Dear teahers and students
Today is the annual tree plantin day. With the rapid developent of siene, aterial pursuit has beoe the priary oal of people. In order to have the so-alled "hih quality" life, any people do this stupid thin in front of aterial and selfish desires??
Deforestation, destrution of water resoures, waste of oil, people alost predatory developent, daae the eoloial balane, ake soe plaes lon-ter drouht without rain, soe plaes are flooded. Aid rain, ud rain, red tide, tornado, sandstor ore and ore frequent appearane, aain and aain sounded the alar to us.
I an't stop people uttin down a few forests at will. But we an save every piee of paper, urb our desire to hane furniture, and save the use of disposable hopstiks It is this sall ontribution that an brin about the harony of livin environent and the harony between an and nature.
Until now, there are any people who don't know the day of arbor day. Isn't it a kind of nelet to the environent?! Why do so any people ut trees at will, whih akes our environent seriously threatened. If the environent is not the ost iportant, why do alost all ountries set tree plantin day? I hope everyone who has daaed the environent will think about it. Huan hoe is not your own, but belons to all reatures! Are huan beins indifferent? Do we have to deprive anials and plants of their riht to live? The answer is No. The protetion of the environent depends on everyone. If people pay ore, we believe that nature will ive us ood returns.
At the beinnin of huan bein, nature is ood. I firly believe that everyone one had a pure heart, whih was just onfused by aterial desires. As lon as we dare to open the veil of hyporisy and et rid of the evil spirit of lust, is a truly perfet life and a truly perfet world far away fro us?
Seein the trees in the forest bein ut down, I know what to do for "our hoe".
It's tree plantin day! Din Yutao, Wu Yunyin, Luo Yin and I went to Foilin to plant trees. We took saplins, showers and shovels and set out.
Alon the way, we san and lauhed. The ar breeed alon the ountain road.
When we ot to Foilin, we anaed to lib to the top of the ountain. What we see is not a dense forest, but a bare one. Let's et up and plant a tree eah. I took a shovel, walked heavily to find a suitable piee of land, and then du a pit, put the sall saplins in, ultivate the soil, drenh the water. I planted the trees, and saw that Din Yutao had not du a hole, so I went to di a hole and plant trees with her. A drop of sweat fell down y heek and into the earth Soe students di holes, soe plant trees, soe water. The ountain blew with a ust of hot wind. Everyone has planted trees, and the droopin heads of the little trees that we have watered are suddenly raised. The branh swayed in the sprin wind as if to say "thank you.". We're leavin, and the branhes are swinin aain to wave "oodbye" to us. We relutantly left Foilin.
Throuh this tree plantin ativity, I learned to protet the environent. In order to protet "our beautiful hoe", everyone should take ation and plant trees!
ne day, y two ousins and I went to y randother's house to plant willows. When randa heard that we wanted to plant trees, she pointed out a blank area where we needed to plant trees. Started to di the tree pit, but, only one shovel, how to do? I think of a way, is that the three of us take turns to di, who if tired of diin, hane to another person to di. At first, the three of us worked hard to di. After nearly half an hour, we du a 0 earth pit. randa ave us the willow seedlins. We arefully put in the willow seedlins, and then I held the youn seedlins, two ousins filled the soil, and finally we stepped on the pit with our feet. Later, we used a basin to water it.
Althouh I' tired, I' happy. Beause, I planted a willow tree, but also to add a olor to nature.
When sprin oes, it whistles and wakes everythin up. Look: the river starts to run with sinin, the rass oes out of the round, the willow opens its yellow and reen eyes, and the peah blosso opens its round fae It's tree plantin day.
That day, the weather was fine, y other and I ae to the ounity arden to plant trees. y other and I took shovel and buket, arryin sall seedlins to the sall arden to plant trees. I first loosened the soil with y toy shovel, and y other dis out a bi hole with a bi shovel. Then I take a sall tree fro behind and arefully it into the soil, then bury the roots of the seedlins with the soil. I take a buket of water and slowly pour the surroundin seedlins around. I pour it aside and ently say, "saplin, fast. Drink, drink, root, sprout, row up! " The youn saplin understood y words and soon finished drinkin a buket of water.
y other and I have been workin for half a day. There are rows of saplins in the arden. I see to see a forest.
I a a sall tree. I rew up in a yard with y opanion and lived a iserable life. How trai? Listen to e oin with you.
ne sunny day, the sun sprinkled on our faes, a roup of happy little irls ae skippin, playin with rubber bands. They tied the rubber bands on our feet, on our waist, and on our throat, whih ade it diffiult for us to breathe.
ne sunny day, a youn woan was arryin a basin with soe lothes that were not dried. The woan tied a lon rope to our abdoen, and then hun the lothes on the rope. It was a bi blow to us beause the lothes bent our waist.
In a lear day, a roup of nauhty boys ran into the yard to play. When we heard that they were oin to play and shake our bodies, we losed our eyes. Fortunately, their ations were stopped by an unle, so we were safe.
After another period of tie, one by one, one by one, thins that hurt friends keep happenin, and the nuber of opanions keeps dereasin. Now there are only a few old trees and sall trees with inoplete bones in the yard.
People, o and plant trees! In order to protet your beautiful hoe, plant trees! Don't let the soil and water be eroded and the environent be destroyed. o and plant trees! We have only one hoe, let's protet this unique and beautiful hoe!
It's suh a fine ornin today! Huahua ot up early and went to the arden to plant trees with a buket of water and a shovel.
She du a hole first, then hose a stron youn tree to arefully ove into the pit, and then waved a spade to fill several spades of soil.
A sall tree has been planted. The butterfly in the distane saw it, flew over and siled at the flowers. The flowers on the round are also in full bloo. Huahua also siled happily.
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