Different people have different views on suess. Soe hold that akin a reat deal of oney eans suess. thers arue that holdin an iportant post in the overnent eans suess. Still others believe that havin a hih aadei title at a faous university or a researh institute eans suess.
In y opinion, suess eans brilliant ahieveent in our work. In other words, no atter what we do, akin outstandin ontributions to the developent of our ountry and brinin help and happiness to others is suess.
To ahieve suess, we should, first of all, have a lear lon-ter oal in our life. Besides, we should have short ter oals in different periods of life. As we know, it is these short ter oals that ake our lon-ter oal possible. Seond, we should be both perseverant and hardworkin. Whatever we do, there are always two possibilities: suess and failure. We should never lose heart when we oe aross diffiulties or when we are onfronted with failure. Instead, we should learn fro our experiene, build up our onfidene and work even harder and sarter towards our purpose. Third, we should follow the exaples of those who are suessful and learn fro the. Finally, we should try to et alon well with our lassates and olleaues. We should are for eah other and help eah other in our study, our work and our life, beause tea work is of reat iportane in the realiation of our drea.
If we an follow these priniples, we will ertainly ahieve rearkable suess in our life.
Fro now on,never spend your preious tie thinkin of reasons for your failures and shortoins.Instead,realie that seeds of suess were planted within you when you were born.nly you have the power to ake those seeds row.
The seeds,and the power to row the,are ontained in the ost awesoe ahine ever reated:the huan ind.Suessis a hoie and not a hane.You were born a winner.You were born rih.You an be a suess if only you ake the rihy hoie.
You annot be suessful without first developin your self-estee.Your level of self-estee is always based on the deree of ontrol that you are able toexerise over yourself,and thus over your life.People with low self-estee are people who do not believe that they have any power,or responsibility for their lives.They are the perennial vitis and artyrs.They are leaves tossed by the winds of hane blown about with any sudden hane in the weather.
You an exerise ontrol ove your life only to the deree that you believe that you are responsible for everythin that happens in your life.Failures think that everythin happens by aident and hane.Suessful people realie that they are responsible.
Everythin happens as a result of soethin.If we an identify the ause,we an ontrol the effet.We are responsible for what we hoose to think and believe.ne enerally rises th the level that one expets.We are responsible for settin our expetations.ur suess is dependent upon ur level of onfidene.
If you assoiate with positive-thinkin people,you are definitely oin to ahiee suess.n the ontrary,the opposite happens.We are responsible for findin,plantin,and nurturin the seeds that ontain future vitory,born fro setbaks.
In short,in all areas of your life,whether they are finanial,physis,eotional,or spiritual,your are responsible.ne you reonie this,aept it,and firly believe it,you are on the road to suess.
To be or nor to be, that is a question. To sueed or to fail? How to sueed and how to ahieve? These probles onfuse any teenaers in nowadays.
We all have dreas, and we all work hard to realie the. But there will always be soe probles and setbaks to stop the pae of advane. When they appear, what should we do? To stop or to o on? rs. urie told us the answer. We all know that rs. urie disovered radiu, but how any people really know how hard she worked? At that tie, there were any people disapprove of rs. urie. Althouh she ot over hundreds of diffiulties, she still believed in herself and never ave up. Finally, she sueeded to disover radiu. She proved that she was riht by her ontinuous hard work and her stron spirit. We should learn fro rs. urie. She told us the truth throuh her own experienes that believe in yourself, you an do it! Never ive up, fae the diffiulties with a sile, soeday, you will be proud of yourself.
The key to suess is onfidene. It akes you brave, helps you et over the troubles, and brins otivation to you. For exaple, soebody always et nervous when they have an iportant speeh, if they are in a nervous ood, the results are always terrible. But if they are onfident to theselves, the results turn out to be better. Therefore, be onfident, believe in yourself, keep sile in your fae when oes to diffiulties, and you will ahieve ore.