has underone the bitterest ordeal.

there are several keys to suess. first, your oal ust be pratial and pratiable. if you set your oal too hih, hanes are that you will never attain it. next, you have to ake a plan of doin it. you an take soe steps to realie it. sine the proess is quite touh, you need to be dilient, patient and perseverin. even if you eet with soe diffiulties or frustrations, just take the in your stride. you an always tell yourself that there is nothin insurountable. with this will and deterination, suess is sure to wait for you at the end of the tunnel!
































毕业班 六年级英语作文






