





一封好的道歉信能帮助企业在危机时刻挽回声誉,赢得信任。你知道 英语道歉信是怎样写吗?下面就让小编带大家看看一系列的 英语道歉信。望大家采纳。


Dear Ashley,

Please aept y deepest apoloies for y istake in reard to leakin ustoer inforation to people fro the other departent.

It was not y intention to reate suh an awkward and ebarrassin situation for our departent.

If there was any ood that ae out of this unfortunate experiene, it is that I have rown and learned alternative approahes to these situations.

Please feel free to let e of your thouhts and onerns over this atter. You an reah e at eail.




Dear r inister,

n behalf of the United States overnent, I now outline steps to resolve this issue.

Both President Bush and Seretary of State Powell have expressed their sinere reret over your issin pilot and airraft. Please onvey to the hinese people and to the faily of pilot Wan Wei that we are very sorry for their loss. Althouh the full piture of what transpired is still unlear, aordin to our inforation, our severely rippled airraft ade an eereny landin after followin international eereny proedures. We are very sorry the enterin of hina's airspae and the landin did not have verbal learane, but very pleased the rew landed safely.

We appreiate hina's efforts to see to the well-bein of our rew. In view of the trai inident and based on y disussions with your representatives, we have areed to the followin ations:

Both sides aree to hold a eetin to disuss the inident. y overnent understands and expets that our air rew will be peritted to depart hina as soon as possible.

The eetin would be April 1, 2001.

The eetin aenda would inlude disussions of the auses of the inident, possible reoendations whereby suh ollisions ould be avoided in the future, developent of a plan for propt return of the EP-3 airraft, and other related issues. We aknowlede your overnent's intention to raise U.S. reonnaissane issions near hina in the eetin.


Joseph W. Prueher


Dear John,

I a eaerly lookin forward to your visit to our ity. After all these years of writin to eah other, I an not wait to see you. However, I reret to infor you that I will not be able to eet you at the airport on tie.

The reason is that your fliht will arrive early in the ornin, and the earliest I an reah the airport will be about an hour after you land. Will you please wait for e in the arrival loune? You an have breakfast while you wait.

By the way, as we have never et I ust tell you hoe to identify e: I a of 16 tall and have a lon hair. In addition, I will wear a white skirt and arry a hina Daily at hand.

Hope we an eet soon.

Sinerely yours,



Dear r。 Wan,

I a writin to apoloie for y late hoework。 The paper whih you have assined to us last onday was due this Friday, but to y reret, I haven't even started it yet。 I feel really sorry for not handin in the paper on tie and for the inonveniene it would brin to you。

I have auht a serious old last week and the dotor asked e to stay in bed for a week sine I was very weak and the weather was very old these days。 Therefore, I ouldn't o to the library to et the neessary referential inforation whih was needed for y paper。 As a result of this, I have not started writin the paper yet and ould not hand it in on tie。

Fortunately I have finally fully reovered。 I will finish the paper as soon as I an and try y best to hand in hoework on tie in the future。

Sinerely yours,

Li in


Dear r。 rison

Thank you for your letter of 6 ay 2004 onernin the faulty tableware。

I a extreely sorry to learn that the delivery you took on 2 April was of poor quality。 This was due to our faulty pakin ahine。 We now have it repaired and we will replae the faulty delivery free of hare within three days。

We have been supplyin you for five years and we will replae the faulty delivery free of hare within three days。

We have been supplyin you for five years and you have always been one of our exellent ustoers。 Therefore, I reatly reret the inonveniene it has aused and would like to offer y sinere apoloies。 I an assure you that suh oasion will not our and our supplies in the future will aain be of our usual hih standards。

I hope that you an use our pany as your supplier in the future。

Your sinerely






























