There years had passed,I will leave y junior shool for a new senior hih shool.
y new shool has a bi playroud,any tall buildins,any oputers,alot of rasses and flowers,just like a beautiful park.In y lassroo,there is an air-onditionin and a TV. I think I an study well in y new shool.
Teahers are very helpful and kind,so that we an turn to the and ake friends with the.y new friends are all very friendly and nie.They enourae e and we an learn fro eah other and help eah other.
I think I shoud work hard,then I an have a wonderful future.I shoud et alon well with y friends,beause a friend is a way.
Where there is a well,there is a way!y New Shool,New Life.
I like oin to shool very uh, beause I a happy in shool. In shool, I an learn knowlede fro teahers. They are always kind to e. Havin lass is interestin. I like answerin questions in lass. I a proud to et the riht answers. Besides, I a lad to play with y friends and lassates in shool. We have any ativities after lass. We talk to eah other, share our lives toether. After lass, we often play on the playround. We have any aes to play. After that, we often o hoe toether. Soe of us live nearly.
y Shool Life
Hello! I’ a student fro lass 10, rade 7. Let e tell you soethin about y shool life. It’s very interstin.
lasses bein at 7:0 a. I have five lasses in the ornin. In the afternoon, I have three lasses. We study any subjets. They are Enlish, art, history, bioloy and soe other subjets. y favorite subjet is Enlish. It’s easy and interestin. I like P.E. and usi, too. ur P.E. teaher is very funny. But I don’t like history at all. I think it’s diffiult and borin.
After shool, I like playin soer on the playround with y lassates. Soeties I o swiin. Every Tuesday and Thursday, I o to the library.
I like y shool life a lot.
y shoool life
Prospetive students an et a taste of apus life durin the suer onths by spendin a day or evenin at Penn State New Kensinton.
Durin the Spend a Suer Day and Spend a Suer Evenin events in June, July, and Auust, partiipants an eet staff and urrent students, and find out all they need to know about adissions, finanial aid and student life. pportunities to tour the apus are available and a free lunh and entertainent are provided.
The first Spend a Suer Day prora is a weekend event slated fro 9:30 a.. to 12:30 p.. on Saturday, June 20. Adult learners who an't ake it durin the day due to work oitents ay spend a suer evenin on apus fro 6:30-9:00 p.. on Thursday, July 30. The final Spend a Suer Day is a weekday event, set fro 9:30 a.. to 12:30 p.. on Thursday, Au. 6.
I’ To. I’ a student in rade 7.
y shool life is interestin. I like it very uh. I have lasses in the ornin and 3 lasses in the afternoon. I study Enlish hinese ath and soe other subjets. I like Enlish best beause it’s easy and interestin. I don’t like ath beause I always eet diffiulties in studin ath. I try hard but it doesn't work at all. After lass I often play basketball with y lassates. I o to the shool library for soe readin twie a week. I like y shool life.
What about yours? an you tell e soethin about it?
I' in No. iddle Shool in uihon provine.Beause I' in rade 9 now, I ust opete with y lassates. So I have a busy shool life.I often et up at 6:30 to o to shool every week day .I feel tired beause I annot have enouh sleep.I have to burn the idniht oil at nint beause of too uh hoework and uh books.I have 4 lasses in the ornin and 3 in the afternoon.I have 2 evenin lasses in the evenin as well.I an have a nap at noon. I soeties play sports with y lassates after lass.But as usual,I o over y subjets in the lassroo.
Thouh I have a busy shool life,I did not ake yself unhappy.I known I ust put y heart into y study.There will be a very iportant exa in June next year.I will study hard for y briht future.
ynae is han Xin and I study in No.1 iddle Shool.
ur apus is so lare andbeautiful that I a happy to study in our shool.
I usually reah shool at 7 o’lokand our ornin readin beins at half past seven.
I have seven lasses a day,four in the ornin and three in the afternoon.
I listen to the teaherarefully in the lass. But after lass, I play very well with y lassates.We have any ativities for fun. ur lass ends at five o’lok. enerally, I spendhalf an hour in takin part in sport ativities. It’s ood for y health. I likey life in shool.
I like y shool life very uh,it is very interestin.I usually reah shool at half past seven.Then we do ornin exerises at eiht o lok.We have eiht lessons every day.The lesson bein at a
I like y shool life very uh,it is very interestin.I usually reah shool at half past seven.Then we do ornin exerises at eiht o'lok.We have eiht lessons every day.The lesson bein at a quarter past eiht.y favourite subjet is Enlish.I an et a lot of Enlish knowlede fro our teaher.ur teaher are very ood-natured.They are always kind to us.I also like our outdoor ativities.When we have outdoor ativities,everyone in the playround is ative and lively.How happy we are in our beautiful shool!I love the life in y shool!
Soe people say that apus life was borin but I felt the shool life is olorful.
lass we disuss a fiere oent on eah other. ne I had a fiht with y lassates for the sake of a proble we all were at sixes and sevens reah a onsensus. Later we have solved the proble ally all ade up. After lass y teaher and I talk toether playin hess we et alon busy talkin; After dinner the lassates speak heart to eah other solve probles ake the bride of our friendship ore stable. We lauhed toether ried help eah other when in trouble. When the shool sports they heered eah other eah other o failed lassate we enourae hi to his onfidene not disouraed.
apus life is olorful ake I benefit fro awakenin to the joy of learnin.
When I was six years old, I bean to o to shool The first shool I attended was a priary shool. There were any subjets a student, I studied very hard. y parents were quite proud of e. After I had studied there for three years, I entered a junior hih shool. When I was twelve years old, I beae a student of a senior hih shool. I still studied very hard. Exept on sik leave I was never absent fro lass. Everybody looked upon e as a odel student.
翻译:我六岁的时候,就开始上学了。我第一个上的学校是一所国小。学校里教的课目有许多,诸如国文,算术,史地,画图等等。既然我是一个学生,我就用功读书。我父母深以我为荣。 我在那边读了三年后,就进入初中。我十二岁的时候,就成为一个高中的物理学。我依旧用功读书。除病假外,我永不旷课。人人都把我看作是一个模范生。
.我的学校糊口英语作文y shool life
6.英语作文:我的学校糊口 y Shool life
初三英语作文:保障学校安全 Keeping Safe at School