I like hristas, it is just like our Sprin Festival.
aybe the Sprin Festival is uh ore iportant and interestin than hristas, but I like hristas Day better. Beause we an spend tie with our friends and lassates durin hristas. When it is snowy, hristas beoes uh ore lovely, just like in fairytales. I an iaine I a in a fairytale, the irl who sold the athes is y friend, the uly duk beoin ore and ore beautiful and so on. What a beautiful plae! So we an also all hristas “Snowy Lovely Day.”
n hristas Day, shops are red and reen. There are so any hristas ards, hristas hats, hristas dolls and any olourful thins. So shops look very beautiful. We an ive a ard or a doll to our friends and say “erry hristas.” By the way, I think studyin an also beoe uh ore interestin.
hristas is oin, it also eans a new year will oe. Let’s study harder to weloe the new year!
Tinsel was also invented in erany in about 1610. Up until fairly reently real silver was used, whih was pulled into wafer thin strips by speial ahines. This was durable but tarnished quikly and any experients took plaae to try and find an alternative - inludin a ix of lead and tin, whih was too heavy and kept breakin. It was only in the id 20th entury that a viable alternative was found.
Artifiial trees were invented in the 10's in a bid to try and stop soe of the daae bein aused to real trees due to people loppin the tip off lare trees, thus preventin the trees fro rowin any further. It ot so bad in erany that laws had to be brouht in to prevent people havin ore than one tree.
Prine Albert, husband of Queen Vitoria, is redited with bein responsible for introduin the usto of the hristas tree to the British publi by deoratin the first Enlish hristas tree at Windsor astle in 141 usin andles, sweets, fruit and inerbread.
The popularity of the hristas tree rew in Britain durin the first half of the 20th entury, with trees beoin bier and ore elaborately deorated with bells, baubles and tinsel. However, the onset of the Seond World War resulted in a ban on uttin down trees for deoration and people resorted to havin sall, artifiial tabletop trees bearin hoe ade deorations. These were often taken down into the air raid shelters when the sirens sounded to provide a bit of hristas heer!
It is said that around sixteenth entury, the eran everreen pine branhes to the furnishins in the house, and later, the eran issionary artin Ruud put the andle on the fir tree in the woods, and then lit, it looks like to uide people to the Bethlehe stars, like two thousand years ao, the three ai found Jesus in aordane with the stars in eneral. Today, people have used sall liht bulbs instead of andles.
A lon tie ao, a farer, et a poor hild on hristas day, he reeived a hild, the hild when he left pine root inserted in the round and iediately turned into a pine tree, hun above a ift to farers in return for the kindness.
There are any festivals in a year. There are hinese traditional festivals, whih belon to our festival - hildren's day, ay, eleven, and other leal holidays. But what I like ost is not the holidays, but hristas.
hristas is a festival for all the hristian ountries in the world to oeorate the birth of the Lord of the Lord. Althouh it is not valued by the hinese, we an still see the hanes that hristas brins to life. First of all, soe businesses bean to sell hristas produts. Shops were full of hristas related produts: reindeer, Santa laus toys! They beae popular produts and loved by onsuers. Seondly, the shool has also arried out a lot of hristas ativities, what to uess ifts, hristas party, ive people a stron holiday atosphere. hristas is oin in so slowly.
It sees to e that hristas is suh an atosphere and a ysterious holiday. And it also inspires e to herish the tie, only one a year. ne every tie, we have rown up one year old aain.
n the niht of Deeber 2th, y other took e to the superarket, and the superarket door was in front of the people.
There is a plasti hristas tree in front of the superarket, a tree overed with white and riotous with olour paper, otton, there are a lot of shinin stars like the bulb. That Santa wears sharp red hat, wearin red lothes, where to squir, say hello to the people. Everyone has a ood look, and no one wants to leave there.
I asked y other, what festival is it today? So busy, other told e that this is the hristas of the western ountries, it is like the Sprin Festival in our ountry. Western festivals are spread to our ountry, no wonder it is so busy today.
Rise and shine on hristas ornin! The hildren are always the first ones to wake up, soe even do at four. Present wrappers everywhere! They look into their presents with a bi sile on their fae and oh dear….I hope no one’s disappointed. I feel sorry for anyone that ot pink underwear. hildren play while dinner is prepared by the adults. The hristas dinner are usually eaten toether by relatives. The tradition of hristas puddin and roosters are usually eaten with deserts afterwards. The rest of the day is usually aes and fun before the ood days all oe to an end.
I wish everyone a erry hristas and a Happy New Year!!!
Althouh it is enerally areed that the hristas tree in its urrent for ae fro erany in the early 19th entury, the tradition of deoratin a tree to ark winter elebrations dates bak hundreds of years to Roan ties, when they used to deorate everreen trees with sall piees of etal to elebrate Saturnalia.
In edieval ties the 'Paradise Play' was perfored every year on 24 Deeber. This depited the reation of an and the fall of Ada and Eve fro the arden of Eden and always inluded an everreen hun with apples whih represented the apple tree of teptation.
There is a leend that St Bonifae, an Enlish onk, ae upon a roup of paans athered around an oak tree who were preparin to sarifie a hild to the od Thor. In order to stop the sarifie, and save the hild's life, St Bonifae is said to have felled the tree with one blow of his fist. Later on, a fir tree rew in plae of the oak and this, St Bonifae told the paans, was the Tree of Life and represented the hrist hild.
hristas is one of the ost iportant elebrations of the year for the western ountries. It falls on the twenty- fifth of Deeber and has the sae iportane as hinese New Year to people with Enlish bakrounds. The elebration is for the birth of Jesus hrist, who is the son of od in hristianity. Now days hristas is no loner only elebrated by the hristians, but by ost people fro all over the world.
n the twenty- fourth of Deeber everyone ets exited for it’s the day before hristas whih is alled hristas Eve. The hildren are usually sent to bed early and are warned that “Santa laus will only oe and ive you a present if you be ood.” The youner kids atually believe that Santa will oe down the hiney on the sleih that’s pulled by his reindeers. Food like short bread and beer are prepared for Santa when he oes, however ost ties parents just eat the. Soe hildren put soks and saks up for the holdin of the presents (that their parents put in).
The first ention of deorated trees bein taken indoors ae in 160 in erany - a ountry with a lon hristas tree history! The trees were initially deorated with fruit and sweets toether with hand ade objets suh as quilled snowflakes and stars. eran hristas arkets bean to sell shaped inerbreads and wax ornaents whih people bouht as souvenirs of the fair and took hoe to han on their tree.
Tinsel was also invented in erany in about 1610. Up until fairly reently real silver was used, whih was pulled into wafer thin strips by speial ahines. This was durable but tarnished quikly and any experients took plaae to try and find an alternative - inludin a ix of lead and tin, whih was too heavy and kept breakin. It was only in the id 20th entury that a viable alternative was found.
Artifiial trees were invented in the 10's in a bid to try and stop soe of the daae bein aused to real trees due to people loppin the tip off lare trees, thus preventin the trees fro rowin any further. It ot so bad in erany that laws had to be brouht in to prevent people havin ore than one tree.
Prine Albert, husband of Queen Vitoria, is redited with bein responsible for introduin the usto of the hristas tree to the British publi by deoratin the first Enlish hristas tree at Windsor astle in 141 usin andles, sweets, fruit and inerbread.
The popularity of the hristas tree rew in Britain durin the first half of the 20th entury, with trees beoin bier and ore elaborately deorated with bells, baubles and tinsel. However, the onset of the Seond World War resulted in a ban on uttin down trees for deoration and people resorted to havin sall, artifiial tabletop trees bearin hoe ade deorations. These were often taken down into the air raid shelters when the sirens sounded to provide a bit of hristas heer!
This all haned followin the war, and lare trees were ereted in any publi plaes to elebrate hristas. The ost faous of these is the tree in Trafalar Square, London whih is an annual ift fro the Norweian overnent to ive thanks for the help they reeived fro Britain durin the war.