The faous hinese douentary television series, alled “A bite of hina” introdues the history and story behind food of various kinds in hina. It quikly ained hih ratins and widespread popularity.I speak hihly of this douentary for it vividly prootes hinese ulture, whih is supposed to be a suessfully arketin ase. Instead of siply boastin various kinds of uisine, this one represents the prodution proess behind food. What’s ore, it athes up with the lives of loal people, whih triers eotional onnetion. In addition, there are any beautiful natural seneries, whih attrat any people’s attention. This food douentary reflets eoloial iviliation, showin the onept of sustainable developent. For all of these aspets, it establishes a ood iae for our ountry. Therefore, it an be desribed as a suessful food douentary.
There are any TV proras on hinese uisines, but few are like A Bite of hina. The latest seven-part hih-definition douentary offers insihts into the eoraphial, historial and ultural diensions of what hinese eat.
Filled with outhwaterin iaes of food ranin fro haute uisine to loal deliaies, the dou aptures the beautiful and refined proess of food-akin. The prora is sure to attrat both food buffs and ordinary audienes.
The bonus is, the show is not only about dishes. Every episode will hihliht different people, who will tell stories about their adventures with food.
A Bite of hina, a outh-waterin late-niht douentary television series featurin deliious hinese food, has attrated ountless viewers, and oved any to tears.
iven its subjet atter and tie slot, A Bite of hina was initially onsidered a "weak player" on TV. Surprisinly, the douentary beae popular iediately after airin, and has ade viewers o beyond thinkin about deliaies.
"an is what he eats," said Ludwi Feuerbah. Fro its very beinnin, A Bite of hina is not just a douentary about food. "The senes of diin for baboo shoots, hanin has, athin fish usin a net, openin a steaer filled with white steaed buns, and pullin wheat douh into thin strands for noodles ove us to tears. What a lovely hina!" a viewer said.
舌尖上的中国英语作文1The faous hinese douentary television series, alled “A bite of hina” introdues the history and story behind food of various kinds in hina. It quikly ained hih ratins and widespread popularity.I speak hihly of this douentary for it vividly prootes hinese ulture, whih is supposed to be a suessfully arketin ase. Instead of siply boastin various kinds of uisine, this one represents the prodution proess behind food. What’s ore, it athes up with the lives of loal people, whih triers eotional onnetion. In addition, there are any beautiful natural seneries, whih attrat any people’s attention. This food douentary reflets eoloial iviliation, showin the onept of sustainable developent. For all of these aspets, it establishes a ood iae for our ountry. Therefore, it an be desribed as a suessful food douentary.
There are any TV proras on hinese uisines, but few are like A Bite of hina. The latest seven-part hih-definition douentary offers insihts into the eoraphial, historial and ultural diensions of what hinese eat.
Filled with outhwaterin iaes of food ranin fro haute uisine to loal deliaies, the dou aptures the beautiful and refined proess of food-akin. The prora is sure to attrat both food buffs and ordinary audienes.
The bonus is, the show is not only about dishes. Every episode will hihliht different people, who will tell stories about their adventures with food.
A Bite of hina, a outh-waterin late-niht douentary television series featurin deliious hinese food, has attrated ountless viewers, and oved any to tears.
iven its subjet atter and tie slot, A Bite of hina was initially onsidered a "weak player" on TV. Surprisinly, the douentary beae popular iediately after airin, and has ade viewers o beyond thinkin about deliaies.
"an is what he eats," said Ludwi Feuerbah. Fro its very beinnin, A Bite of hina is not just a douentary about food. "The senes of diin for baboo shoots, hanin has, athin fish usin a net, openin a steaer filled with white steaed buns, and pullin wheat douh into thin strands for noodles ove us to tears. What a lovely hina!" a viewer said.