Interest is a reat otivation for learnin, it uides people to explore, to learn, to pratie.
We all heard the story of the bi physiist Newton? His "ravitation" is also due to the reation of interest. Before that, people are landin for Apple is a very ordinary natural phenoenon, but Newton did not think so, is this very oon thin, opened his thouhts, had an interest. Beause the interest propted hi to ontinue to study, ontinuous exploration, ontinuous pratie, we have today known "ravitation" one said.
Just think, if Newton is like other people as little interest in sall thins, the disovery of siene is also a ajor sexual interest,
Watt is interested in boilin water on the kettle, only invented the stea enine, Lavoisier had an interest in the air, only to develop the air oposition.
Sientists so, now the ase of life is even ore nuerous. Take y lass that ath wiards! His usual hobby is to study atheatis, as lon as the study of thins, no he an not solve, eah exa, he is hapion. We asked hi why atheatis is so ood, he replied: "like hantin, I think atheatis is very interestin." Look, beause he had a stron interest in atheatis, interest ade hi a "ath".
Sine anient ties, fro the bi Ke sholars to ordinary priary shool students have shown us a profound reason, interest is the drivin fore of learnin, it an be said that interest is the key to open the door to suess
years old when I take a white paper or olor ardboard paintin siple strokes, suh as what "ants, puppies, sall free, the table, lihts, Superan ... ... there are a lot of endless thins," 7 years old , y father often bouht e soe artoon little people to e. There is a little priness priness beauty irl. artoon, the haraters are Sylvilla, Rosella, Nadoslan, whih I like Nadoslan, she is a royal ae, she is very beautiful and nie, the head has a rown, blue lothes, Very beautiful, the body has a lot of olorful olorful ball, nek has a litterin neklae, I really seriously painted it, one day, two days, three days, how are not like, I a a little heart, Then y other enouraed e to say, "oe slowly, you will draw." I a happy, and even painted three, and finally painted well, until now I still keep this piture.
y lass life, thouh not uh, but I a very happy, beause I realied fro the paintin a lot of truth.
I have any hobbies, suh as readin, writin, sinin, drawin, wathin TV and doin exerise. I think hobbies an ake y life olorful. And I an ake friends easier, beause we have oon interests and we have any thins to talk about. Besides, havin soe hobbies an brin knowlede to e. For exaple, readin is a ood way to et knowlede. I an not learn all fro lass, so readin an brin e other knowlede. Sinin and drawin are skills. They an help e to iprove yself.
y HobbiesI have any hobbies, suh as sports, sinin, playin the violin and keepin a diary.In shool, I often hear the P.E. teaher say, sports do ood to one's health, and will ake one live loner. So, I like sports very uh. I o runnin at five o'lok in the ornin, and after lasses in the afternoon. I play pinpon with y friends. These sports have kept e healthy.At hoe, I like to sin and play the violin. I hope I will be a siner and a violinist
① when I row up. In order to attain these oals
②,I o to the teaher's hoe for a lesson every Saturday, and pratise sinin and playin the violin every day.
Busy as I a, I a quite happy.f all y hobbies I like readin books best. In y bedroo there are nearly six hundred books. There are story books, textbooks, aaines, and others. When I row up, I will serve the people with the knowlede I have learned fro the.
Everyone has his or her own hobby.Today I a oin to talk about y hobby.y hobby is swiin.I like it very uh,althouh I don't swi very well.And I o to swi with y friends every suer.y swiin oat is blue,beause blue is y favourite olor.I enjoy swiin in the sun,it's really ool.
I hope I an learn to swi well this suer.