How I Spent y Suer Vaation(1)
The suer vaation had oe round aain. I was happy that I ould foret about shool at least for a while. Lest I fool around all throuh this suer vaation, I ade a plan as to how to spend it. First, I thouht I should o over all those thins y teahers tauht in the previous ter so that I ould have a better understandin of the. Then I thouht I should take up soe fors of exerise, suh as walkin, runnin rowin, to keep e physially stron. It stood to reason that with suh a ood plan I should ake the best of y vaation tie. I did, beause I lived up to what I had planned.
How I Spent y Suer Vaation(2)
Suer an be very hot in southern Taiwan where the teperature usually oes up to 32" or ore. Beause of the heat it is a tryin experiene to o to shool or do anythin else in a plae that is not air-onditioned. Also beause of this I stay at hoe ost of the tie durin the suer vaation and oasionally o to the beah to plune yself into the ool water as a way to keep y body less stiky. Atually I like swiin think nothin is ore refreshin than a swi. In the suer vaation that has ended I went swiin any ties with y lassates we all had a ood tie. This suer vaation, however, was not spent entirely in seekin fun. As a seond-year senior student I had to prepare yself for the ollee entrane exainations that were a year away. In other words, I ust find tie to study, too. So I divided y tie between work play durin the suer vaation derived benefit fro this arraneent.
How I Spent y Suer Vaation(3)
I spent this suer vaation in quite a different way. I used to run about every day in previous suer vaations,this suer vaation I siply ould not afford to do so. I would soon be in the last year of y hih-shool eduation would after raduation be up aainst the ollee entrane exainations. Thouh those exainations were still a year away, I had to start early to ake yself well prepared by reviewin all those thins I had learned at shool this suer vaation was the ideal tie for e to do this. At first I was rather disayed at the thouht of this,ttt.olater I thouht it was better this way beause by workin hard this suer I ould ount on endless happy suers to oe. With this in ind I then set to work like anythin and oasionally went out for a hane or did soe physial. I was not at all bored by this kind of life, for I was sustained by a hope.