






i had a reat tie on y vaation .

to bein with,i finished y hoework .it was took e ten days.then,i ae bak y old hoe with y faily.we visted y randparents 、y unle and y aunt.they were friendly and kind.lukyly,they ave e soe oney,i was very happy.

on sall year day,y dad took e to skate.that was very fanny.i fell all the tie.it was a little ahe,but i still skated.

on new year`s day,we ate at y unle`s hoe.y aunt ooked a lot of eels.they were deliious,too,so i ate very fell.


Winter holiday is oin to an with a quantity of eaninful and unforetful eories. I still reeber the days we looked forward to it durrin the fanal exa last ter, but w ,we have to prepare for our lessons of the oin new year . How tie flys !

The happiest ties was thoes whih I spent with y relatives .We all had an interest thins to share with eah other after nearly one year see. When sprin festival ae , we also ave our best wishes to people we love .

However , as a student ,the ost iportant thin for e is studyin . So I spent a reat deal of tie reviewin the kwledes I learned last ter and studyin the lessons yself for the first tie forwards ,anyway ,I don't want to full behind after a holiday!

Above all , this holiday will leave an unforetful exppression on e.


Today is New Year's Day, every day, every faily is very lively, a hinese New Year every faily to eat a very fatty foods, eah eal should be plaed before the whip, burn inense to the od of Wealth and hopes to ake a fortune, a hildren are up early to wear new lothes to o to the elders to pay, hopin to et older, the red envelope, hinese New Year, and full of aiety, today I a feelin very ood.


Early in the ornin,we all set off for the beah.We took a lot of pitures on the way.By noon we arrived at the hotel.After havin lunh there we went to the beah.We were so tired that we spent the whole afternoon lyin on the beah and swiin a lot.n the way bak to the hotel,we went shoppin for presents.In the evenin it rained.We all stayed in the hotel and played table tennis.We had a ood tie today.


y hiense New Year for this year was fantasti! I went to HaiNan with y parents durin the hinese New Year and visited y relatives over there. The weather over there was beautiful. It was so uh warer than y ity. We stayed in a hotel and we spent a lot of tie on the beahes. y parents also took e for a ride round the island. It was so uh fun and I wish it was loner.We spent about one week there and then left for oanShou for 3 days. We went shoppin in uanhou and everythin is so heap there. y parents bouht e a lot stuff that I wanted for a while. I a very happy!


The double ninth festival arrived, just every shool day and filial piety. I' oin to this weekend for randa and randpa other help do housework.

Today, I ot up early and found his other is ready to help e buy breakfast. I hurriedly say: "other, today I oe to buy breakfast." other was quik to proise. I iediately take oney went to buy breakfast.

Buy breakfast o hoe, and I had breakfast and do the hoework for a while, saw the randother took a ba of soybean to peel. I went up to his randother with said: "randa, I help you peel it. Bean" y randother said: "no, you haven't done hoework?" I said: "this is a hoework ah. You an't let the I don't finish your hoework." The randother finally areed. y randother with in behind to peel ?


Last sunday. I and y father, other, randparents, brother went to bailonshan by bus. In the ornin we ae down the ountain. I saw wooded ountains, wild flowers bloo. We lib up the hill alon the ountain path. oe halfway up the ountain, I feel a little tired,it bean to rain,y West Lake silk ubrella issed,. Dad said to e,“tintin, don’t do anythin halfway.”at last,So I insisted reahed the top, the top of the senery so beautiful.We were flyin kites, I was thirsty, y other bouht e a bottle of water, .finally we went hoe.finally,Sine then, I've kept the ubrella.i was very happy


It was the first day of our winter holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Beause we have one onths to do thins we love to do. We are free. Althouh we have soe hoework. But we an finish the in several days. And the rest tie we an ake ood use of. y od! We have been very tired after hard studyin. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleep and eat ood food in order to replenish yself. Last but not the least, I will have a ood rest.



Finally, we arrived in uilin. After breakfast, we went to River Li. We listened to the uide and enjoyed the views on boat. But I found the water in River Li is dirty, any people washed lothes there. I feel anry and the trip beae borin and exhaustin.


January 20 XX XX XX X weather day week

It's sunny today, had a little breath of sprin. Aordin to the youn pioneers winter vaation plan, I propose that the weather is ood on the whole faily went to BeiaoFen, this is y house a "faily eneral obiliation, elebrates its xx year" ativities.

Listen to father said BeiaoFen is the hihest ountain in hanhou ity, is also a seni spots. I've been on wushan days before peak, jade eperor feiyun, stone, and hanhou's faous ountain, strea hardonnay BeiaoFen I was the first tie, so this tie I ust be on the top of the ountain.

To lib up a lot of people in the New Year. At first I walk fast, walk halfway up, I felt y feet hurt a little, y other advised e to rest for a while oe on down, I said: "no, I ust be on the top of the ountain." Dad said: "ood! Three three exerise well, row up to strive for an lypi torh!"

Alon the way, I appreiate the senery, while listen to father the lypi knowlede, unonsiously we landed on the top of the ountain. Looked at the foot of saller houses, ars, I feel I really soe bi shots, it an stik to do one thin with one breath.

20xx年1月XX日 星期X 天气XX


































