Dear ustoer,
I a the of the hotel.I a sorry to hear you are not pleased with us.First let e thank you for your oin to our hotel.You are a friendly and polite ustoer.Seond,I would like to ake an apoloy to you for our bad servie. A few days ao you went to our hotel.When you ot there,our waiters didn't help you with the baae quikly,whih you had oplained about for any ties.
As soon as I knew about that,I felt very anry.How an we do that for ustoers?Now I a lad to tell you that soethin has been done . The waiters who were on duty that day have been ritiied.They have ade a proise that would not happen fro now on.So I hope you an forive us and oe to our hotel aain. As we know,ustoer is the od.If you have any questions or suestions,please all us anytie anywhere. Thank you aain.
Dear XXX:
We felt very sorry to say that we ould not provide the tiely and iruspet servie for you as Household Eletri Appliane aintain opany .We sinerely hope you an understand us , beause soe of our aintaiers went to train , and soe of the walked to the other plae for servies .
Now , we really have no aintainer to be sent to your hoe .For this , we said we were sorry aain .And kindly please you ay rest assure that we will send our aintainers to o to your hoe for aintain servies next onday . Best reards! Wan Hao anaer
dear xxx:
i a terribly sorry to tell you that i have lost the valuable book you were so kind to lend e last week. i read it everyday and intended to finish it next onth. last niht when i ae to y roo, it was nowhere to be found. i will try to reover it as soon as possible. if i fail to find it, i will et a new book for you.
but i a afraid it an never take the plae of the old one. old books are like old friends. one lost, they an never be replaed. they are onneted with herished assoiations whih the new ones an never have. and for this irreoverable loss, i a to blae. i was so areless with y thins. this is a warnin to e to be ore areful in the future.
yours truly,
Dear ustoer,
I a the of the hotel.I a sorry to hear you are not pleased with us.First let e thank you for your oin to our hotel.You are a friendly and polite ustoer.Seond,I would like to ake an apoloy to you for our bad servie. A few days ao you went to our hotel.
When you ot there,our waiters didn't help you with the baae quikly,whih you had oplained about for any ties.As soon as I knew about that,I felt very anry.How an we do that for ustoers?
Now I a lad to tell you that soethin has been done . The waiters who were on duty that day have been ritiied.They have ade a proise that would not happen fro now on.So I hope you an forive us and oe to our hotel aain. As we know,ustoer is the od.If you have any questions or suestions,please all us anytie anywhere. Thank you aain.
Dear r. Sith,
I a indeed very sorry that I issed the exaination on International Business Enlish Writin you ave last Friday. I feel awful about it and want you to know what happened that day. I suddenly fell sik early that ornin and y parents had to send e to the hospital. Please find enlosed a opy of the edial bill.
I sinerely hope you an understand y situation and aept y apoloy. I would appreiate your allowin e to take a ake-up exaination. I will oe to your offie durin your offie hour on onday to disuss this possibility with you. ne aain, I apoloie for any inonveniene aused.
Sinerely yours,
Wan Hua