






I went to three ities to play durin last suer holidays. They are Beijin, Dalian and HuHehot.

I went to Beijin ore than eiht ties. Beijin is the apital of hina. It’s a bi ity. I a very failiar with Beijin. It takes an hour and forty inutes fro Nanton to Beijin by plane. There are any tall buildins in Beijin. It’s a odern ity. y faily visited the reat Wall, the Suer Palae, the Palae useu, the Beihai Park, the Spae useu, et. I went to the ountryside of Beijin to o boatin and fishin. It was very interestin. I went shoppin in WanFuJin. I bouht lots of souvenirs and other thins. I like eatin Beijin snaks. They are deliious. Don’t ithe Beijin Duk. It is really nie.

Dalian is a beautiful ity. Dalian is lose to Beijin. I spent o inutes on the plane. Dalian is near the sea. I selled the salty taste in the air. The roads are lean. There are lots of trees and flowers near the roads. There are any esplanades and Japanese buildins. There are soe fountains in one of the esplanades. Soe people flew kites and walked on the esplanades. We went to see the beah and the sea. The sea is blue. There were any swiers in the sea. I lay on the beah to see the sky.Dalian is a very nie plae to live.

Huhehot is in Inner onol. There are lots of lare rasslands. The rasslands are endless. The sky is briht blue. There were a lot of horses and sheep. They were runnin or eatin rass. I rode a horse on the raland. I piked soe olourful flowers. We drank the tea with ilk. There is a sall desert, it was very hot when I walked on it. The sand ould sin.

These trips helped e open y eyes. I enjoyed y day.


There are varied ways of definin touris. Soe people reard it as a pollution-free industry; others think of it an invisible shool, Both are based on an aepted fat that touris annot only produe profits bearin no pollution alon with, but help broaden knowlede and fortify healthy. Aside fro the above there exists awidespread theory, laiin that whatever is of the ability to inrease in apital belons to produtive industry. In this sense, touris should hold a position in the sope and ouht to be treated as suh.

It is true that there is soe sense in the theory, yet another equally or even ore iportant aspet should be ranted ore publiity to. Touris, in ters of its objetive purposes, has a soial funtion whih ontributes to huan ouniation. oin fro vadous soial bakrounds, havin otives and oals of every kind, tourists et toether, draw lose and exhane ideas of their own, fro whih a fresh state of ind will be reated. So what kind of prodution is it? To the question we should have ood reason to ive a proper answer: it is a spirit prodution, a reprodution of relations of prodution. And the ore frequently suh exhanes are ade, the ore ood they will do to prootin soial and eonoi developent of the utual. If it is the ase that akin oney throuh touris eans a dent we have ade, so it foretells a fortune to provide ultural servie alon with touris. Therefore, to keep lose eyes on the latter involves hanin our inds first, that is, touris is by no eans a pure eonoi onept, but takes plenty of ideoloial ativities as its ontent.

To su up, unlike other eonoi fors, the profits fro touris eonoy annot be easured opletely by eans of how uh output value, profit, and forein exhane it will produe. In addition to the reputation of pollution-free industry, its soial and far-reahin profit should be probed ore deeply. As suh the existin seni spots ouht to be kept in ood aintenane, and soe new ones exploited. oreover, onstrutin first-lass soft and hard surroundins is desired to attrat tourists, the forein and the doesti.


I love travelin. Travelin not only broadens y horions but also opens y eyes to the world. What's ore, it refreshes e. You an o to Disneyland and experiene what it's like to be “a hild aain!” You an visit one of the “seven wonders of the world,” suh as the rand anyon and feel the anifiene of nature! You an taste the “aiial” ie water on a laier, whih an help you beoe ore beautiful and ake you live loner.

Just foret all trifles and burdens that you have in your ind. Experiene is a type of livin knowlede. You'll be sure to experiene any new thins when travelin. You don't even need a tour uide if you lon for ore freedo. Just don't foret to brin your bakpak!旅游英语日记范文1

I went to three ities to play durin last suer holidays. They are Beijin, Dalian and HuHehot.

I went to Beijin ore than eiht ties. Beijin is the apital of hina. It’s a bi ity. I a very failiar with Beijin. It takes an hour and forty inutes fro Nanton to Beijin by plane. There are any tall buildins in Beijin. It’s a odern ity. y faily visited the reat Wall, the Suer Palae, the Palae useu, the Beihai Park, the Spae useu, et. I went to the ountryside of Beijin to o boatin and fishin. It was very interestin. I went shoppin in WanFuJin. I bouht lots of souvenirs and other thins. I like eatin Beijin snaks. They are deliious. Don’t ithe Beijin Duk. It is really nie.

Dalian is a beautiful ity. Dalian is lose to Beijin. I spent o inutes on the plane. Dalian is near the sea. I selled the salty taste in the air. The roads are lean. There are lots of trees and flowers near the roads. There are any esplanades and Japanese buildins. There are soe fountains in one of the esplanades. Soe people flew kites and walked on the esplanades. We went to see the beah and the sea. The sea is blue. There were any swiers in the sea. I lay on the beah to see the sky.Dalian is a very nie plae to live.

Huhehot is in Inner onol. There are lots of lare rasslands. The rasslands are endless. The sky is briht blue. There were a lot of horses and sheep. They were runnin or eatin rass. I rode a horse on the raland. I piked soe olourful flowers. We drank the tea with ilk. There is a sall desert, it was very hot when I walked on it. The sand ould sin.

These trips helped e open y eyes. I enjoyed y day.


There are varied ways of definin touris. Soe people reard it as a pollution-free industry; others think of it an invisible shool, Both are based on an aepted fat that touris annot only produe profits bearin no pollution alon with, but help broaden knowlede and fortify healthy. Aside fro the above there exists awidespread theory, laiin that whatever is of the ability to inrease in apital belons to produtive industry. In this sense, touris should hold a position in the sope and ouht to be treated as suh.

It is true that there is soe sense in the theory, yet another equally or even ore iportant aspet should be ranted ore publiity to. Touris, in ters of its objetive purposes, has a soial funtion whih ontributes to huan ouniation. oin fro vadous soial bakrounds, havin otives and oals of every kind, tourists et toether, draw lose and exhane ideas of their own, fro whih a fresh state of ind will be reated. So what kind of prodution is it? To the question we should have ood reason to ive a proper answer: it is a spirit prodution, a reprodution of relations of prodution. And the ore frequently suh exhanes are ade, the ore ood they will do to prootin soial and eonoi developent of the utual. If it is the ase that akin oney throuh touris eans a dent we have ade, so it foretells a fortune to provide ultural servie alon with touris. Therefore, to keep lose eyes on the latter involves hanin our inds first, that is, touris is by no eans a pure eonoi onept, but takes plenty of ideoloial ativities as its ontent.

To su up, unlike other eonoi fors, the profits fro touris eonoy annot be easured opletely by eans of how uh output value, profit, and forein exhane it will produe. In addition to the reputation of pollution-free industry, its soial and far-reahin profit should be probed ore deeply. As suh the existin seni spots ouht to be kept in ood aintenane, and soe new ones exploited. oreover, onstrutin first-lass soft and hard surroundins is desired to attrat tourists, the forein and the doesti.


I love travelin. Travelin not only broadens y horions but also opens y eyes to the world. What's ore, it refreshes e. You an o to Disneyland and experiene what it's like to be “a hild aain!” You an visit one of the “seven wonders of the world,” suh as the rand anyon and feel the anifiene of nature! You an taste the “aiial” ie water on a laier, whih an help you beoe ore beautiful and ake you live loner.

Just foret all trifles and burdens that you have in your ind. Experiene is a type of livin knowlede. You'll be sure to experiene any new thins when travelin. You don't even need a tour uide if you lon for ore freedo. Just don't foret to brin your bakpak!






























