







Dotor, it's an honorable and reat job. Why do you say that? When you see a dotor to the patient to be pulled down, when you see a dyin patient, when you see an ailin patient no loner pain … … then you and I have the sae feelins. I want to be a dotor, not only beause I adire dotors, but also beause of soethin that has happened reently.

Just last onth, when I left shool, y dad took e and drove to the hospital. I asked Dad in surprise: "&ldquo, daddy, who's sik?" ” dad inored e and rushed to the hospital. To the hospital, I saw four ilk lyin on the bed dyin, pale, bloodless, tortured by the disease without a huan for, see we want to speak, but an not say. y father and I walked out of the ward, I asked y father four ilk what is the disease, y father whispered to e, you four ilk ot brain tuor, just heked out is alinant. Bak hoe, y father learned fro the outh, in order to ure four Siye ilk, has to o to Beijin, henhou, Xi'an ity, at the Beijin Hospital, the dotor said it an not ure disease, he was to “ &rdquo a dotor to thup; kneel, say I be you, you ure her disease, how uh oney I a willin to spend! But the dotor said, ure an be ured, but the surery ay also worry that he is not willin to take the risk. It was rolled to henhou, and dotors in henhou said the aner was in daner and there was no rule of law. Finally to Xi'an hospital, said there is hope that the ure, so he stopped in Xi'an, after the surery, four ilk reain unonsious has been lyin in intensive are, roo to reet four ilk, dad also rushed to Xi'an, to wath every niht, take are of four ilk, the day's rest, althouh fast the new year, the faily has to spend the Sprin Festival in the old hospital. About three hundred thousand has been spent before and after the operation, and althouh it osts so uh, four ilk is still in ritial ondition.

Althouh four ilk espeially poor, but also the world than the ore poor people, I really hope I an beoe a skilled dotor, an let the person sufferin fro serious disease no loner bear rapant sufferin illness, fro the hands of the disease.


The boundless sea, I want to ently lose to the beah, wathin the waves say to you: "I want to be a dotor! "

"Shell, do you know the anel in white?" They are the anels who ease the pain for the people. She has been y drea for a lon tie." "Do you know?" The sea? Every tie I walked into the hospital with pain, the anels in white opened their wins and flew to e. I put the love needle into y hand and let it o away. You know what? That year the SARS epidei, the ity is full of fear, who are at the frontline to treat people, who are riskin their lives and to fiht disease, bak for the survival of the earth, who is dressed in owns, run around all day, nobody in this fiht for fear of deons...... They are brave anels in white!

They, and we live in the sae earth, they, and we often eet the, unknown to the publi, with their own pure hands, how any badly utilated life treatent!

At this point, y heart beatin, and for the - enaed in a speial areer of the and deeply adire. They are ordinary, but not unusual! Beause of the world with the, with the, these people with all kinds of pain, war will beoe so briht and briht, in the universe, a unique flash of liht!

The sea, everyone said, put your drea in the drift bottle, and then sail into the distane with you, the ideal will oe true. But I don't want y drea to be blown away. I want to hold it tiht, beause the future belons to e!

The sea, I will speak to you of y dreas - Anels in white, little shells!


I want to be a dotor, and I think the anient dotor Hua Tuo with superb skills, for people to relieve the pain of torture.

y father is an astha patient. He has to o to hospital several ties a year. It osts hundreds of dollars and thousands of dollars eah tie. Sine I know, I know y father has been the disease, althouh not fatal, but every tie up, look at Dad's appearane, I uess it ust be very unofortable. The father of the disease is the urrent edial level an be treated, but enerally sall attak, he did not o to hospital for treatent, ediation, arry even hospitaliation, only soe of the onventional treatent, an dra on. y father is a thrifty an, he was relutant to spend ore oney.

ne day, Dad's disease was so bad that it was useless to take soe ediine around hi. So, olleaues sent hi to the hospital, the dotor arefully heked his body ondition, said: "your ondition an not be delayed, and ust be operated on.". If you dra on, your ondition will be even worse and ay even live for only one onth." Father knows his duty in the faily, he is randa's son, other's husband, dauhter's father, life is preious, only one. So surery ust be perfored.

That day, in the dark, I was upstairs ao ao hoe play, suddenly, downstairs ae a randother shouted eaerly: "Son Yin, Son Yin!"......" As I walked down the stairs, y randother was wheein and said, "your father lives in a hospital and has to have an operation."......" I alost fainted when I heard this sentene. I hurried to the hospital, Dad's surery, I anxiously waitin, lookin forward to the operation end quikly, so I et to see y father, I a anxious to hurry up, dad. I a a irl who is not ood at expressin y feelins, but at that oent, I think y father is the ost iportant person in y life!

After the operation, the nae of father anesthetis not wake up, looked at his pale fae, I seretly deterined: I have to study hard, I want to be a dotor, take are of everyone around e arefully, let the healthy life!








































