






To Hanks does a superb job of arryin ast Away all by hiself for about two-thirds of its runnin tie, but isn't uh helped by additional haraters in the openin and losin sequenes. Here is a stron and siple story surrounded by needless opliations, and flawed by a last at that first disappoints us and then ends on a note of fored whisy.

Hanks plays huk Noland, a tie-obsessed Federal Express exeutive who troubleshoots all over the world, arranin hurry-up pakae transfers in osow before flyin off to solve probles in Asia. Helen Hunt plays his fianee, Kelly Frears, who tries her best to aept a an ruled by a beeper. She oes fro lok-wathin stok, and for hristas ives huk her randfather's railroad wath.

Noland hithes a ride on a FedEx fliht aross the Paifi, whih is blown off ourse before rashin after an onboard explosion. That sees like two atastrophes when one would have done, but diretor Bob eekis uses the stor for senes of in-fliht fear, wisely followin Alfred Hithok's observation that fro a suspense point of view, an explosion is over before you et your oney's worth.

Spoiler alert: If you have not seen ads for the ovie, read no further.

Noland survives the rash, and floats in a life raft to a deserted island. And . . . a I tellin too uh of the story? I doubt it, sine the trailers and oerials for this ovie sinle-indedly reveal as uh of the plot as they an, spoilin any possible suspense. Not only do they tell you he ets off the island, they tell you what happens then. What a I to do? Pretend you haven't seen the ad, or disuss what we all know happens? The early senes are essentially busy work. Exoti loales like osow add a little interest to details about Noland's job. An airport farewell to the fianee is obliatory, inludin the inevitable reassuranes about how huk will be riht bak and they'll have a wonderful New Year's Eve. Then the rash.

The ovie's power and effet enter on the island. huk, the tie-and-otion an, finds hiself in a world without loks, shedules, or uh of a future. There's soethin wonderfully patheti about the way he shouts Hello? Anybody? at the sand and trees. Those are his last words for a tie, as he tries to reeber hildhood lessons about fireakin and shelter onstrution. Then there's a four-year flash-forward and we see the forerly plup huk as a aunt, skinny survivor. (eekis shut down the ovie while Hanks lost weiht.) I find it fasinatin when a ovie just wathes soebody doin soethin. Atual work is ore interestin than ost plots. huk splits oonuts, traps fish, builds fires, and akes use of the ontents of several FedEx boxes that washed up with hi (too bad nobody was ailin K-rations). And he paints a fae on a volleyball and naes it Wilson--a devie whih, not inidentally, ives hi an exuse for talkin out loud.

Hanks proves here aain what an effetive ator he is, never strainin for an effet, always persuasive even in this unlikely situation, winnin our sypathy with his eyes and his body lanuae when there's no one else on the sreen.

I liked every sene on the island and wanted ore of the. There's a lovely oent when he squats on the round, onteplatin a rate that has washed up, and the shot is oposed as hoae to 20xx: A Spae dyssey, Hanks' favorite fil. I also liked the details of his esape.


Read the British writer Defoe's, I deeply, the harvest is reat.

The rest of the island is book of Robinson rusoe extrat. In front of the various diffiulties faed in severe test, in the fae of the isolated, lonely, rusoe adjust ood attitude, to survive in the desert island and put a lot of effort, the yth of life on the island in the 2 years.

rusoe while it's a harater in fition, but his deeds to ountless enerations beae afraid of diffiulties and setbaks life of stron, for they lay a ood areer ahieveent.

If we want to do in life, beoe the otherland, we ust learn fro the pillar of life and learnin treat orretly and diffiulties, develop praati apable, love is the habit of labor, the ahieveent of life, is fundaental to ahieve the ideal oal of uarantee.

Reall the 000 years, how any bits are of reat ahieveent is not like Robinson with elebrity positive attitude to fae setbaks, for their oals in life and strule? As sprin end has prooted WoXinhanDan fourteen years, finally to avene, destroyed wu, beoe the yante-huaihe reion. And the foundin eperor hu yuanhan in, early suffered terribly, his parents and brother were ill, he beae an orphan. He had eaten rass-roots, fern bark, huan teple as a onk, sleep in the diffiulties and setbaks to his head to the adversity of stron, he is still livin, later attended the yuan farers insurents, departents, and later beae red ary oander, fabri (136 ansion in nanjin, the in dynasty.荒岛余生观后感范文精选1

To Hanks does a superb job of arryin ast Away all by hiself for about two-thirds of its runnin tie, but isn't uh helped by additional haraters in the openin and losin sequenes. Here is a stron and siple story surrounded by needless opliations, and flawed by a last at that first disappoints us and then ends on a note of fored whisy.

Hanks plays huk Noland, a tie-obsessed Federal Express exeutive who troubleshoots all over the world, arranin hurry-up pakae transfers in osow before flyin off to solve probles in Asia. Helen Hunt plays his fianee, Kelly Frears, who tries her best to aept a an ruled by a beeper. She oes fro lok-wathin stok, and for hristas ives huk her randfather's railroad wath.

Noland hithes a ride on a FedEx fliht aross the Paifi, whih is blown off ourse before rashin after an onboard explosion. That sees like two atastrophes when one would have done, but diretor Bob eekis uses the stor for senes of in-fliht fear, wisely followin Alfred Hithok's observation that fro a suspense point of view, an explosion is over before you et your oney's worth.

Spoiler alert: If you have not seen ads for the ovie, read no further.

Noland survives the rash, and floats in a life raft to a deserted island. And . . . a I tellin too uh of the story? I doubt it, sine the trailers and oerials for this ovie sinle-indedly reveal as uh of the plot as they an, spoilin any possible suspense. Not only do they tell you he ets off the island, they tell you what happens then. What a I to do? Pretend you haven't seen the ad, or disuss what we all know happens? The early senes are essentially busy work. Exoti loales like osow add a little interest to details about Noland's job. An airport farewell to the fianee is obliatory, inludin the inevitable reassuranes about how huk will be riht bak and they'll have a wonderful New Year's Eve. Then the rash.

The ovie's power and effet enter on the island. huk, the tie-and-otion an, finds hiself in a world without loks, shedules, or uh of a future. There's soethin wonderfully patheti about the way he shouts Hello? Anybody? at the sand and trees. Those are his last words for a tie, as he tries to reeber hildhood lessons about fireakin and shelter onstrution. Then there's a four-year flash-forward and we see the forerly plup huk as a aunt, skinny survivor. (eekis shut down the ovie while Hanks lost weiht.) I find it fasinatin when a ovie just wathes soebody doin soethin. Atual work is ore interestin than ost plots. huk splits oonuts, traps fish, builds fires, and akes use of the ontents of several FedEx boxes that washed up with hi (too bad nobody was ailin K-rations). And he paints a fae on a volleyball and naes it Wilson--a devie whih, not inidentally, ives hi an exuse for talkin out loud.

Hanks proves here aain what an effetive ator he is, never strainin for an effet, always persuasive even in this unlikely situation, winnin our sypathy with his eyes and his body lanuae when there's no one else on the sreen.

I liked every sene on the island and wanted ore of the. There's a lovely oent when he squats on the round, onteplatin a rate that has washed up, and the shot is oposed as hoae to 20xx: A Spae dyssey, Hanks' favorite fil. I also liked the details of his esape.


Read the British writer Defoe's, I deeply, the harvest is reat.

The rest of the island is book of Robinson rusoe extrat. In front of the various diffiulties faed in severe test, in the fae of the isolated, lonely, rusoe adjust ood attitude, to survive in the desert island and put a lot of effort, the yth of life on the island in the 2 years.

rusoe while it's a harater in fition, but his deeds to ountless enerations beae afraid of diffiulties and setbaks life of stron, for they lay a ood areer ahieveent.

If we want to do in life, beoe the otherland, we ust learn fro the pillar of life and learnin treat orretly and diffiulties, develop praati apable, love is the habit of labor, the ahieveent of life, is fundaental to ahieve the ideal oal of uarantee.

Reall the 000 years, how any bits are of reat ahieveent is not like Robinson with elebrity positive attitude to fae setbaks, for their oals in life and strule? As sprin end has prooted WoXinhanDan fourteen years, finally to avene, destroyed wu, beoe the yante-huaihe reion. And the foundin eperor hu yuanhan in, early suffered terribly, his parents and brother were ill, he beae an orphan. He had eaten rass-roots, fern bark, huan teple as a onk, sleep in the diffiulties and setbaks to his head to the adversity of stron, he is still livin, later attended the yuan farers insurents, departents, and later beae red ary oander, fabri (136 ansion in nanjin, the in dynasty.






























