Just after the ay Day holiday, we ushered in the ay Fourth speial holiday. This is our festival.
Soe people say that youth is a son, ehoin a happy and beautiful elody; others say that youth is a paintin, enraved with anifient and roanti olors.
n ay 4, 1919, in order to drive out the darkness, strive for the liht, and for the independene and prosperity of the otherland, a roup of youn people with hih spirits wrote the ost anifient son of youth with their blood and life, and drew the ost anifient piture of youth. Today, the ay 4th oveent has been reorded in the history of the hinese nation as a lorious pae. However, the ay 4th oveent is not only a historial event, but also a spirit, a reat spirit of the ay 4th oveent. In this spirit, it has the responsibility and ission to pay attention to the fate of the ountry, and the ourae and loyalty to revitalie the reat ause of the nation.
Today, our otherland has entered a new historial period. The responsibility of rejuvenatin hina has fallen on our shoulders. The torh of the ay 4th oveent has been passed to us. The spirit of the ay 4th oveent needs us to arry forward. But in order to arry forward the spirit of the ay 4th oveent, we ust think about one proble. What kind of youth should we have? What kind of life? Is it spent in inorane or proress in strule? In shool, we often see suh senes. Soe students are often late or even absent fro lass. Soe students wear slippers. Soe students seretly hide in a orner of the shool to soke. Soe students wear earrins and dye their hair. thers o to bed as soon as they arrive at lass These bad behaviors not only seriously har the physial and ental health of students, but also affet the iae of the shool, whih is a serious violation of the shool spirit and disipline.
Why do these bad habits oe into bein? Soe students have no onsiousness in life, an't restrain and ontrol theselves, and do whatever they want; soe students think that shool disipline is too strit, whih opletely liits their freedo; soe students think that it's ool perforane However, no atter what the reason is, these bad habits are not suitable for shool life. In our shool, only under the restrition of shool spirit and disipline an we oplete our studies norally. If we develop a bad habit of doin our own thin, it is diffiult for us to step into the soiety in the future. If these bad habits are not orreted in tie, they will o astray and sall istakes will lead to bi ones.
Eah of us has a pursuit, an ideal and an abition to study here. If the shool is a fertile land, we need to turn our ultivation into fruit and realie our pursuit here. If the shool is a ruth, we need to lib the peak with this ruth and realie our aspiration; If the shool is a iant flyin bird, it will arry our hope to realie our ideal. We should learn to be a ivilied person, an honest person, a studious person, a disiplined person, and a "noble person who is free fro low taste".
Students, we are the asters of the 21st entury and the builders of the future soiety. Let's be a disiplined and oral iddle shool student now and a ood itien with quality in the future!