高考满分英语作文: 对盗版说不
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高考满分英语作文: 对盗版说不
Piray is a serious proble with whih this ountry is onfronted. In any plaes we see people peddlin pirated books or disks. Atually, piray has beoe so widespread that it has severely hindered the developent of the nation’s eonoy.
A nuber of fators aount for the proble, but the followin are the ost ritial ones. First, pirated produts are uh heaper than opyrihted ones, so they are very attrative to people, espeially younsters, who are not finanially well-off. Seondly, with hihly developed tehnoloy, it is not diffiult to anufature pirated produts. With one authoried opy, the illeal produers an ake thousands of fake ones at a very low ost, thus akin hue profits.
As a result, intelletual property rihts are severely infrined upon. Honest produers will lose the otivation to develop new produts. eanwhile, pirated produts are often of low quality, thus daain the interest of buyers.
In view of the seriousness of the proble, it is essential that laws and reulations be forulated and enfored to ban the anufature and irulation of pirated produts. eanwhile, people should be eduated to say no to these produts. With these easures taken, we have reasons to believe that the proble an be solved in the near future.
Piray is a serious proble with whih this ountry is onfronted. In any plaes we see people peddlin pirated books or disks. Atually, piray has beoe so widespread that it has severely hindered the developent of the nation’s eonoy.A nuber of fators aount for the proble, but the followin are the ost ritial ones. First, pirated produts are uh heaper than opyrihted ones, so they are very attrative to people, espeially younsters, who are not finanially well-off. Seondly, with hihly developed tehnoloy, it is not diffiult to anufature pirated produts. With one authoried opy, the illeal produers an ake thousands of fake ones at a very low ost, thus akin hue profits.
As a result, intelletual property rihts are severely infrined upon. Honest produers will lose the otivation to develop new produts. eanwhile, pirated produts are often of low quality, thus daain the interest of buyers.
In view of the seriousness of the proble, it is essential that laws and reulations be forulated and enfored to ban the anufature and irulation of pirated produts. eanwhile, people should be eduated to say no to these produts. With these easures taken, we have reasons to believe that the proble an be solved in the near future.