





六年级英语日记 1

We all have an unforettable hildhood, even soe funy stories will never be forotten.

In y eory, y father is A vet. y parents ran a drustore, sellin anial ediine, they were very busy , and even didn't have enouh tie to look after e, soeties I ae bak fro the kinderarten, y uy put e in the bak yard to let e play lonely.

The yard was not very lare, with wooden bars, iron bars, and bi lups. n the ede of the wall were soe loofah, and the vines rept alon the wall to the hut, and there were any elons,hun down fro the shed, swayin with A ust of wind.

At that tie,I was only three or four years old, y faily was near A wide road, the roarin ars ae and went down ontinousely. When they piked e fro the kinderarten,they let e stay in the yard,never let e o out. It was so borin and one evenin, I slipped throuh the ap in the bak yard and walked alon the road to a bank yard. Everythin here was fresh to e, the tree iadas ryin, the round ants rawlin, all the thins here attrated e. It was dark before I knew it, and I didn't ean to o hoe. Suddenly, fro a distane, I heard A voie ,it was y other "y kid --". I looked up and saw, it was very dark. I ouldn't help ryin. y other, hearin y voie, flew over, took e in y ars, and burst into tears. Later, I knew that y parents had started up all y relatives and neihbors to find e. They thouht I had been abduted by huan traffikers and never saw e aain.

六年级英语日记 2

n the last day of y holiday, I did any interestin thins.

In the ornin, I went to a sall pool .There were a lot of fish in it. I auht a fish, so I was very happy. But suddenly, it swa away. I felt it's skin were ool and sooth.

In the afternoon, we et rs. oon. The sky was lear and blue—the weather was ood. So, we went to a sprin naed drea sprin, and then, we went to Nan Shan library. We drank tea and ate snak.

After lunh, rs. oon baked to her hotel. We went to a all. I skated in an ie y. It was ool! aybe I was looked like a swan on the ie.

After the few hours, we ate dinner in a restaurant naed in u restaurant. We ate Japanese food suh as: sushi and the fresh fish.

After dinner, the sky was dark and blak like the ink, the laps were sparkle like the stars. The tie was too late, so we baked hoe.

What a ood day!

六年级英语日记 3

Suer was oin, and a roup of ants were busy repairin their houses, and they oved the soil out of the hole little by little. A riket approahed and asked, "what are you doin?" An ant answered, "we are buildin our house, and the wheat will be rippen. We will ake it bier, store it and eat it in the winter." "The riket lauhed." You all are doin soethin whih has no useful.It's only suer, and it's still early before winter oes!" Then the riket left.

After a heavy rain, the hoe that ants was watered,the ants work toether to repair their house, the riket ae and said: "I have told you,what you do is useless." The ant said, "failure is the other of suess. This tie we will built our house on a hih slope. The riket snorted and left.

It wad Autun, the ants were busy in handlin food, while the riket was playin piano in passion, an ant ae over and said to the riket, "winter is oin, you should save soe food for winter. The riket said, "now is the tie to enjoy, I want to sin and dane."

The north wind blew, and the snow bean to fell. The shiverin riket wanted soethin to eat, but there was not any leaf in her roo. The earth was overed with a thik layer of snow, and no one knew that there was a froen riket beneath the earth.

六年级英语日记 4

Today, sunny, loudless, sall unle took us all toether to play tonlinshan.

Sall unle drove the ar drivin on the windin road, I saw both sides of the dense forest in the ar, but also to see the red indistint lups of rhododendron. Do not know how any kiloeters, finally to tonlinshan.

The ar, I was attrated by the senery of tonlinshan. Tonlinshan the rystal lear water, a reat falls in y eyes, a lake falls below the water flow is fored by the ipat of Tonlin potholes, the senery is very unique, known as "hina a ust"

What a beautiful ountain in Tonlin! I hope to leave the beautiful senery forever.







Plantin Trees

It’s sprin. It’s tie to plant trees.

I want to plant a tree in our arden. Dad and u are very happy. They like reen. Dad helps e plant the tree. First, we di the soil. Then I put a little tree into the soil. Next I water it. I a so exited and I wait for the tree to row. Two weeks later, y tree has soe little leaves. I water it every day. Now it has lots of leaves. It rows fast. We should plant ore trees. They ake our world beautiful.

六年级英语日记 6

It was a bi day, and every faily was jubilant. In the evenin, the fireraker ade a noise, and y brother and I were a little worried. We oved out of the fireraker and set it up in the yard. I took out a "ore than" year after year fireworks, and then press the swith of lihters, slowly oe into ontat with the spill, "PSST," listen to firerakers rin snorts, suddenly oe up to the bi fireworks, sattered all around like a fountain, beautiful! His brother took out a "sall lihthouse" and put it away. The lihthouse lit up, and a oent of olourful sparks burst forth. We also use a wrestlin ball to whip the fiht, I and brother play to be how happy, how happy! However, a box of firerakers was soon finished. But with the joy of lauhter, the ountless sons and the sound of firerakers, we had a happy New Year.

六年级英语日记 7

I have a faily of four, father, other, I and y brother, they all love e very uh, I feel very happy.

Every ornin a lear bell, I woke up fro sleep, the other ot up to prepare breakfast for e, then I et up, wash your fae, brush your teeth and eat breakfast, y other sent e to shool in the shool, I spent a ood ornin to noon other to pik e up, I went bak hoe and saw a the table for lunh, I ate after I feel very happy.

I had lunh at noon. y other sent e to the shool ate. I saw a disabled randfather. I asked y randfather for two yuan to the old randfather. He said thank you to e. I said no thanks. Suddenly, I felt very happy in y heart.

This is the happiness around e.







n Sunday, y other and I went to arrefour for shoppin.

As soon as I entered the superarket, I saw the dalin oods in the eye and let e be daled.

y other and I first went to the library, we hose the hinese opybook. Then, we went to the fruit area, saw the red persion, reen elon, yellow pear...... other hose two bi, round waterelons in the basket.

Finally, we ae to the food area, so any varieties of oon ake, let e drop vertial extension. other piked up a ba of dried eat floss in the oon ake. Pay the oney, we o hoe.






六年级英语日记 9

I have rested for a week. I bean to feel bored. So I went out with y friends. They are y best friends in the iddle shool. We didn’t o to soeplae speial. We just saw the other. We had lunh toether. While we were havin lunh, we were still talkin about the new shool and new friends. Yes! A year later, we have rown riper. And we learned uh ore thins and ot new life. We haven’t enouh tie to play, to waste and to lose the way. We only have two years. Two years to o, we will et the real life whih belons to us.

六年级英语日记 10

It was the first day of our suer holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Beause we have one onths to do thins we love to do. We are free.Althouh we have soe hoework. But we an finish the in several days. And the rest tie we an ake ood use of. y od! We have been very tired after hard studyin. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleepand eat ood food in order to replenish yself. Last but not the least, I will have a ood rest.


























开学第一天 六年级日记一则200字




