Softening And Expanding英语作文


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1、Softening And Expanding英语作文(1)

Softening And Expanding英语作文

Bein Reeptive To What You Want

In order to et what we want in life, we have to be willin to reeive it when it appears, and in order to do that we have to be open. ften we o throuh life with defenses we developed early on in order to protet ourselves. These defenses at as barriers, walls we needed at one tie to feel safe, but that now serve to shut out desired influenes, like intiay or love. So an essential part of bein reeptive to what we want is to soften these barriers enouh to let those thins in when they show up. For exaple, we ay spend a lot of tie alone as a way to protet ourselves fro bein hurt by other people, but we an see how this is now preventin us fro eetin new friends.

Another obstale to our reeptivity an be our tendeny to believe that we have to at aressively in order to ahieve our desired oal. This an ause us to beoe ono-foused and to fail to see, and be open to, opportunities on the periphery of our vision. So beoin reeptive involves a softenin of our defenses and a willinness to reain open to possibilities outside our iediate real of vision. If we are lookin for love or friendship, it eans first lookin within ourselves to see where we are shut down, and seond, not ettin too fixated on where we iht find the love we want. In this way, we beoe ore open as individuals and ore expansive in ters of what we see as possible.

ften, the thins and people we want to draw into our lives elude us beause we are unonsiously blokin the out, either with our defenses, or with tunnel vision that auses us to not see the when they appear. When this is the ase, we an take ation by explorin and softenin our barriers, and expandin our vision to enopass new possibilities. These ations are the essene of reeptivity.


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