






We know that soe of our students do not like eatin lunh at shool beause the food isn't deliious. So they often o out of shool to buy soethin they like to eat. But I' afraid it's bad for their health to eat lunh outside beause soe of the food they buy isn't healthy enouh.

In y opinion, if our shools want ore students to be bak and enjoy lunh inside, they should ake the food ore deliious, and also they should offer our students a larer hoie of food as well.


What is healthy diet? To the ost people, healthy diet eans ore reen foods, no junk foods.

The reen food is those pollution-free, hih quality and nutrient food, inludin the orani veetables and eats, fruits, es and so on. The eals of healthy diet should be ooked with fewer salt and oil. And the junk food is those low nutrition, hih alorie, proessed food with uh salt or oil, suh as the fries, fried hikens, salted es and so on. These foods will ause one et weiht and inrease the risk of any diseases.

We should keep a healthy diet, abandon the junk food to keep ourselves healthy.




As we all knows that Health is far ore iportant than wealth.A healthy diet is very iportant to us all.But now it is diffiult for us to keep a healthy diet.So what an we do soethin for our health?

We ust ensure that ood health enables us to enjoy our life and ahieve what we hope for in our daily life. n the ontrary, poor health leads to nothin.There are soe advises that we an ahieve for our health.Firstly, it is very iportant for us to take ore fruits and veetables beause they provide vitains, and we have to keep a balaned diet. So we should avoid food with lots of suar and fat whih is rih in suar and fat. Seondly, we'd better exerise every day to ake our bodies stron. Besides, we have to avoid too uh work pressure. Finally, we have to et rid of those bad habits that daae our health, suh as drinkin and sokin.

enerally speakin, if we stik to the advie iven above, we will lead a healthy life.





A healthy diet an provide the neessary enery for us, so to keep us fit. But it is not very easy to ake your diet always healthy.

In y view, people need to spend tie on thinkin about how to eat every eal. ne of the priniples is that we should not eat too uh or too less. The other is that the junk food should be thrown away. For exaple, veetable, fruits whih ontain hih vitain, and low fat eat, suh as hiken , fish are ood hoies. Food like frenh fries, haburer, and other hih-fat and low protein food should be avoided.

People an look up the alorie of eah kind of food online and arrane their eals in a very healthy way.





Nowadays, there is a rowin fous on health are. People are pursuin a healthy lifestyle. A healthy diet is one of the ost iportant parts of it.

As the sayin oes, bread is the staff of life, eatin healthily and deliiously is the oal we pursue. Fro y point of view, in order to build healthy eatin habits, we should eat ore veetables and less fat and suar. Veetable is the best soure of s vitain, beause veetables are rih in vitains. Aon the, vitain and vitain A are the ost iportant.

Too uh fat and suar an lead to obesity, whih is harful to health. Besides, eatin ore fruits and drinkin ore water is of reat help.





It is known that the experienes we have in hildhood relatin to onsuption of food affet our perspetive on food onsuption in later life.

Fro this, we are able to deterine ourselves our liits of how uh we will eat, as well as foods we will not eat - whih an develop into eatin disorders, suh as anorexia or buliia This is also true with how we pereive the sies of the eals or aounts of food we onsue daily; people have different interpretations of sall and lare eals based on upbrinin.




We live in a developed siene and tehnoloy, food rih era. Filled up with wide variety of snaks in the superarket, the store is also filled with exquisite pakain food. Red, orane, yellow, reen, blue, purple, everythin is oplete. But, viruses, bateria followed here.

Shool, in partiular, the road is full of sall stall. What's inside let people sik. What veyron, spiy dry tofu ah, in y opinion, is poison poison! Beause these are the "3 without" produt. However, soe students are so like to eat. Blae not, now the hildren are so frail, not a hild so stron before.

I reeber one entioned that newspaper have a baby eat shool sell junk food every day. ne day at noon, he suddenly felt pain in his stoah. So, o to a hospital hekin, atually ot aute astroenteritis.

Also, the shool breakfast is also very unhealthy. An hour in the ornin is worth two in the evenin, breakfast is very iportant. However, soe hildren like to perfuntory, to do soe shoppin, ate and went to shool. But I' not one of the. So I will obediently ate other ive e hane the pattern of nutritional breakfast.

I all on: y friends, let's eat less snaks, eat ore veetables, fruit. Be responsible for our health!


Snaks ay be a students' favorite, even adults are obsessed with it. But you ever attention to these food at ordinary ties you hand the daners of snaks? Let us further to understand it, to ake our students no loner har by it.


Aess to the adult and hildren respetively.


an be seen fro the results of the survey, adults ore learly than hildren to know, know also any, self ontrol is also quite stron. But an be seen fro the visit of students, obviously is a set of a set of, is known to all, but only a few really do it. Always teptation ipetuously.

onlusion: it should be fostered hildren self ontrol, try to eat less snaks, arefree hildhood.

The har of snaks: eatin snaks will affet our eatin three eals a day and appetite, eatin snaks an ake our intestines and stoah "not workin" and lead to indiestion, also an add fat and suar ontent...


Everyone has his favorite food.I think eatin healthy food is iportant for you .

soeone likes fast food. I think it`s bad for you.You should eat a lot of veetable ,and drink soe ilk.It`s ood fou you health.

soeone is a veetarian.they eat veetable and fruit every day, they think it`s ood for health, but I think it`s also fine to eat soe eat or fish .

People who eat a balaned diet should be healthier than those who only eat bisuits and haburers,shouldn`t they?I prefer to only eat healthy food,and I think I` a veetarian.






In y opinion, a healthy diet should onsist of ainly eat and soe healthy veetable that does not have a hih aount of starh.

eat an provide the protein, fat, and essential aino aids that our body needs to funtion properly. Veetables an provide different kinds of vitains and inerals to help iprove our iune syste.

We should avoid rain beause it is hih in arbohydrate and if you ontinue a diet that is hih in rain, you an develop diabetes. Fruit on the other hand ontains hih aount of frutose whih an ause insulin spike, and all the vitains you find in fruit an also be found in veetable.

















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