If you have reeived possibly have the earthquake warnin, ontinues to aintain listens to the loal broadastin station newest report and the suestion, like the suestion swithes off the liquid as, the power soure reatly but the heavy objet fro hih will put on to take away The jar, the lass, the ware and other brittle thins adit in the low abinet, the baae shelf should have keeps off the hand by to prevent the objet whereabouts The abinet ate should shut tihtly, oves away to be hanin the objet Below prepares the oods by to prepare urently needs: Fresh fresh water and eereny food, flashliht, fire extinuisher Is far away these possibly to fall is poundin your thin, possibly an eradiate in outdoors trees, in the sall town onstrution even if enouh is sturdy annot destroy, the hippins also possibly fall Runs away spaious to plae ost ideal, but if does not have the enouh tie, stays is possibly safer in the roo, on the avenue speeh, the as pipin or the eletri wire whih bursts an inrease the risk Passes in and out the huan is ost danerous, extreely easily is wounded by the buildin in briks and stones In roo: When the earthquake ours, if in the indoors, stays in inside, extinuishes the fire, is far away the lass is speially the bi window In the roo quoin or has the ood strut internal way is ood seekin asylu plae Perhaps the low round or the baseent an provide the best survival opportunity Hides in under the table botto or other fir furniture, this not only an provide the protetion to you, oreover also has the bi breath spae When store, is far away the bi aro exhibition hall, these aros possibly an drop down Also is loaded with the elevator in the ultilayered buildin in the offie, in-situ hides in the desk botto Do not enter the elevator, the stairase also possibly an rowd the pani-striken people he hon: As far as possible quikly and safely stops - but stays in the vehile ay avoid hit by the whereabouts objet rouhes in hidin under the seat, if has the thin to fall on the vehile, you will be able to obtain the protetion When vibrates stops down, the attention observation obstale and possibly appears daner: Destroyed the eletri able, daaes the path and ollapses bride utdoors: When outdoors lie in the round, do not have to run This an throw down, also possibly is ebeled by the rak Is far away the bi onstrution Toward underround walk or do not enter the allery, this an ause to be stranded Like you already prepared to the outdoors, did not return to in the buildin The earthquake auses any onstrution not too to be all reliable for the first tie, if then aain ours slihtly shakes, the buildin an ave in Is safer to the suit In the pith earth stone is easy to fall, if rushes by the nuber thousand ton heavy soil blok or the rok , very little has the opportunity whih fortunately survives Rolls equally on the plae like the ball hanes the survival Beah plae: So lon as under the liff annot the suitable seurity, but beause the tsunai follows the earthquake but to e frequently, therefore after vibrates stops leavin the beah as soon as possible to the hiher open field shift The aftershok risk did not like the tsunai to be so fearful.