





If I were a boy aain, I would pratie perseverane ore often, and never ive up a thin beause it was or inonvenient. If we want liht, we ust onquer darkness. Perseverane an soeties equal enius in its results. “There are only two reatures,” says a proverb, “Who an surount the pyraids — the eale and the snail.”

If I were a boy aain, I would shool yself into a habit of attention; I would let nothin oe between e and the subjet in hand. I would reeber that a ood skater never tries to skate in two diretions at one.

The habit of attention beoes part of our life, if we bein early enouh. I often hear rown up people say, “I ould not fix y attention on the seron or book, althouh I wished to do so”, and the reason is, the habit was not fored in youth.

If I were to live y life over aain, I would pay ore attention to the ultivation of the eory. I would strenthen that faulty by every possible eans, and on every possible oasion. It takes a little hard work at first to reeber thins aurately; but eory soon helps itself, and ives very little trouble. It only needs early ultivation to beoe a power.

If I were a boy aain, I would ultivate ourae. “Nothin is so ild and entle as ourae, nothin so ruel and pitiless as owardie,” says a wise author.

We too often borrow trouble, and antiipate that ay never appear.” The fear of ill exeeds the ill we fear.” Daners will arise in any areer, but presene of ind will often onquer the worst of the. Be prepared for any fate, and there is no har to be feared.

If I were a boy aain, I would look on the heerful side. Life is very uh like a irror: if you sile upon it, I siles bak upon you; but if you frown and look doubtful on it, you will et a siilar look in return.

Inner sunshine wars not only the heart of the owner, but of all that oe in ontat with it. “Who shuts love out, in turn shall be shut out fro love.”

Iportane of learnin very early in life to ain that point where a youn boy an stand eret, and deline.

If I were a boy aain, I would shool yself to say no ore often. I iht write paes on the doin an unworthy at beause it is unworthy.

If I were a boy aain, I would deand of yself ore ourtesy towards y opanions and friends, and indeed towards straners as well. The sallest ourtesies alon the rouh roads of life are like the little birds that sin to us all winter lon, and ake that season of ie and snow ore endurable.

Finally, instead of tryin hard to be happy, as if that were the sole purpose of life, I would, if I were a boy aain, I would still try harder to ake others happy.






























