It is neither enius nor extraordinary ability that ives us power to deal with and overoe whatever hardship one is onfronted with.
As in the piture, the athlete is runnin, with a deterined spirit, towards the finishin line in order to obtain the old edal, onsidered as the sybol of suess for any sportsan.
I ost like the huan is Liu Xian 。 the faous athlete Liu Xian stridin forward in the lypis aes in Athens. Deterination is universally rearded asa hihly praised quality. It is neither enius nor extraordinary ability that ives us power to deal with and overoe whatever hardship one is onfronted with. It is this kind of spirit that enables us to endure the diffiult oents and attain our oals.
The deterined spirit ives us liht when we are in dark oents and enouraes when we are frustrated. With this quality, no eney an overwhel us, and noobstales an stand in our way. There are any exaples of suess bein ahieved solely throuh the stron will of the spirit. As in the piture, the athlete is runnin, with a deterined spirit, towards the finishin line in order to obtain the old edal, onsidered as the sybol of suess for any sportsan. It is deterination that leads to suess. ?
It is not easy to ultivate this deterined spirit. To do this, we ust establish a fir faith in our ations and be ready to devote ourselves to the. We ust boldly o throuh trials and hardships to train our will so as to et rid of the weak points of our oral harater. Around us, there are quite a few people with this intense deterination and spirit and set a ood exaple for us to follow.