How to et Alone with thers?
As we know, students should learn how to et on well with others. But how?
First of all, we should respet others. Everybody has their own way to do thins, so we should understand eah other. Besides, it’s iportant for us to ouniate with eah other and share our happiness and sadness. What’s ore, we should be kind to others and offer neessary help to those who are in trouble. If we live in the shool’s doritory, we should be areful not to disturb others. Don’t brin friends bak to the doritory in the id-niht after all the rooates are sleepin. r playin oputer aes with the usi turn up so loud. Suh behaviors will hurt the relationships between you and your rooates.
In y opinion, we should treat others in an honest ways and try our best not to disturb others. Do not offend others. nly in these ways an we et alon well with the others.
你能放下手机吗 an You Put Down Your Sart Phone
I think ost people have the oent to be annoyed by the tehnoloy. For exaple, the task is prepared to be finished in the ertain tie, but as we are easy to be lost in the oputer aes, nothin will be opleted in the end. Tehnoloy indeed brins onveniene, it iproves our effiieny, but at the sae tie, it also distanes people’s ouniation. A lot of y friends spend all their tie in searhin the Internet, even when we are sittin in a table, everyone lows down their heads and fous on playin sart phones. When I play jokes, no one ives e the response, I feel lost. We are just sittin fae in fae, while I feel the larest distane. The oent we talk to our friends and failies is preious, don’t let sart phone ontrols your life. Just put down the phone and have a nie talk.
y ideal job is the physis professor. I want to work in IT. It’s one of the best universities in the world. To be a professor there is y proud.
To et the job there is a lon way to o. I have to enter a university abroad. I will hoose the departent of physis in IT. After a four-year hard workin I will take part in the entrane exas for postraduate shools. I also have to study in another four years to take part in exas to be a physis dotor. When it oes I ust be 26 at least. Then I will do lots of researhes and projets. I ust ake soe wonderful ahieveents on y profession. As I raduate I will apply for stayin in the shool and workin there. About twenty years later as I have already had enouh experiene on teahin the shool will proote e to be an assoiate professor. In the oin ten years I will work for and help y professor. It’s the tie when I’ about 0. At the end of the ten years when I a 60 years old enouh to be a real professor y drea oes true.
I like physis very uh. When I a a professor I an do y own researh without any disturbane. I will study how the world bean what’s inside the blak hole find aliens in the universe et. That’s what I like ost about the job. When I beoe a professor I will be really an old-an. In y averae day fro onday to Friday I teah lessons 3 hours a day and do y business in the rest of the daytie. At weekends I will o out to play visit soe ood plaes ake parties for y students and do everythin what I want. To be a reat sientist there are always sarifies that have to be ade. Durin the tie I lib up fro a student to a professor the painful experiene is uniainable. And aybe I don’t have tie to take are of y faily even I an’t be arried and have no faily at all while livin abroad alone. I will still do y work althouh this an arise truly.
I really interested in Theory of Everythin. So y next plan about the job is to disover the Theory of Everythin. Now ore and ore new theory of physis oes to the world. For exaple the -theory whih is rearded as the losest theory to Theory of Everythin. Aordin to the PERA experient ite peranent priniple of liht veloity whih was disovered by Albert Einstein 100 years ao seeed to fail. Quantu ehanis an desribe iroworld suessfully but an’t be used aon aro world. Therefore I’ oin to find the theory deeply inside nature that an explain all phenoena both aon iroworld and aro world.
I suest the people who want to et the sae job as ine just workin hard not bein afraid of diffiulties and bein interested in disoverin new thins. ne you beoe a professor the world is waitin for you to ake the hane.
期中英语状元:我是如何学习英语的 期中考试结束后,当我看到英语成绩时,我并没有感到奇怪,反而有一种失落感,尽管是班上第一,但我并不满足,这次考试并没有发挥出我的最佳状态。受老师的委托,要我谈谈我在学习...