In the past, beause there was no other lass, I never thouht about the ideal lass. However, with the offline lassroo and online lassroo, there is an ideal lassroo in y ind. That lassroo is so lose to us, but it is far away. In the past, we didn't herish it. Now, we are lookin forward to, waitin for and returnin to that day.
The ideal lassroo ust not be at hoe. If there is no istake, when we are in shool, we always think "if we an not o to shool, if we ust o to shool, it's ood to o to shool at hoe." Now we o to shool at hoe every day. I don't think any other students want to o to shool at hoe so uh, do they? y ideal lassroo is still in shool. In the days when we need to o out to shool in rainy days, it's the presene of sunshine, rain and wind that akes us live a noral and peaeful life in shool. At least, in those days, we don't have to worry about whih oes first, toorrow or aident. What a reassurin thin it looks like to hand in the hoework toorrow!
The ideal lassroo, you have e and frown teaher. I don't expet our lassroo to be peaeful and all the students love learnin, but the ideal lassroo in y ind ust be the one in the shool where soe people are studyin hard and others are doin errands. The teaher who frowns slihtly on the platfor is the essene of this lassroo. Suh a lass is not perfet, but real and lovely. Althouh there are real and lovely oents in the online lassroo, they are not real beause the students an't see eah other's eyes. Fro the students in real life, all of the suddenly beoe netiens. This feelin is too unreal.
In an ideal lassroo, we an still keep our ears losed to thins outside the window. In the past, I would still think that "two ears don't hear thins out of the window" is what nerds do. Now I think that's the happiness of students. Now open the news to see the news, let eah of our students bein to are about national affairs, and even soe students beoe areless to learn. nline lasses are often interrupted by sudden news, whih reinds e of the past study in shool, whih is the ideal lass.
In y understandin, if we refer to an ideal ollee life as a foral western dinner, then a hih PA, that is, rade Point Averae, should be the ain ourse, while an ative part in ativities, toether with assoiations, eans the appetier。 Soe roanes, of ourse, play the role as desserts。 They are the 3 key eleents for an ideal ollee life。
Those, however, are not what ollee life is all about。 As we all know, ollee is wildly different fro iddle shool。 It onnets not only adolesene to adulthood, but also the ivory tower to the real soiety。 Therefore, the ideal ollee life is that I beoe atured both physially and entally, and that I obtain qualified aadei knowlede and et well prepared for soiety at the sae tie。
Under this irustane, I never expet y ollee life to be too ideal, or you an all it too perfet。 It is not realisti to ake all thins on y own way, with everyone likin e, winnin the first prie all the tie, and so on。 f ourse, I’d like to lead a arefree life。 However, this does little ood to y future。 What really helps is hardships like failure, betrayal, and unjust treatent。 nly after experienin those an I know what soiety is like, and what life is like。
To onlude y speeh, I wanna say, soe positive experienes are surely part of the ideal ollee life。 But, I should not foret about the neative sides。 They are not less neessary。