如果是对一个外国人,就可以简单的说i apoloie for our/y neliene of servie.what else i an do for you?关键是态度要诚恳。以下是小编整理的关于给国外客户的道歉信范文。欢迎大家参考!
r. Ulrih Nieann.
People-People Exhane o.
Dear Sir or ada: Friday 22nd Septeber
any thanks for your fax dated 7th Septeber address to eneral anaer onernin the probles you experiened durin your last visit fro 29th-30th Auust. r. Ford, our eneral anaer is away on leave at present and therefore I have taken the liberty of replyin to you on his behalf.
r. Nieann, please aept our sinere apoloies for the probles you have experiened - our poliy, whih you were unfortunately wronly infored as a newnpoliy, stands that those olden irle ebers who are eliible for uprades ay book throuh any hannel, subjet of ourse to roo availability. I have subsequently taken appropriate steps to ensure that none of our other eliible olden irle uests are siilarly inonveniened in future.
I have also noted your oents onernin our housekeepin Staff and their lak of Enlish and basi ourtesy and I assure you that we will be intensifyin our trainin efforts in both those areas in an effort to iprove our standards.
It is only throuh feedbak suh as your own that we an jude ourselves honestly and enhane the overall experiene for you, our valued uest and therefore I thank you for takin the tie to put pen top paper.
We are norally very proud of the servie whih we offer at hina World, and thus, in an effort to redee ourselves, we would like to offer you one niht's oplientary aoodation when next you visit Beijin. To this end, I would be rateful if would ontat e personally and I will ladly ake the neessary arraneents on your behalf alon with any speifi requireents you ay have.
y apoloies one aain and I look forward to weloin you bak to hina world Hotel in the near future.
Alfred huan
Front ffie anaer
Dear (写客户的名字),
Please allow e to take this opportunity to apoloise for the wron delivery of your order. We at (写本公司的名字)always try to ensure that our orders arrive proptly and will do our best to ensure that this never happens aain.
Thank you for your patiene and understandin and one aain please aept y sinere apoloies for any inonveniene whih resulted fro the wron delivery of your order.
If I an be of any further assistane please do not hesitate to ontat e.
Best reards,
Dear ustoer,
I a the of the hotel.I a sorry to hear you are not pleased with us.First let e thank you for your oin to our hotel.You are a friendly and polite ustoer.Seond,I would like to ake an apoloy to you for our bad servie. A few days ao you went to our hotel.When you ot there,our waiters didn't help you with the baae quikly,whih you had oplained about for any ties.As soon as I knew about that,I felt very anry.How an we do that for ustoers?Now I a lad to tell you that soethin has been done .
The waiters who were on duty that day have been ritiied.They have ade a proise that would not happen fro now on.So I hope you an forive us and oe to our hotel aain.
As we know,ustoer is the od.If you have any questions or suestions,please all us anytie anywhere.
Thank you aain.
Dear ustoer,
I a the of the hotel.I a sorry to hear you are not pleased with us.First let e thank you for your oin to our hotel.You are a friendly and polite ustoer.Seond,I would like to ake an apoloy to you for our bad servie.
A few days ao you went to our hotel.When you ot there,our waiters didn't help you with the baae quikly,whih you had oplained about for any ties.As soon as I knew about that,I felt very anry.How an we do that for ustoers?Now I a lad to tell you that soethin has been done .
The waiters who were on duty that day have been ritiied.They have ade a proise that would not happen fro now on.So I hope you an forive us and oe to our hotel aain. As we know,ustoer is the od.If you have any questions or suestions,please all us anytie anywhere. Thank you aain.