y hristas holiday hristas Day,the 2th of Deeber,is the biest festival elebrated in the hristian ountries of the world.Althouh everyone enjoys hristas Day,it is partiularly enjoyed by hildren,who et very exited beause of the presents they know they are oin to reeive.Sall hildren believe that their presents are brouht by Santa laus. Santa laus (also alled" Father hristas)is a kind of old an ho,the hildren are told,lives at the North Pole.He travels throuh the sky on a sleih whih is pulled by reindeers and loaded with presents.Stoppin on the roof of houses,he enters by libin the hiney.When sall hildren o to bed on hristas Eve,they han a stokin at the end of their beds.Their parents warn the not to try to look at Father hristas,or he will not leave the anythin.When they wake,they find their stokins filled with presents.
hildren are very exited on hristas ornin and always wake up early. hristas is also a faily elebration.As any ebers of the faily as possible ather to eat,play party aes and wath the speial hristas proraes on TV.
The nae of hristas is short for “hrist ass”. hristas is a hristian holiday that elebrates the birth of Jesus hrist. In 4th entury is a holiday for the hurh. By the 12th entury, hristas had beoe the ost iportant reliious festival in Europe. In 19th entury, two hristas ustos beae popular-deoratin hristas trees and sendin hristas ards to relatives and friends. any well-known hristas sons were written durin this period.
For ost people who elebrate hristas, this is a speial holiday for atherin of faily and friends, enjoyin deliious foods, and ivin ifts. A traditional hristas dinner in Aerian inludes stuffed turkey, ashed potatoes and so on. ne of the ost iportant hristas traditions is reeivin ifts fro Santa laus. Today, Santa laus brins presents to hildren in any ountries, inludin the Unites States, anada, reat Britain and Australia
hristas is a tie for irales.It is also a tie when the dull thins of daily life and the foreast of huan hature ives way to a spiritual awakenin.Allow e to share with you one truly wonder of hristas.
ur irale story oes fro an inident that ourred in Flanders, Beliu, at the dawn of World War I. n Deeber 24th ,1914, eran and Enlish troops faed eah other fro the relative safety of their dithes aross whih no an’s land lyin between the. Suddenly, the silene was broken, not by unfire, but by the strains of Silent Niht arisin fro the eran position. It wasn’t lon before the Enlish troops responded with a Yuletide hyn of their own. Then an aain siht surprised the eyes of the Enlish soldiers. A eran soldier holdin a sall tree arraned with lihted andles bean to walk aross the land toward the Enlish lines. This iraulous sene oasioned the delaration of a true followed by Enlish and eran troops reetin one another, exhanin sall ifts and sinin sons of hristas. Word of this inredible phenoenon reahed the Hih oand of both sides.
I like hristas, it is just like our Sprin Festival.
aybe the Sprin Festival is uh ore iportant and interestin than hristas, but I like hristas Day better. Beause we an spend tie with our friends and lassates durin hristas. When it is snowy, hristas beoes uh ore lovely, just like in fairytales. I an iaine I a in a fairytale, the irl who sold the athes is y friend, the uly duk beoin ore and ore beautiful and so on. What a beautiful plae! So we an also all hristas “Snowy Lovely Day.” n hristas Day, shops are red and reen. There are so any hristas ards, hristas hats, hristas dolls and any olourful thins. So shops look very beautiful. We an ive a ard or a doll to our friends and say “erry hristas.” By the way, I think studyin an also beoe uh ore interestin.
hristas is oin, it also eans a new year will oe. Let’s study harder to weloe.
Althouh it is enerally areed that the hristas tree in its urrent for ae fro erany in the early 19th entury, the tradition of deoratin a tree to ark winter elebrations dates bak hundreds of years to Roan ties, when they used to deorate everreen trees with sall piees of etal to elebrate Saturnalia.
In edieval ties the 'Paradise Play' was perfored every year on 24 Deeber. This depited the reation of an and the fall of Ada and Eve fro the arden of Eden and always inluded an everreen hun with apples whih represented the apple tree of teptation.
There is a leend that St Bonifae, an Enlish onk, ae upon a roup of paans athered around an oak tree who were preparin to sarifie a hild to the od Thor. In order to stop the sarifie, and save the hild's life, St Bonifae is said to have felled the tree with one blow of his fist. Later on, a fir tree rew in plae of the oak and this, St Bonifae told the paans, was the Tree of Life and represented the hrist hild.