Dear ihael,
You want to know sthe hanes about y hoetown. You know, reat hanes have taken plae sine 60 years ao.
In the past, the livin onditions were very poor. There were not any buses or ars, and the roads were narrow. Usually, a bi faily was rowed into a sall, dark house. ost failies ouldn’t et enouh food. The ouniations were siple and slow. People kept in touh with their friends and relatives far away ainly by letter or telera.
Thanks to the overnent, our hoetown has developed rapidly in reent years. The livin onditions are uh better and ore ofortable. The roads are wide. Soe people have their own ars. ost of the people have lived in bi new houses. Quite a few adults have obile phones. Beause of any ood poliies, I think our lives will beoe better and better.
Kan in
Dear John,
It’s other’s Day today. It’s a speial day, isn’t it?
I think we should do soethin to show our love to our others on this speial day. y other and I are ood friends. Whenever I eet with diffiulties, she is always there, ready to help e.
Today I will ake a beautiful ard for her, with y thanks and best wishes on it. Then I will help her wash the ar this afternoon and ook her favourite food in the evenin. Besides, I’ll take a walk with her after dinner and then play hess with her, for she likes it very uh. I’ sure she’ll be very happy.
What’s your plan for other’s Day? I’ lookin forward to hearin fro you.
Li Hua
Dear Linda,
I a lad to ive you advie on the ustos of ivin ifts in y ountry.
Firstly, I think you need to find out what your hinese teaher likes. hoosin the ift that your teaher is interested in is a ood idea. Seondly, don’t pak the ift with blak or white wrappin paper, beause blak and white aren’t onsidered to be luky olors. Thirdly, don’t buy your teaher a lok, a pair of shoes, or soe pears beause these have bad eanins in hinese when ivin a ift.
I hope y advie an help you.
uo Jia
I a a happy shoolboy, y faily ebers and y o and dad, and brother. Do not look at y rades were pretty ood, but I' areless, one hoework, I o and write the riht words, then the father and other and brother ave Xiaofan.
y father is very white, really do not see that he is the repair sewin ahine, I think to like bi writers.
y brother he was very nauhty, always jupin up and down, thik ess of the house.
And y o, she was nain, not nain e, that nain father, we alost died by her noisy.
Dear friend,
y nae is wanpeiwen. I live in xinyu ,hina. l want a pen pal in the U.S.A. l think Aeria is a interestin ountry.
I a 12 years old. y birthday is in Deeber. I an speak hinese and a little Enlishi, I like oin to the ovies with y friends and playin sports.
y favorite subjut in sool is P.E. It's fun. There are three people in y faily, They are y parents and l an you tell e soon?