ost westerners always elebrate hristas Day as their ajor festival, in order to eorialie Jesus.Durin that tie, they always have several days off, so they an enjoy this festival with all their hearts.The hildren often et toether with their friends.The adults are busy with deoratin their houses.They also send the postards with their best wishes to eah other. In the streets, there are so any Fathers hristas sendin presents to the passers-by.And everythin is on a disount in the superarkets.Thus the superarkets are the busiest plaes.
In the evenin, the failies usually have puddin, sandwihes, apple pies and soe other desserts for dinner.After supper, the failies always sin and dane around the hristas tree.Soeties, they also o to hurh.Before oin to bed, the hildren often han up their stokins beside their bed, so that Father hristas will fill the with presents.It is said that Father hristas always drives a deer to the huan world and enterin into eah house fro the hiney.Now the hildren no loner believe in Father hristas, but they still han up their stokins, beause their parents will fill the with presents.
hristas irales
hristas is a tie for irales.It is also a tie when the dull thins of daily life and the foreast of huan hature ives way to a spiritual awakenin.Allow e to share with you one truly wonder of hristas.
ur irale story oes fro an inident that ourred in Flanders, Beliu, at the dawn of World War I. n Deeber 24th ,1914, eran and Enlish troops faed eah other fro the relative safety of their dithes aross whih no an's land lyin between the. Suddenly, the silene was broken, not by unfire, but by the strains of Silent Niht arisin fro the eran position. It wasn't lon before the Enlish troops responded with a Yuletide hyn of their own. Then an aain siht surprised the eyes of the Enlish soldiers. A eran soldier holdin a sall tree arraned with lihted andles bean to walk aross the land toward the Enlish lines. This iraulous sene oasioned the delaration of a true followed by Enlish and eran troops reetin one another, exhanin sall ifts and sinin sons of hristas. Word of this inredible phenoenon reahed the Hih oand of both sides.
n hristas Day, both aries oved fro their positions to enae in the killin of war at other battlefields. However, on hristas Eve 1914 on a field in Flanders, there was Peae on Earth.
hristas is a truly aain phenoenon. The day and season perpetuate a iraulous, historial event as an annual presene that hallenes an often rouh, ruel, and eotistial reature -- the huan bein -- to beoe open and aenable to their reator's vision. The reat irale of hristas ontinues in the perforane of huane ats, oral honesty, and in the spiritual awareness of illions strulin to lead a life of rae.
hristas Day is the biest festival in the western ountries.It is on Deeber 2, the birthday of Jesus hrist.Before the festival, every faily will buy a hristas tree, and put it in the iddle of the livin-roo. And their houses look ore soft and beautiful.
n hristas Eve, hildren always han up their hristas stokins and hope Father hristas will oe to put presents in the. In fat, their parents put the presents in their stokins.
hristas Day falls on the twenty-fifth of Deeber. It is a very happy day for any boys and irls. Before the ter ends in soe shools, the hildren at a nativity or “birth” play, showin how Jesus was born in a stable.
n the twenty-fourth of Deeber, all hildren are very exited. Usually they are sent to bed early so that their parents an et the presents ready. The youner hildren think that Father hristas will oe down the hiney or fireplae, so they han up a sok for hi to put presents in. The reedy ones even han up a pillow-ase or a sak to try to et ore presents. Later that niht, father or other will put presents in the sok, and leave others at the side of the bed.
n hristas ornin, the hildren wake up very early. Soe even turn on the liht at two o‘lok, and ost of the are awake by six o’lok, and the youn ones play while the dinner is prepared. At about one o‘lok in the afternoon, the hristas dinner is brouht in. The turkey or hiken is quikly eaten. hildren searh in their hristas puddin for new oins whih are hidden in it. The rest of the day is full of aes and eatin until the happiest of all hristas hollidays oes to an end.