aupassant, the heroine of her life, was born in an aristorati faily. She went to shool at the ae of twelve and left at the ae of seventeen. A innoent, fantasy irl. Fate seeed to be very enerous to her, and soon ae a visaed youn aristorat, the Visount de Laar. However, the happiness of Ya Na ae quikly and quikly, like eteor fleetin, leavin a darker niht sky after the flash. After arriae, the Visount de Laar took off his entle Faebook, showin his wiked, wiked, unpleasant and unpleasant faes. He took the anor and property riht to his hand, and he went on with aRNA's aiden Rosalie. After he was disovered, he was still in a bad habit. Later, the Visount evil an broke the news, and the other died aain, and Paul, the son of ANA, went to Enland with a prostitute and always asked her for oney.
Shortly afterwards, the Baron died of a stroke. Fortunately, Ya Na brouht her randdauhter bak.
When Sione was reborn, when she had her own faily and hildren, she still knew her deision to be independent. When her husband's work was on the trak, she resolutely hose to take part in the work and study law.
When I saw this, I thouht of yself. opared with Sione, we were uh happier. She obviously had to fae ore diffiulties and pressure. In addition to ettin the support of her faily, she had to fae three hildren, are for their healthy rowth and ore Prouratorate's dissuasion. All these diffiulties require a stron inner support. For the present, for woen, to hoose to be full-tie others or to ive onsideration to both work and faily, I have also thouht about, one, no atter what kind of hoie, the key is to eet your own heart, the hoie is not riht, the iportant thin is to stik to yourself and work hard. The ost iportant thin for woen is independene, not only eonoi independene, but also ideoloial independene. We have the ability to fae life alone, and to solve the probles of life in a stroner heart.
Sione later went to politis. In her areer as a politiian, her adiration was that she used the law to protet woen's rihts, to help others and ive bak to soiety.
History has happened. It an not be haned. The Seond World War broke out and Sione's faily was arrested. The faily of the author was held in the hell Nai onentration ap. This book is Sione Wei's reolletion fro Aushwit onentration ap, presentin the experiene of that hell to us. The Aushwit onentration ap, ore than 300 kiloeters fro Warsaw, the apital of Poland, is the larest onentration ap in the ore than 1000 World War II, one killed by illions of people and known as the "death fatory". Sione Wei lost his faily there and was held in ustody for ore than nine onths before he finally survived. Fain the frustrations and isfortunes, please tell yourself that the sunshine is always rowin after the wind and rain. With this experiene, wey revisited study, life and faily. Wey later entered the faous Institut D'Etudes Politiques De Paris to study law, and then 30 years later, her role was hanin, fro the jude to politis, and thus beae a new star of the Frenh politis.
After the war, Frane wanted to rebuild a new ountry, but it eant that soeties we had to o to old probles. Seein "it is like the edieval" a terrible prison, Sione's ative ation is a protest aainst publi opinion; the poliy of iprovin the judiial syste is opposed by the riht people, and the idea of the riht aount of ost for judiial power is opletely not reonied at that tie; the trade union in the "ay stor" Lyin idle in the war water of the uild, indifferent to judiial innovation. Every painful refor is inevitable. Even so, Sione holds his own priniples: "sense of justie, respet for people, viilane in the fae of soial developent", tryin to keep eyes on objetive and exlude taboos.
At the sae tie, throuh the experiene of Sione in Frenh politis and the European Parliaent, we an also ob out the European politial situation in the twentieth entury. It is surprisin that soe riht now, suh as the lealiation of woen's abortion by Sione, rely on any forerunners to take risks, dare to hane and strive for hane. I don't want to see Sione's effort as a personal sarifie and dediation, as she said in her own book, "I have never expeted to show up in politis, just hopin to stik to y faith." What she has done is to realie her personal ideals and values, whih are also a fore to advane the ountry and soiety.
In 20xx, s. Sione entered the Frenh Aadey of Sienes and beae the sixth feale aadeiian sine 163. Worry free hildhood, World War II loudy, jude areer, overnent eletion, European Parliaent... Sione has been involved in any iportant historial events throuhout his life, but he has never followed the trend. In our whole life, there are still diffiulties and obstales ahead. We an not stop thinkin or ive up fihtin. nly in this way an we deal with the unreasonable fate.
At the end of the book, s. Sione wrote about this faily with her husband, talkin about the happiness of her posterity. I believe that even in an unfair world, with ideals, no defeat and ratitude, we an finally ain a lifetie.
读完一本书以后,一定有不少感悟吧,不能光会读哦,写一篇读后感吧。到底应如何写读后感呢?下面是小编为大家整理的一生英语读后感,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。aupassant, the heroine of her life, was born in an aristorati faily. She went to shool at the ae of twelve and left at the ae of seventeen. A innoent, fantasy irl. Fate seeed to be very enerous to her, and soon ae a visaed youn aristorat, the Visount de Laar. However, the happiness of Ya Na ae quikly and quikly, like eteor fleetin, leavin a darker niht sky after the flash. After arriae, the Visount de Laar took off his entle Faebook, showin his wiked, wiked, unpleasant and unpleasant faes. He took the anor and property riht to his hand, and he went on with aRNA's aiden Rosalie. After he was disovered, he was still in a bad habit. Later, the Visount evil an broke the news, and the other died aain, and Paul, the son of ANA, went to Enland with a prostitute and always asked her for oney.
Shortly afterwards, the Baron died of a stroke. Fortunately, Ya Na brouht her randdauhter bak.
When Sione was reborn, when she had her own faily and hildren, she still knew her deision to be independent. When her husband's work was on the trak, she resolutely hose to take part in the work and study law.
When I saw this, I thouht of yself. opared with Sione, we were uh happier. She obviously had to fae ore diffiulties and pressure. In addition to ettin the support of her faily, she had to fae three hildren, are for their healthy rowth and ore Prouratorate's dissuasion. All these diffiulties require a stron inner support. For the present, for woen, to hoose to be full-tie others or to ive onsideration to both work and faily, I have also thouht about, one, no atter what kind of hoie, the key is to eet your own heart, the hoie is not riht, the iportant thin is to stik to yourself and work hard. The ost iportant thin for woen is independene, not only eonoi independene, but also ideoloial independene. We have the ability to fae life alone, and to solve the probles of life in a stroner heart.
Sione later went to politis. In her areer as a politiian, her adiration was that she used the law to protet woen's rihts, to help others and ive bak to soiety.
History has happened. It an not be haned. The Seond World War broke out and Sione's faily was arrested. The faily of the author was held in the hell Nai onentration ap. This book is Sione Wei's reolletion fro Aushwit onentration ap, presentin the experiene of that hell to us. The Aushwit onentration ap, ore than 300 kiloeters fro Warsaw, the apital of Poland, is the larest onentration ap in the ore than 1000 World War II, one killed by illions of people and known as the "death fatory". Sione Wei lost his faily there and was held in ustody for ore than nine onths before he finally survived. Fain the frustrations and isfortunes, please tell yourself that the sunshine is always rowin after the wind and rain. With this experiene, wey revisited study, life and faily. Wey later entered the faous Institut D'Etudes Politiques De Paris to study law, and then 30 years later, her role was hanin, fro the jude to politis, and thus beae a new star of the Frenh politis.
After the war, Frane wanted to rebuild a new ountry, but it eant that soeties we had to o to old probles. Seein "it is like the edieval" a terrible prison, Sione's ative ation is a protest aainst publi opinion; the poliy of iprovin the judiial syste is opposed by the riht people, and the idea of the riht aount of ost for judiial power is opletely not reonied at that tie; the trade union in the "ay stor" Lyin idle in the war water of the uild, indifferent to judiial innovation. Every painful refor is inevitable. Even so, Sione holds his own priniples: "sense of justie, respet for people, viilane in the fae of soial developent", tryin to keep eyes on objetive and exlude taboos.
At the sae tie, throuh the experiene of Sione in Frenh politis and the European Parliaent, we an also ob out the European politial situation in the twentieth entury. It is surprisin that soe riht now, suh as the lealiation of woen's abortion by Sione, rely on any forerunners to take risks, dare to hane and strive for hane. I don't want to see Sione's effort as a personal sarifie and dediation, as she said in her own book, "I have never expeted to show up in politis, just hopin to stik to y faith." What she has done is to realie her personal ideals and values, whih are also a fore to advane the ountry and soiety.
In 20xx, s. Sione entered the Frenh Aadey of Sienes and beae the sixth feale aadeiian sine 163. Worry free hildhood, World War II loudy, jude areer, overnent eletion, European Parliaent... Sione has been involved in any iportant historial events throuhout his life, but he has never followed the trend. In our whole life, there are still diffiulties and obstales ahead. We an not stop thinkin or ive up fihtin. nly in this way an we deal with the unreasonable fate.
At the end of the book, s. Sione wrote about this faily with her husband, talkin about the happiness of her posterity. I believe that even in an unfair world, with ideals, no defeat and ratitude, we an finally ain a lifetie.