






Suer vaation, oe fast, o too fast, but in this ordinary suer there is an extraordinary harvest, in this ordinary suer I have an extraordinary harvest and extraordinary feelins, every feelin akes e Very eorable.

However, both in the harvest or feel, I was the deepest ipression and belon to and Yan henyu that onfrontation basketball experiene.

ne aain, I in Wuyi Square, as always, hit the basketball et y lassates, y buddies - Yan henyu, I see hi arryin a ba, vauely see the ba stood a basketball, he was also To play basketball, I went to his front and hatted with hi days, when y ood was very happy, beause I finally know people to play basketball with e.

So I was very exited to Yan henyu launhed a hallene, and Yan henyu also aepted the hallene, so we started the two basketball ae.

But I did not think how, the oriinal, Yan henyu's ae there are two eruption, every tie I shot hi to over a pot to over down, but I was not disouraed, I thouht will be ore than his, had For a while, the sore was labeled 0:12 Yan henyu is that 12 and I would not have said that the 0, so the last ae to 0 to 12 end, I a very sad, but there is no loss of onfidene, there is a an not tell the feelin.

After returnin to the distrit, I was in the distrit hard trainin basketball, always thinkin about the next tie I was 12, so I know what I have a few people have been trained aain. For the next vitory.

After a few nihts to oe, y ood is very exited, Yan henyu ae, the ae bean, I a very exited, did not think I pratied a few strokes really oe in handy, so the final sore is 13 :: 13.

When the hoe after the feelin of tired, but feel out fro the heart of the ofortable.

In this suer I realied, as lon as the heart to do one thin will be suessful. I also understand that frustration is not terrible, terrible but you esape, you lose onfidene, but when you beat the setbaks you will find that frustration will atually et you bak to help you ake up.


Soon, to the last day of Auust, od is extra enerous bloo, seven or eiht onths of the suer are bi onth, so opared to thirty days in January, we have two days. Even if there are so any days of the day, put in the flow of tie, like a sall fish shrip shark opened by the bi outh swallowed like, no sound. ur holiday life, so draw a full stop, so disappear in the rollin rush forward of the years of the ary, so irreparable, infinite sadness, inoparable nostalia, eorable to oe to an end.

Hit the text, spit soe saliva, hat suer, would like to pay hoae to it.

End of the last few days off the ray review of the ental and physial exhaustion, and finally an laily enjoy the late pae of slow life. A few days of adjustent, then the faily obiliation, do a ood job Raiders, take luae to travel to the otherland ood ountains and rivers, footprints all over the ountry, the beah is the ost attrative beah, or hikin, walkin Lanfan Lanfan ... ... , Wehat friends irle was travel photos sraper. Suer vaation travel, is every household, every year ust be arried out. Beause there is a tour, so the suer is partiularly worth lookin forward, beause there are touris, diretly to the suer of another bi projet done beddin - suer trainin ourses. The taste of suer vaation is sweet.

f ourse there are "first bitter after the sweet" type of suer vaation. Parents work busy, no tie to take into aount the "idle at hoe" hildren, how to do? They an not always be tied to their own waist to follow, so put the hildren entrusted to the suer trainin ourses. This is the next ood, the hildren an ontinue to learn, not absurd shool, the key is not all day holdin a oputer TV, they an be born to onentrate on their own work. Suer vaation, is the trainin of all lasses in full swin day. The parents were liberated, the trainin ourse was full, and the least part was the hildren who had just been freed fro the shool's stressful studies and had not yet beun to enjoy the ofort and freedo of the holidays and went into another ae. Learnin. Perhaps the words ay hold their personal subjetive views too stron, the hildren ay also be very happy to learn this shool beause they have sine adapted to this lifestyle this suer ode. So there are hinese harateristis of the suer baked, and reoved the various trainin ourses, art, disipline, skills, parents bored to pik up, the hild without any oplaints to learn. The taste of the suer is salty.


I a eleven years old this year. This year and a year y father and other only ave e two or three birthday, nothin ore than to ask soe hildren to eat and drink to Donald's only. But these are not y birthday party. What kind of birthday party do I want to have?

I want a birthday party is a ysterious and horrible birthday trip in the for of an expedition, with friends to o to the ysterious dinosaur world. In the world of dinosaurs, I want y "birthday" tea to arry out a terrorist plan. What is this plan? That is, with the Tyrannosaurus to a "at and ouse" ood show.

First, of ourse, is the first to find Tyrannosaurus nests, and (and to find the draon's lair), let us a tea of all the people to attrat Tyrannosaurus rex. ethod is: take a Tyrannosaurus es, fored to throw away (beause Tyrannosaurus will always seretly in the dark to onitor its es), the as that two Tyrannosaurus out, and then let the sedutor iediately followed us toether Went to the woods, two roups were fro different diretions to esape.

Tyrannosaurus hasin the two roups were fro two different plaes to the draon's nest ran. To the draon's lair, iediately went in, was disturbed by the draon looked at Tyrannosaurus ron ae in, will take preventive easures, then we just fled to beoe.

But finally in the dinosaur world, there is no like "Donald's", "Kentuky Fried hiken" suh a fast food restaurant, only their own in the sall river, but also in the iddle of the world ath fish, and prey on soe sall pterosaurs to bake to eat. Althouh there is no "Donald's" deliious, but this is our own to do, than those fast food restaurants ore deliious.

Althouh these thins are y iaination, but I believe that these thins will be ahieved later.写英语作文暑假去哪1

Suer vaation, oe fast, o too fast, but in this ordinary suer there is an extraordinary harvest, in this ordinary suer I have an extraordinary harvest and extraordinary feelins, every feelin akes e Very eorable.

However, both in the harvest or feel, I was the deepest ipression and belon to and Yan henyu that onfrontation basketball experiene.

ne aain, I in Wuyi Square, as always, hit the basketball et y lassates, y buddies - Yan henyu, I see hi arryin a ba, vauely see the ba stood a basketball, he was also To play basketball, I went to his front and hatted with hi days, when y ood was very happy, beause I finally know people to play basketball with e.

So I was very exited to Yan henyu launhed a hallene, and Yan henyu also aepted the hallene, so we started the two basketball ae.

But I did not think how, the oriinal, Yan henyu's ae there are two eruption, every tie I shot hi to over a pot to over down, but I was not disouraed, I thouht will be ore than his, had For a while, the sore was labeled 0:12 Yan henyu is that 12 and I would not have said that the 0, so the last ae to 0 to 12 end, I a very sad, but there is no loss of onfidene, there is a an not tell the feelin.

After returnin to the distrit, I was in the distrit hard trainin basketball, always thinkin about the next tie I was 12, so I know what I have a few people have been trained aain. For the next vitory.

After a few nihts to oe, y ood is very exited, Yan henyu ae, the ae bean, I a very exited, did not think I pratied a few strokes really oe in handy, so the final sore is 13 :: 13.

When the hoe after the feelin of tired, but feel out fro the heart of the ofortable.

In this suer I realied, as lon as the heart to do one thin will be suessful. I also understand that frustration is not terrible, terrible but you esape, you lose onfidene, but when you beat the setbaks you will find that frustration will atually et you bak to help you ake up.


Soon, to the last day of Auust, od is extra enerous bloo, seven or eiht onths of the suer are bi onth, so opared to thirty days in January, we have two days. Even if there are so any days of the day, put in the flow of tie, like a sall fish shrip shark opened by the bi outh swallowed like, no sound. ur holiday life, so draw a full stop, so disappear in the rollin rush forward of the years of the ary, so irreparable, infinite sadness, inoparable nostalia, eorable to oe to an end.

Hit the text, spit soe saliva, hat suer, would like to pay hoae to it.

End of the last few days off the ray review of the ental and physial exhaustion, and finally an laily enjoy the late pae of slow life. A few days of adjustent, then the faily obiliation, do a ood job Raiders, take luae to travel to the otherland ood ountains and rivers, footprints all over the ountry, the beah is the ost attrative beah, or hikin, walkin Lanfan Lanfan ... ... , Wehat friends irle was travel photos sraper. Suer vaation travel, is every household, every year ust be arried out. Beause there is a tour, so the suer is partiularly worth lookin forward, beause there are touris, diretly to the suer of another bi projet done beddin - suer trainin ourses. The taste of suer vaation is sweet.

f ourse there are "first bitter after the sweet" type of suer vaation. Parents work busy, no tie to take into aount the "idle at hoe" hildren, how to do? They an not always be tied to their own waist to follow, so put the hildren entrusted to the suer trainin ourses. This is the next ood, the hildren an ontinue to learn, not absurd shool, the key is not all day holdin a oputer TV, they an be born to onentrate on their own work. Suer vaation, is the trainin of all lasses in full swin day. The parents were liberated, the trainin ourse was full, and the least part was the hildren who had just been freed fro the shool's stressful studies and had not yet beun to enjoy the ofort and freedo of the holidays and went into another ae. Learnin. Perhaps the words ay hold their personal subjetive views too stron, the hildren ay also be very happy to learn this shool beause they have sine adapted to this lifestyle this suer ode. So there are hinese harateristis of the suer baked, and reoved the various trainin ourses, art, disipline, skills, parents bored to pik up, the hild without any oplaints to learn. The taste of the suer is salty.


I a eleven years old this year. This year and a year y father and other only ave e two or three birthday, nothin ore than to ask soe hildren to eat and drink to Donald's only. But these are not y birthday party. What kind of birthday party do I want to have?

I want a birthday party is a ysterious and horrible birthday trip in the for of an expedition, with friends to o to the ysterious dinosaur world. In the world of dinosaurs, I want y "birthday" tea to arry out a terrorist plan. What is this plan? That is, with the Tyrannosaurus to a "at and ouse" ood show.

First, of ourse, is the first to find Tyrannosaurus nests, and (and to find the draon's lair), let us a tea of all the people to attrat Tyrannosaurus rex. ethod is: take a Tyrannosaurus es, fored to throw away (beause Tyrannosaurus will always seretly in the dark to onitor its es), the as that two Tyrannosaurus out, and then let the sedutor iediately followed us toether Went to the woods, two roups were fro different diretions to esape.

Tyrannosaurus hasin the two roups were fro two different plaes to the draon's nest ran. To the draon's lair, iediately went in, was disturbed by the draon looked at Tyrannosaurus ron ae in, will take preventive easures, then we just fled to beoe.

But finally in the dinosaur world, there is no like "Donald's", "Kentuky Fried hiken" suh a fast food restaurant, only their own in the sall river, but also in the iddle of the world ath fish, and prey on soe sall pterosaurs to bake to eat. Althouh there is no "Donald's" deliious, but this is our own to do, than those fast food restaurants ore deliious.

Althouh these thins are y iaination, but I believe that these thins will be ahieved later.








































